Grumpy Catsheep #photoshop #artist #CheckInWithMe
Good Morning Mighty Family
Well this Picture really took me by surprise, such a Grumpy face.
But it's a cat's face. How cool it that. The article was far too long and far too many words to read at this early hour after a few hours sleep.
Pepper wanted up and out for a wee. Sigh. 🐶 he is now back to sleep yelping and running and dreaming in his sleep, that I just had to wake him up. He didn't sound very happy in his dream at all.
Me I'm wide awake and I'd rather be asleep thankyou Pepper.
But anyways the picture is a very cool artist who uses photoshop to make her work.
Love it.
Grumpy looking animals for fun.
Pretty much the way I feel this morning. My body feels the same too. Med withdrawals please hurry up and go away. I want to go back to my normal self . 😥😓😒😔😕🙃😢😟
Even having nightmares and strange dreams again. In complete full body pain.
Hurry up and go away, I'd like to go back to my normal chronicpainwarrior mode now please. I can cope with that.
Love n hugs Tj ❤🧡🤗
#Hope #ChronicPain #Love #MightyPets #RareDisease #Grumpy #Chronicpainwarrior #PsoriaticArthritis #TrigeminalNeuralgia #GlossopharyngealNeuralgia #ClusterHeadaches #SphincterOfOddiDysfunction #withdrawals #Bekind #Kindness #checkonyourneighbours