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Wishing I had a decent doctor

Today, I'm having a hard time dealing with and coping with my physical pain. Sometimes makes me feel depressed. I wish that I could have just one day to see what it's like to not be on the pain scale at all. I also wish I had a decent doctor that would actually be able to help more with my pain, and I live in a rural area so opioids are even more frowned upon here than they are already. Opioids aren't always the answer to pain and I very much understand that, but pain management IS HEALTHCARE, and sometimes those meds are needed for severe flare ups. I do everything else, chiropractor, neurologist, massages, therapy, distractions, even see a pain management doctor. But every doctor I've been to out here just gives me gabapentin and muscle relaxers at high dosages, and this includes the two emergency rooms that are out here in the rural area. I understand that stronger meds can potentially be dangerous if abused, but what I don't understand is the stigma around it. Some people actually need it and patients are suffering in pain because of the lack of pain management and stigma. You may not agree, but this isn't about wanting opioids, this is about wanting pain relief. Thanks for reading. #MS #Fibromyalgia #PainManagement #ChronicPain

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Which season impacts your RA the most?

If you’ve noticed that your RA symptoms are impacted by the seasons (we hear you!), which season causes the most ruckus for you? How do you cope with the fluctuations? Respond with the emoji that best matches your lived experience below.

❄️ Winter
🌷 Spring
🌞 Summer
🍂 Fall

#RheumatoidArthritis #Pain #PainManagement #ChronicIllness #CheckInWithMe #ChronicPain #Disability #Fibromyalgia #MentalHealth

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Hello 2024

It is hard to believe that another year is here. I have suffered with CFS/ME since 1984. I coped with Chronic Pain with no medication until 2016. My doctor referred me to Pain Management at that time. I also have a severe case of spinal stenosis. Anywho... I am starting this again! I have been stopping for the roses for a couple of years since I retired. I was an elementary school teacher in a wonderful school district. Now I spend my free time working with planners and journals. I am a voracious reader. In 2023 I read 275 books. So I wish all of you a great day! It is FRIDAY!!#52SmallThings #ChronicIllness

#CFS #PainManagement #SpinalStenosis #educator #biblejournaling


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What do you find most challenging about understanding RA lab tests and results?

There are many lab tests your doctor can perform to diagnose and track the progression of your rheumatoid arthritis, including blood tests and imaging tests like X-rays or ultrasounds. But sometimes it can be challenging (or feel impossible!) to understand your lab test results even when your doctor walks through them with you, leaving you feeling confused or frustrated.

What do you find most challenging? Share your experiences or tips with us in the comments below. ⬇️

#RheumatoidArthritis #ChronicPain #Pain #PainManagement #ChronicIllness #CheckInWithMe #Disability #Fibromyalgia #MentalHealth

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What triggers your rheumatoid arthritis? How do you manage them?

What triggers flare-ups and symptoms is different for each person, but research has shown that there are a few triggers to watch out for, such as stress, lack of sleep, and certain foods.

Maybe your is triggered by stress at work or perhaps you’ve noticed your symptoms get worse when your sleep schedule changes. If you’ve identified some of your triggers, how have you managed them?

Share your experiences with us in the comments below. ⬇️

#RheumatoidArthritis #PainManagement #ChronicIllness #CheckInWithMe #ChronicPain #Disability #Fibromyalgia #MentalHealth

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Sound & Vibrational Healing for Chronic Pain??

Hello! So, I was curious if anyone out there has tried or knows anything about sound or vibration healing?? Specifically for chronic pain? I swear I have tried everything under the sun and recently heard about this. If you wouldn’t mind, could you please share your experience or what you found out that helps for you? I would be super grateful!! #ChronicPain #Fibromyalgia #Healing #PainManagement

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Diagnosis finally!

