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A poem called The Mask Of Pain by Mica Warsop

Feeling weary & very weak,
I smile so I don't look so bleak.

No one knows the amount
of pain I feel,
I know if they did,
they themselves couldn't deal.

I stay strong & try not to cry,
all the while asking God why.
why was I designed to have a painful,
disabled life?
God replies
"Because you were designed
with awareness in mind...
You're spirit can handle it,
you're strong & you're kind.
Don't hide your pain,
talk about it with pride"

By Mica Warsop
#ChronicPain #Disability #mobility #InvisibleIllness #Undiagnosed #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #RareDisorder #raregenetics #invisiblesymptoms #Ableism #misundersoodillness #InvisibleDisability #lifelongconditions #Dontlooksick

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The Way Of Survival By Mica Warsop.

This is a poem I created due to my own history. I was born with illness into a dysfunctional family... There's a lot of emotional truama & painful memories as well as physical health issues & limitations. My mother passed from stage 4 brain cancer & survived 15 months not being able to speak & she was a deep, loud speaker, this is also for her spirit & all of us who are spiritually surviving with the pure strength of having your experience in your own life, ❤️

I have to keep the faith in myself to be able to have the desire to survive my world. I hope & prey this helps anyone like it is has helped myself. I know we all have our individual struggles.. no one knows each others but we are here as a collective to support, learn, try to relate & admit we haven't been through it but can still encourage, care & support... in my opinion, anyway😅 ❤️ if you find this harmful in anyway please leave a comment & I will remove it. That is not my intention. ❤️
#ChronicPain #emotionalillness #SurvivingWhileSuffering #MentalHealth #InvisibleDisability #InvisibleIllness #physicalillness #Depression #Anxiety #mentaldisorders #ChronicIllness #Undiagnosed autoimmune disease #AutoimmuneDisease #AllIllhealth #chronicdisease #TerminalCancer #allillnesses #Cancer #lifelongconditions #CPTSD #PTSD #WishICouldListThemAll


A poem called The Mighty Strong By Mica Warsop

You are strong,
for feeling it all,
You are strong,
for not wanting to fall.
You are strong,
for mentally, emotionally or physically
supporting yourself.
You are strong,
for your management of your own health.

You may be finding it hard to belong,
maybe even in your own body.
But you are made to be the mighty!
Remember you are strong.

#ChronicPain #Fibromyaliga #Depression #MentalHealth #DiabetesType1 #ChronicIllnessEDS #Anxiety #RareDisorder #RareDisease #mentalillnessistiring #Disability #InvisibleDisability #InvisibleIllness #ChronicIllness #lifelongconditions #emotionalillness #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #GIDiseases #how to list multiple diseases and syndromes #AllIllhealth #SurvivingWhileSuffering