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#Wrong timing

just wanted to know if anyone of you ever experience in life that timing's not on your side and that everything you do, you'll be blame if it goes wrong.
how do you deal with it plz?

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It's A Great Day for an Episode

I went to Disney World's Hollywood Studios (Florida) when I was little, my Dad participated in the Indiana Stunt show as a volunteer, back when they had them. I remember crying saying I wanted Daddy because I was afraid he was gonna die or go away.

It literally hit me hard today as I went to approach the seating area to watch the show today!

I felt like I was punched in the chest and could not breathe. I had to take medicine and within about 30 to 40 minutes began to feel better. It didn't help I had to try to hide my tears, sobbing and walk with tears in my eyes.

I try so hard to not let this still hurt me, but it does. I think I cannot ignore it, and that it's just going to continue to do what it does. Especially since it's coming close to the date he passed away just one year ago March 7, 2022.

I wish I didn't feel such grief. But.. at the same time, it shows that I loved my Dad.

I realized I have to pay attention to myself more. I started off very irritable. Then it went into a sort of blank state or unawareness, then I became anxious, then saw the stage, thought of my Dad, and then BOOM.

The other day I was hypomanic. I realized I didn't stop talking the whole 45 to 55 minute drive on the way home.

No One said anything to me until later my cousin was like "You had a lot to say today."

I was like oh shit 😡 I talked non-stop. Dude, as I get older, the bipolar disorder is harder to deal with.

I don't want to be a negatively charged person, or emotionally charged. Otherwise the discharge is required and I become emotional and sad.

What is #Wrong with me?


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Who of you has felt the sting of stigma? If so, and if you feel comfortable, what exact diagnosis was stigmatized?

For me, my Borderline Personality Disorder is highly stigmatized and to read the opinions online about us who have it can be downright painful and triggering. I urge others with this challenge, don't do it. Don't ever look it up unless it's to educate yourself on it. Don't go to any sites that post the opinion of others. Even search results can be disheartening.#Stigma #Misconception #Wrong #triggering #revictimization #StopTheStigma #TheMighty #MightyTogether

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Shopping Addiction. When #Shopping is beyond #retailtherapy and Breaks the Bank 👀

This cat in the image gives me the face I make when my husband sees me reaching for something to put in the cart and tells me to put it back. I feel like I am so wrong or about to do something that will #hurt me. When things are #Wrong or #IAmStruggling it doesn't feel like I have #power . I feel #powerless .

#shoppingaddiction is real. My mother has it worse than me right now, whereas I have people telling me "No!" And "Put it Back!" Holding me accountable. It still feels hurtful.

I no longer go to stores just to "Look." I cannot go to a store just to "Look around." Especially an issue if I see something and cannot buy it. We are all experiencing some kind of #financial issues. #Medicine is so dang expensive, and that often causes us to fall into a pit. I do not know what to do, but I have been trying things other than talk #Therapy .

I decided to click online "Add to Cart" or "Add to Wishlist." This is common for websites like Amazon or Bath & Body Works. Especially now that the Christmas season is here.. I see things I want to #Buy for other people, or things I want for the #home or for #Myself . It feels #bad .

Have you experienced #shoppingaddiction ?

If so, what do you do?

I need #Advice .


I'M still feeling very out off about my worker not showing up on Sunday, I never got any call or message about yesterday today. I'm worried if anyone will come this week on Friday and Sunday. I guess all the #NegativeThoughts come to mind. I waited one full hour, and nobody came. Again no Email or phone # ca;ll stating nobody coming today or they are running late. My day with them is like from 12 to 3. So did i wait long enough? Should i have waited longer? I have no problems with another other worker i have. Just this one isn'rt dependable. She was late before and day was shorten. Came early once. She is nice and all but i don't think i want her for my worker anymore. I think i enjoy my time with my other ones better. Is that #Wrong to say or feel? I just want one that wants to do things withs. Staying all day at the group home doing crafts isn't fun. Unless it was a rainy or snowy day. Just how i feel. I still feel like because she is the bossy's daughter she can get away with this and slack off. This is a services for people. Ok just needed to vent. I'M gonna share this with my mental health worker and see what she says. #TheMighty #MightyTogether #Depression #Anxiety #Annoyed

