So Hemiplegic Migraine is Just a Headache?
What do all these symptoms have in common?
Muscle weakness on one side of your body.
Vision changes (blind spots, flashing lights, zig-zag patterns, double vision).
Numbness or tingling sensations in your face, arms and legs.
Difficulty with speech.
These are the symptoms of hemiplegic migraine that I have been dealing with for over 20 years and in particular, in the last two weeks...
Hemiplegic migraines can affect your muscles, speech and vision in ways other types of migraines don’t. The symptoms can last for a few hours to days and rarely can last up to four weeks. The symptoms resolve completely in a majority of the cases.
You’ll know you’re having a hemiplegic migraine after you lift both arms over your head. One of your arms will likely feel heavy and be more difficult to raise and keep upright than the other. You will probably lose all motor control in your body (for me it's from head to toe on my left side), you'll be unable to speak, or slur your words, feel disorientated and confused and want to sleep for days... has more information on Hemiplegic Migraine and the other subtypes of Migraine and next time you hear someone say they have a migraine, remember...IT'S NOT JUST A HEADACHE!!
It is a day to day reality for people in the world...just like me!