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What are your biggest concerns about your child's school options and IEP concerns as we begin to get closer to the Fall? #


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IEP vs 504 an experienced teen's perspective #MentalHealth

Hi everybody , I've had learning plans all of my life whether its an IEP or 504 , and they are very benefical. But let me explain the difference a 504 is more based on accomidations such as allowing to sit in front of class for better learning , or breaks outside the classroom etc. I had a 504 and it didn't give me as many benefits as IEP. An IEP is a plan for your kid it goes through preschool I think and College if you stil apply for it . An IEP is a plan for your kid in a time period they need to meet , my goals are like meet new healthy supportive friends , and do well in math . An IEP or 504 can be given to any kid but they have to do a lot of testing such as health, physoloical , accedmic , and social . A kid that does get the iEP or 504 will have meetings with the child's teachers , and counsolers . For me in high school its a bit different my teachers cant come to the meeting since they are teaching so they write reports about me and tell it at the meeting . Sometimes I get to attend to go to the meetings , and talk . I suggest you and your partenr go if thats possible . Any kid can get it but its hard , and parents have to fill papers in such . If your child has specail needs ,down syndrome , Autism , or for my case serve mental health then a 504 or IEP would be very benefical #iep #504plan #specialneedslearning #SpecialNeeds

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new routines

I’m working from home and my kids have no school because of #COVID19. We are trying to find some new routines. No school also means no therapies for my daughter, who struggles without structure to her days. Today we had 15 minutes of fun on the trampoline between my work calls. Good for both of us. We’ll keep this in the mix. What have you added to your routine? #Autism #Anxiety #Parenting #RareDisease #MentalHealth #Dup15qSyndrome #ChronicIllness #Therapy #iep


What do you want the education system to know?

I’m a mental health therapist, and I have a disability. I work in the education system, and am working to bring attention to ableism within that system. I’m giving a presentation next week. Is there anything you would like teachers, professors, and/or others who work in academia to know? #Disability #MentalHealth #Ableism #School #iep #DisabilityTalk #College #HighSchool #ElementarySchool #graduateschool


What does inclusion currently look like for your child? #iep

My daughter with Down syndrome is about to finish grade school and she has primarily been in the general education classroom. We are now moving on to middle school and we are looking at what her day should look like. We are considering more time spent in the special education classroom. What has your experience been?  #DownSyndrome #Parenting #Anxiety #Autism


Does IDEA (IEP) cover ADD?

My brother has ADD (not ADHD, the two are legally considered two different things) and epilepsy, and he’s in 2nd grade and is testing at a kindergarten/early 1st grade level. My mom has been trying to get him on the IEP plan (he’s currently on the 504, but it isn’t enough) for the past 2 years, but he ‘doesn’t meet the criteria’ (by like 5 points). The only disability he’s listed under is epilepsy, but it might help to add ADD. I researched a little bit and the criteria lists ADHD for an IEP, but talks about /ADD in some of the extra descriptions. So does IEP cover ADD or not? #ADD #ADHD #iep #Section504 #SpecialEducators #SpecialEducation


Moving to Nevada, USA from Canada. My child has ADHD... #iep

& I don't know what his/our rights are, what we should expect, or how to help make it the most positive transition/experience for him/us? Any advice/experiences to share?

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We have our first IEP tomorrow for our son.. any advice on what we should ask on our first meeting? I’m so nervous.

#Autism #iep


You are not alone

As you get in the swing of school with your kids, as you fight schools, as you make sure IEPs are being followed --- you are not alone. We are here, and we get it. We are going through the same challenges you are going through. We got this, and together, we can encourage one another.
#Parenting #SpecialNeeds #iep


Do you ever have to fight school on behalf of your child?

I have two kids with IEPs. We tend to get along pretty well with school and teachers, but the older my kids get, the more I feel I have to fight for inclusion and especially for my youngest daughter, who has Down syndrome, to be considered as an equal to her peers, with an ability to learn and grow. What's your experience?

#Parenting #DownSyndrome #SpecialNeeds #iep