A lot of times, a BPD episode can make me forgetful and trick me into thinking that nothing is going right in my life and that I’m a failure or that I’m worthless. So I just want to remind myself that TODAY was a very great day. Here are some positive things that happened today:
-Dakota and I had a really good discussion about our views on big topics and
- We talked about our incredible plans for our future together.
- We talked about one day going to Jamaica for our honeymoon and maybe moving to another state.
- Dakota now has a beautiful new car and a new job that he starts tomorrow so we will be able to afford to travel and finish school.
- Today, I was able to wake up early and clean the entire house BY MYSELF!
- We went out and watered our garden. The sunflower is growing beautiful and I got a little sun 🌻
- We got to eat our favorite Chinese food.
- I was motivated for school today.
- Cody and I laughed and smiled with each other all day. We love each other so much 💕
I want to do this every day so that when i can’t remember the good times, I’ll have it here to remind me. ❤️
#CPTSDinrelationships #CPTSD #ADHD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Relationships #Relationshipsborderline #CheerMeOn