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I am a mess

I feel wrong.
My mother always says I say she is constantly wrong.
I don't.
I don't like my every relationship being compared to her ex husband who nearly beat her to death, tried to kill her, forced her to still birth in a bathroom and bury her daughter in a dumpster when I was 4 years old.
I don't like every time I correct how she is training her dog I am glared at, screamed at, snapped at told to butt out.
Then when the rat is causing fights getting himself nearly killed with dogs 3 times his size, over her food, not his own, HER FOOD, SHE IS EATING, THE DOGS ARE NO WHERE NEAR HIM.
My dogs are blamed, my dogs are getting yelled at, I am getting yelled at for not controlling them.
I have to listen to being shamed, and blamed, and she does it to my kids.
Then when I ask her to stop talking over a show, she assumes I mean stop saying something racial, which I wish she would shut up about race and gay being in everything.
I asked her to stop talking over the show because I could not hear it. I could not listen to her, and focus on the show.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I said anything, I won't say anything, It's My fault, I should stop talking, I will never say anything again ever."
I cannot even get a word in edge wise, then I am yelling and fighting because I cannot say what I even mean.
Then I feel guilty and shamed into abiding the same behavior.

Then there is my husband. That is a whole cluster F*ck of evil.
Broken his arm in December.
I have been to every appointment. Have been begging for treatment and advocating for him and everything.
Then when I need him to be there, he waits in the car.
I have begged for more than 5 years for help losing weight, now I am just doing it on my own.
We have been in so many fights, and I am so worn out I want to just call it quits completely. Mainly because I am doing all the heavy lifting.
He feeds the animals, and cleans and cooks.
I make appointments, budget, pay bills, know all the passwords, know all the schedules, know where the kids go to school, know which kids have which friends, make sure they have the right social events, keep track of medications, set up accounts and that is not just for 5 humans.
5 humans
4 cats
5 rabbits
6 dogs
9 goats
Countless chickens and ducks
Plus schedule feed, slaughter, breed, raise, vaccinate.
And according to all the illnesses going around adjust those schedules.
I am worn out mentally.
A year and a half with no sex.
No I am not Asexual, he is Traumatized.
I am tired.
I need to just be alone.
Like alone alone for a week or three.
Every time I get a chance, my mom, husband, kids, animals, need me right then and now.
I am worn out.
Dead. Tired.
I want nothing but books and wild and my cat and my dog and freedom.
I have planned running away more times than I can count.
I just want it all to stop.
#BipolarDepression #ChronicDepression #alone #worthless #Wrong

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Any #Decision is the #Wrong decision

“Go left! Now turn left” I turn left “WTH ARE YOU STUPID WHY DID YOU TURN LEFT WHEN YOU SHOULDVE TURNED RIGHT?!” I stutter and cry and apologize. I live with this treatment daily. I do and act like the the drawn out description of who I should be? I’m wrong. I’m criticized. I’m torn down. I get exhausted and burned out from all the repression and smiles and pretending I’m fine and I finally lose hold of my “crazy” and I’m still wrong bad no good worthless. How can you heal or even begin to try to heal in an environment like that? And that’s just one behavior I’m dealt by my “loved” ones.

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Any #Decision is the #Wrong decision

“Go left! Now turn left” I turn left “WTH ARE YOU STUPID WHY DID YOU TURN LEFT WHEN YOU SHOULDVE TURNED RIGHT?!” I stutter and cry and apologize. I live with this treatment daily. I do and act like the the drawn out description of who I should be? I’m wrong. I’m criticized. I’m torn down. I get exhausted and burned out from all the repression and smiles and pretending I’m fine and I finally lose hold of my “crazy” and I’m still wrong bad no good worthless. How can you heal or even begin to try to heal in an environment like that? And that’s just one behavior I’m dealt by my “loved” ones.

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Any #Decision is the #Wrong decision

“Go left! Now turn left” I turn left “WTH ARE YOU STUPID WHY DID YOU TURN LEFT WHEN YOU SHOULDVE TURNED RIGHT?!” I stutter and cry and apologize. I live with this treatment daily. I do and act like the the drawn out description of who I should be? I’m wrong. I’m criticized. I’m torn down. I get exhausted and burned out from all the repression and smiles and pretending I’m fine and I finally lose hold of my “crazy” and I’m still wrong bad no good worthless. How can you heal or even begin to try to heal in an environment like that? And that’s just one behavior I’m dealt by my “loved” ones.

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This is Wrong. #Hope #Wrong

Most people see Hope as a good thing. They even think it's like that picture.
It's more like this.
It does nothing but cause me pain and disappointment. It does not lift me up, it does not make me feel better. Hope is horrible and I don't like it, it is not good for me. Hope gives you something to focus on true, but the more you do it and your hopes become dashed, it destroys you and makes you think that maybe next time it will be better. And it isn't... So I expect nothing and if something does actually happen that someone would have gotten their hopes up for, then I'm super surprised and that goes a long way. Just dont ask me to have hope, because it will be a waste of yours and my time.
And don't even get me started of faith!
(P.S. I just don't want to do this anymore.)