Hello my #MightyINsighters what do you think 💭 of this graphic? #RaisingChildren #MentalHealth #SpecialNeeds #Adoption #Wanted #Chosen #Loved #Behavior #Modeling #Imitation #NonverbalBehavior
Hello my #MightyINsighters what do you think 💭 of this graphic? #RaisingChildren #MentalHealth #SpecialNeeds #Adoption #Wanted #Chosen #Loved #Behavior #Modeling #Imitation #NonverbalBehavior
#52SmallThings So my try something new is a little tmi but I’m going to try to finally schedule and go to a #Modeling gig. I’m #plussized aka a #fat babe with #Selfesteem and #selfhatred towards myself and my body. I am always spreading the message of true body acceptance. Every body deserves respect, love, and representation. I’ll just be super #anxious. #BipolarDisorder #Anxiety #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ADD #BingeEatingDisorder #PTSD #AlcoholDependence