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So I would really love some help ..... #MentalHealth #CheckInWithMe #Selfcare #Depression #Anxiety #SkinCancer

So right now I am on strict bed/chair rest if I push it out a bit and can sit out on my swing if it's a dry day.I am looking for little ideas diy things I can do in the garden myself bigger things to paint ,fix or even use as something ,and also need some ideas to do some Easter type activities with the kiddies while off school to help me do things in the little parts of garden I'm making for them to make or help paint or do things in those area.

Any ideas or suggestions would be great as I can't do my normal usually exercising on bike ,or walking or any of that rightnow .

Would love any ideas or even photos of things you've done or seen that I can get get some inspiration from.im such an artsy person and love getting things and totally upcycling them and making them our own .so would appreciate anything #mighties

#MentalHealth #CheckInWithMe #Insomnia #Upallnight #SkinCancer #Depression #Selfcare #Positivity #diyideas ##creativity #creative #longcovid #loveyourself #Bekind #COVID19 #longcovid #Tattoos #Crafting #upcycling #Newhome #positive #Positivity #wellness #ArtTherapy

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Everything can change in a moment.... #COVID19 #anxiety #depression #longcovid #skincancer #checkinwithme #MentalHealth #endometriosis

The effects & symptoms of Long Covid which I have most days justnow....

Blood clot in lungs
Sever damage to nerve roots
Loss of taste & smell
Body aches
Struggle with breathing
Memory loss
Brain fog
Struggle speaking at times(slur)
Anxiety attacks
Severe depression
Mentally drained

Everything can change in a moment .... ##COVID19 #longcov...

#COVID19 #anxiety #depression #longcovid #skincancer #checkinwithme #loveyourself #endometriosis #mighties #support #MentalHealth

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Everything can change in a moment .... ##COVID19 #longcovid #Anxiety #Depression #Insomnia #IfYouFeelHopeless #MentalHealth

My summer was just starting and there was so much too look forward too then .....
at end of June I was hospitalised due to having Covid Pneumonitis , I was in for three weeks .I was on the ventilator and was very nearly put on an induced coma as it was getting so severe.I was on fluid and steroid drips , I was on a catheter , I didn't see my children for over a month .
I thought that was the worst time of my life (which it was) although after I got released things continued , my symptoms carried on ,some days are even worse .I am on a large amount of medication which may be long term, I am in constant pain , everyday is an absolute struggle.Now I have been diagnosed with LONG COVID .Its caused sever breathing issues, I have a blood clot in my lungs and now it's causing damage to my nerve roots in my spine so I am on crutches also.
I was very fit and healthy before this even with all my other issues.Now I am a completely different person .My health is the worst its ever been .I have the symptoms every day that I had when I first was hospitalised. I am constantly in and out of hospital now ,my full life has been effected and changed.

I am an absolute shell of the person I was.
Not only physically has this drained me but mentally and emotionally also.

The doctors don't know what to do and are still learning about this which makes it even more frustrating .

I am very lucky and blessed to still be here and I know this as so many others haven't been so lucky , however i am finding it more difficult each day to see that as such a positive.

#COVID19 #Anxiety #Depression #longcovid #SkinCancer #CheckInWithMe #loveyourself #Endometriosis #mighties #Support #MentalHealth

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Another day ... #Anxiety #Depression #COVID19 #CheckInWithMe #mighties

So it's another day and another struggle , I am now on crutches as the long covid has caused issues there.I have severe nerve root damage in my spine along with the blood clot in my lungs and the other symptoms still are constant. I am feeling very frustrated and drained.

Would love to speak with anyone who has or knows someone with long covid ad feeling very alone and stuck right now ....

#Anxiety #Depression #COVID19 #CheckInWithMe #alone #AloneTogether #Selfacceptance #Selfcare

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YOU MATTER ♡ #Anxiety #Depression #Selfcare #Selflove #youmatter #COVID19

Its soo important to take some time to yourself to just have some calm and reflection moments.

It's ironic as recently between hospital and isolation I have been alone alot but not really been able to have those proper moments where I can really just take some time out and try and refresh and feel OK not even good or great just OK is something I am happy to accept recently.

How are you all ?? What do you like to do when you need a few moments for yourself???

#Anxiety #Depression #Selfcare #alone #COVID19 #stressed #youmatter #loveyourself #CheckInWithMe #mighties

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So very true ...... #Anxiety #Depression #alone #stressed #MentalHealth #mighties

This really has took me a little while longer to realise recently!I got into a habit of saying surely nothing else can happen ??? Or nothing else can go wrong ???? Over the past few months and I have been completely proved wrong !!

I am still struggling , I am trying to take each day as it comes and just deal with one thing at a time.
I am so fed up of feeling like all I do is complain and I am really trying to just not be too hard on myself .

BUT I am really finding it tough this time and not sure I can physically or mentally take any more :( !!!!

#MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #COVID19 #stressed #Bekind #GeneralParenting #youmatter #Selfcare #loveyourself

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Happy Valentines Day!

I hope all you Mighties have a Happy Valentines Day! Much love to you all!

#ValentinesDay #mighties #Love

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What’s with the constant DMs from strangers?

Today, for the first time, I have started to be bombarded with Direct Message requests for random men that I don’t know. One? Maybe coincidence or a mistake? But 4 DMs in less than two hours? That’s a bit suspicious if you ask me. I don’t open messages from people that I have never heard of before but I wouldn’t want any ‘genuine’ Mighties to be caught out by potential scammers. Especially when The Mighty community is supposed to be a safe place, where we Mighties can support each other and get support from one another without having to worry about people harassing us with inappropriate DMs. Stay safe Mighties, and be careful with random DM requests.
#onlinesafety #stopscammers #mighties #CheckInWithMe #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #ChronicIllness

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#hi #Hello #goodevening #hardday #inneed #Injury #injured #needhelp #HomeCare

Hi there, friends🙋 #mighties #mightywarriors ....my knee went out last Friday (a week ago) & my Homecare Company has abandoned me. I usually have a Helper assist me food with shopping, carrying groceries, running errands, etc. ....last Friday,with my Helper, I bought too much ,I guess. My knee went out carrying too much weighty groceries up my 3 flights of stairs. & I haven't had anyone to get me where I can purchase a cane & knee brace. I am afraid to leave the apartment more than ever, now. And refuse to without assistance. Until I get a cane & knee brace.