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Dear Society, queerplatonic relationships are not “just friends” | TW some all cap text, misconception

Firstly, what is a queerplatonic relationship, you may ask?

It is defined as a relationship that bends the norms of what is considered romantic and platonic in today’s society. They can look different depending on the individuals partaking in them, but they often (though not always) involve some sort of high level of commitment. They are often partaken by individuals who identify as aromantic (having a lack of romantic attraction) and those on that spectrum, but they are not exclusive towards them.

I’m in 7 queerplatonic relationships (with everyone’s consent). I am polyamorous. We are NOT friends, but we are NOT romantic, either. We are MORE than friends, but still not romantic. Call us queerplatonic (QP) partners, or just partners, NOT friends or romantic partners.

It always freaking sucks whenever someone calls us “friends” even though we are much more than that… /neg

#queerplatonic #Relationships #LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #Polyamory #sad #Misconception #Partners #multiplepartners #notromantic #notfriends #QueerplatonicRelationships #asexual #Society #aromantic #aroace #polyamorous

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Who of you has felt the sting of stigma? If so, and if you feel comfortable, what exact diagnosis was stigmatized?

For me, my Borderline Personality Disorder is highly stigmatized and to read the opinions online about us who have it can be downright painful and triggering. I urge others with this challenge, don't do it. Don't ever look it up unless it's to educate yourself on it. Don't go to any sites that post the opinion of others. Even search results can be disheartening.#Stigma #Misconception #Wrong #triggering #revictimization #StopTheStigma #TheMighty #MightyTogether

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