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Hi, my name is Linda. I'm here because I have been in the process of getting several diagnosis, and awaiting others to get started, and searching for clues about symptoms I'm experiencing with no answers. My feelings can be best described as being on an deserted island with no compass, no resources to help me survive, wondering if I will ever find my way back home.#MightyTogether #RheumatoidArthritis #Lupus #myopathyoverlapsyndrome #Osteoarthritis #SupraventricularTachycardia #Dyslexia #SleepApnea #Asthma #heartmurmur #Hyperacusis #Tinnitus #Costochondritis #ChronicPain #GERD #Chronicbronchitis #IBS #OpticNeuritis #anemic

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As the walking wounded, our lives often go into reboot mode...when the opportunity comes to select our paving stones. 🧠

When we're hurting so badly that it becomes too overwhelming to think beyond the most simple of tasks, we become the walking wounded. I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason. I believe that God guides us. As our brains go on autopilot, I believe it is at that point when even our subconscious steps in to help guide which path we will take. The path to healing and transformation, or the path to continued stumbling and struggle.

Both bring with them different forms of struggle and unfortunately, different results. My hope for you is that by being here #MightyTogether you already recognize, or want to recognize your worth. Healing from of any sort is is hard work, and quick fix thoughtless comments from insensitive people certainly don't help.

Anyone who has faced a serious illness be it mental or physical, knows that it takes the strength of a Triathlete to fight back and reach your New Normal. I speak from experience. We all have a story of survival and can help lend a hand up for someone else struggling, possibly when we don't even realize. Just by you being brave enough to share your experience(s), could be exactly what someone in your path has needed to hear.

Be Well 💜 Be Brave 🧠 Survive To Thrive 💜

#intimatepartnerviolence #Trauma #Anxiety #MentalHealth #Depression #ADHD #Hyperacusis #Tinnitus

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Reframe Your Perspective

I found this year's ago and it has helped often. Please consider sharing it with others. I know it's exhausting to keep going sometimes. Please don't become so bitter that you give up on yourself. Your survival story can have a life changing impact for another individual.
💜🧠 Survive To Thrive 🕊🙂

#VestibularMigraines #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder
#ExaggeratedStartleResponse #intimatepartnerviolence #Anxiety #Depression #MentalHealth #ADHD #Hyperacusis #Tinnitus

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Complex Trauma? Interested in #MightyTogether Community's thoughts. I have a feeling that this relates to my CPTSD

🚨Possible Trigger Warning

Before things reached the disaster peak and I finally escaped from/later divorced the insane fiend I was married to who later tried to murder me, occasionally we would encounter a former acquaintance or even neighbor we had briefly. The problem is that when we'd actively known these individuals, our home-life was in a ⚠️ high alert status.

One began as a fine acquaintance with a neighbor, but later soured due to the actions by my spouse at the time. A few years later, we were running errands (grocery shopping, etc) and ran into these former acquaintances. They had to be pointed out to me. I didn’t remember their faces at all. It was very creepy. Any wisdom you'd care to lend would be greatly appreciated.

#ExaggeratedStartleResponse #intimatepartnerviolence #Anxiety #Depression #ADHD #Hyperacusis #Tinnitus

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