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Every Day, Lately

Yesterday, I shared how my mornings go. Today I will elaborate on why "Every Morning" is so very exhausting.

I've been in the mental hospital more times than I would like to admit. However before that, I went to college majoring in biology and neuroscience. I wanted to understand my chronic issues and "fix me".

Unfortunately, I did not find for what I was looking. Going through several different specialists, I found some diagnosis (treatment resistant depression, generalized anxiety disorder, a circadian rhythm disorder, sleep apnea mixed in with a bit of obsessive compulsive disorder and perfectionism).

I never found a medication or medication combination that revolutionized my life. I found many coping mechanisms that helped like medication, a proper diet, journaling, blue light therapy, talk therapy, yoga, dance, deep breathing techniques, transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy (TMS), acupuncture, Chinese herbs, teas and lately, homeopathy.

However, as I alluded to earlier life happens and you are left flat broke (literally), unable to pay for most of these services. For example, due to my mental health, I had to leave graduate school and move in with my parents. My business failed, and at this point no one will hire me. My ex-husband left because he couldn't support us (along with a mental breakdown of his own). So, I am left alone, depressed, anxious, unemployed, living with my parents, picking up the pieces fighting the strong urge to just give up. Did I mention I my mornings are actually afternoons? (More on that later.)

Yes, this is officially a "Cry Me a River" post. However, that's why I joined this platform. I officially have no one to really talk to or in my case 'vent'. However, I think that is why we are all here. Am I right? Let's get all of our problems out in the open and support each other?

Well, I definitely hope that is the case because most 'normal people' look at me, when they hear my story and say, "I am praying for you". They also say, "I am sending you good vibes".

That's all very nice and appreciated but I am sincerely looking for the support and strength to keep going. I want to keep finding the good things in life, the joy, the wonder, the excitement, anything that makes my life worth living. I don't want to give into the perpetual desire to clock out of the human race. (Not that there is any guarantee things will be better on the other side, just saying.)

As Angelica Hudson says to Drew Barrymore in "Ever After" (It's a really sweet movie by the way.) "No matter how bad things may get, they can always get worse."

It's up to me to make it better and that's a hard concept to swallow. It's just me against this crazy spinning rock. :/

#Support #Depression #Anxiety #ChronicIllness #Community #Support #venting #circadianrhythmdisorder #Journaling #TMS #Acupuncture #chineseherbs #homeopathy #financiallystruggling #unemployed #Divorce #Burnout #Loneliness #Hope #strength #NeverGiveUp #onwardandupward #togetherwecan

Most common user reactionsMost common user reactionsMost common user reactions 28 reactions 6 comments

Homeopathic Helping?

is there anyone who is using homeopathy while on orescriynefication for fibromyalgia, lupus? I’m very interested in exploring homeopathy but I’m actually scared of putting something else into my body that seems to react to EVERYTHING!
#homeopathy #Fibromyalgia


Does anyone with lupus have any information on potential benefits of medical marijuana? #Lupus #PainManagement #homeopathy

It seems like there are a few things out there that have endless health applications. Apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, etc. I’m curious of any actual benefits for my lupus beyond the pain management. Although that alone would be enough for me. I come from a long line of addictive personalities and most pain management drugs scare the bejesus out of me. But I’m also dealing with abnormalities with my kidneys and liver and the heavy, daily doses of alternating NSAIDs (+prednisone and hydroxychloroquine) which by the way don’t seem to work, can’t be helping.


How Does homeopathy help in Autism #Autism #ASD #homeopathy

I heard from many online websites that homeopathy can help in the treatment of Autism. But many peoples say that it is just a placebo

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