I've been diagnosed with hypermobility spectrum disorder very recently. I'm currently trying to process everything and work out what help I need to go back to the rheumatology team in January. I've had symptoms since I was a child but I've been really struggling with pain in my hands and feet particularly in the morning. I've had this for over a year now and been going back and forth with doctors until I finally got to see a GP who referred me for every blood test she could think of and referred me to rheumatology and cardiology to cover all the bases. I'd be interested if anyone has tips on exercises or pain management. I'd love to get fit again but the pain next day just makes it unbearable. #hypermobilityspectrumdisorder #JointHypermobilitySyndrome #Hypermobility #PainManagement #Pain #Exercise

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Contrary to what the mainstream media and "anti-opioid" lobbyists would have you believe, legally prescribed opioid painkillers DO actually work for chronic pain. Opioids have been used for thousands of years to provide relief from pain, so why is there a mis-perception or inference in recent times they should only be used for acute pain?

In America the CDC Opioid Prescribing Guidelines state there is "insufficient evidence to determine long-term benefits of opioid therapy for chronic pain" [SEE LINK BELOW], and in Australia we are told there is a "lack of evidence for opioids in the management of chronic non-cancer pain" [i.e. based on the International Assoc. for the Study of Pain Policy Document February 2018].

Many anti-opioid activists claim there is “no evidence” or "insufficient evidence" opioids work long-term, yet there are NO high quality, placebo controlled studies routinely conducted for longer than 3 months. Therefore, to say there is no evidence is "a misleading statement, because non-opioid pain medications and alternative treatments are not studied for long periods either."

IF there are no reputable or "good studies" that go beyond 3 months [i.e. due to funding and other regulatory and scientific restrictions], surely the absence of evidence is NOT evidence of absence? There is a silent majority of responsible chronic pain patients, using their opioid pain killers safely and successfully for many years, yet their voice is not being heard.

#research #CDC #IASP #OpioidCrisis #PainManagement #Opioids #Painrelief #prescriptionopioids #Dontpunishpain #ChronicPain #PainManagement #OpioidEpidemic #OpioidCrisis #opioidtapering #forcetapering #Dependence #Addiction #opioidprescribingguidelines #OpioidHysteria #fearofopioids #opioidrestrictions #chronicpainpatients #deprescribingopioids #abandonment #untreatedpain #OpioidUseDisorder #SubstanceAbuse #PainKillers #StopTheStigma #Holisticcare #qualityoflife #noonesizefitsall

Study Finds Opioid Medication Effective for Chronic Pain — P...

Study Finds Opioid Medication Effective for Chronic Pain — Pain News Network

By Pat Anson, Editor Opioids have been used for thousands of years to provide relief from pain. But are they an effective treatment? Are they worth the risk of addiction? And do they improve quality of life? Millions of chronic pain patients who use prescription opioids so that they can work,
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What was the defining moment or incident that made you seek treatment for RA?

Living with a health condition can be frustrating and unpredictable, even on the "good" days. When the "bad" days become more frequent or even unbearable and you struggle to get out of bed, are forced to cancel plans, or miss work — you might decide that you need a little extra support through treatment.

What made you seek treatment for your RA, either for the first time or after a length of time without any intervention? Share your defining moment in the comments below.

#RheumatoidArthritis #Pain #PainManagement #ChronicIllness #CheckInWithMe #ChronicPain #Disability #Fibromyalgia #MentalHealth

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True or False: I feel like my rheumatologist makes time for me.

Mighty fam, we’ve heard from so many of you about the relationship you have with your doctor and how important it is. For some of you, your rheumatologist is the only one who provides space for you to just "be." For others, finding time to communicate with your doctor is a frustrating experience.

Have you ever felt rushed by your doctor during an appointment? Share whether the above statement feels true or false to you in the comments below. (And if you feel up to it, tell us why!)

#RheumatoidArthritis #Pain #PainManagement #ChronicIllness #CheckInWithMe #ChronicPain #Disability #Fibromyalgia #MentalHealth

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