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A post of gratitude…

I’m grateful for finding groups and sites such as this one. Grateful to find people that understand what it’s like to be in that constant internal conflict between under and overstimulated. I am an HSP/HSS, amongst other things, and I continually find MySelf trying to steady between Being “not enough” and “too much” for the world around Me, while seeking My perfect balance internally.

I, like most here, have a great many interests, and feelings about those interests. Every last one of them. So many feelings. I’m grateful to find space with others here who also aspire to find their perfect blend of balance. Looking forward to interacting more with everyone.

May all be well.

May all be safe.

May all be free from suffering and harm.

May all be joyFull and at ease.


#highlysensitveperson #Anxiety #AspergersSyndrome #AutismSpectrumDisorder #ADHD #audhd #highsensationseeker #PostTraumaticStressDisorder #TransientIschemicAttack #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Addiction #PanicAttacks #Neurodiversity #Grief #Endometriosis #Arthritis #EmptySellaSyndrome #TraumaticBrainInjury #Trauma

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i’ve been doing a lot of research lately about adhd/autism, and i relate to both about some things but other things i don’t relate at all. i don’t know what to do because i am so desperate for answers to my constant state of people pleasing and burnout because i relate to masking, but i don’t want to label myself and be wrong. does anyone have any suggestions? #Anxiety #audhd

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I just need quiet like the Matilda song

Autistic burnout sucks. I started losing my ability to verbalize 100% coherently on Friday night. I can speak, it's not like a selective mutism. But I've spoken so much in the past week and in a very masked way, that trying to convey complex thoughts verbally seems impossible now.

It's so frustrating when this happens that I involuntary start crying and it's hard to stop.

Visiting family is great. But I may have to be way more deliberate about my boundaries and taking breaks to be completely alone.

#audhd #Autism #ADHD #Burnout

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Advice on "vacation" needed. #audhd #Autism

I have an upcoming trip scheduled to visit my husband's family for a week. His father passed in 2021 so it's only his mom currently at the house.

I am #Autistic and am usually triggered into anxiety when I am in someone else's space for an extended period of time. I feel like I can't fully be myself in this space and the masking causes extreme overload.

In the past, after about 3 or 4 days, I usually end up having a meltdown for a couple of hours. Locking myself in a room alone.

Does anyone have tips or advice for mitigating this?

I cannot completely unmask in front of my MIL, she is an evangelical Christian and I am an atheist with a dark sense of humor. We have an okay relationship, but she will never know me fully.

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Grieving what I missed.

Hello. New here at The Mighty. In my early 40s. Went to a neuropsychologist last year (after lifelong treatment resistant depression) suspecting Autism and came out with both Autism and ADHD.

Currently in a bit of a grief process, thinking about the things I missed out on (4 year college is one) because I thought they were "hard" and not meant for me. Not realizing if I had known then I could have asked for accommodations.

It doesn't help to ruminate on tue "what ifs" but I still need to process.

#audhd #Autism #ADHD #Depression #Anxiety

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ISO journal inspo

hey friends and fae!
just wondering what your favourite journal prompts are? the brain fog is thicc.

#mentalhealth #Journal #journalprompts #Writing #Healing #progress #BPD #audhd #ADHD