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Careless Roommate Is Making My PTSD Act Up

For the last month or so, I've been feeling violently anxious and upset while sinking further and further into a depression. By no means is my roommate the cause of this, however, their carelessness and immature nature is definitely not helping. They have brought over people I don't know to stay the night every night for the past month and a half. These strange, potentially dangerous, unknown, and frankly loud people really make it hard for me to feel comfortable within our apartment. I've tried asking them to limit it to the weekend or to at least text me when someone is coming over, but they refuse to do either. They also keep insane hours, coming home at 3 am some days, keeping me up and anxious when they let random people into the apartment with them. And even just two weeks ago, they admitted to having Covid symptoms, and when I asked them to quarantine and limit their time in the common areas, they lashed out at me, saying I was being 'controlling', despite knowing I had at-risk family members I wanted to visit for the holidays. They didn't even bother to wear a mask around me and didn't get tested at any point. They were still actively going out and to my knowledge are not vaccinated. Thankfully, I am vaccinated and when I got tested it was negative. Another point, however, is that the stench of weed follows them everywhere, and while I have no proof they smoke it in the apartment, I have told them that the smell bothers me and that I would prefer them to not smoke around me or the apartment. They constantly fiddle with the thermostat and ignore everything I say, I just feel like I have no control over my home situation and like I can't say anything without it turning into an altercation of some kind. I feel wildly unsafe and uncomfortable. I've tried to talk to the housing agency we're under to ask them to speak to them, and they have, but there have been no changes to their behavior. They also don't have a job and aren't going to school currently. I've tried to peacefully coexist with them and talk to them about the things they're doing but they don't care and are actively being petty now. Loudly playing tv at 4 in the morning, messing stuff up on my side of the fridge, and outright not cleaning up after themself or their guests. I don't have anyone else I could move in with or stay with, or even just somewhere else to go during the day. They at least have the luxury of having a car to go do what they want to away from the apartment, but I'm stuck in this environment with no way out every day. My only solace is being online, and even then I feel so scared to even be on call with my friends in the apartment. I only get to have irl visits from my friends and partner every few months because they all live 2 or more hours away, it just sucks that I'm so far from my support system and my roommate is the human equivalent of a brick wall. I've tried to be nice and polite, but I'm just so drained. Am I the asshole? #PTSD #Anxiety #roommate


Frustrating Roomates. #House #frustration #roommate

I’m loosing patience with my roomates. I live with a lady, her partner and her brother. (Feels like a family)
They all gather in the lounge and chat and laugh. While I have tried to join but everytime I have, they go quiet and go back to their rooms. Therefore makes me feel like I am not wanted or involved in this house. I live in my room and don’t interact with anyone anymore. I feel so alone, left out and isolated. Just feel hated by everyone. I’m looking for somewhere new to live cause this is not how I want to live anymore. I hate feeling unwanted and hated on. That’s not how you treat people.


Please tell me your thoughts. Really need help.😪💔

My friend and I have been living together in the same apartment for like 3 years. We have separate rooms, but share the same kitchen and bathroom. We have been getting along really well.
But this year, after I came from vaccation, i have been really depressed due to some stuff happened. I have literally been at a really low point in my life. So I haven't been able to talk much or have fun with her as much as before. I was literally suicidal. Some days were better and some days were worse.
After some months, she says to me that she wants us to live in separate apartments. She doesn't want to live with me anymore. She literally texted me this.
So i ask her why. And she says she might get bored of me if she continues living with me. I have literally never been so hurt by a friend. Especially since I'm in such a low point in life.
I am not fun anymore, but would a real friend do this, or say this?
Now we are still living together. But it has been decided that we live separately as soon as our leash is up. But it's really hard for me to even look at her coz ive been so hurt.
She is living fine, going out without me and having fun with friends literally not even inviting me.
I really don't understand. I had been there for her when she broke up with her ex. I had made her sleep in my room coz i didn't want her to cry to bed. I went out with her. Watched movies and stuff. Tried my best.
But when i was suicidal, she never even came into my room to even check up on me.
It's just hard. What do i do about this? Please help. 💔😪 #Friendship #roommate #Depression #sad #help


#roommate decision

I'm looking for a new place to live and currently have two options: a private one bedroom apartment or a shared townhouse (own bedroom) with two other girls. I had a 45 minute visit with the girls on Zoom this afternoon. They've known each other for seven years, but I've never met them before.

I had been looking for a place on my own because I wanted a safe space to finally be able to process and have therapy calls. However, I was getting really discouraged about finding a single place within my price range that wasn't a scam, so I responded to this roommate ad. To be honest, we have a lot in common and I'd be glad to be friends with them regardless of living arrangements.

The thing is, I feel intimidated and uncomfortable. They are both a few years younger than me and seem like they have everything together. They seem super cool and up on all the latest trends. I feel like a country bumpkin lost in the city next to them. I know my impression isn't really accurate, but that's what's going around in my head.

I don't know what to do...

#Anxiety #Depression #CPTSD #Decisions #Selftalk


Reaching out: need advice and support.

Let me just say it: my roommate is toxic. He was toxic before Coronavirus and now I am stuck in an apartment with him for 8 more weeks.
He can’t say anything nice to me. He chases my cat who is an ESA, slams doors and makes me flinch, he’s broken things in the house, he tries to convince me to change my mind on the topic of guns (had a bad experience that influenced my opinion that I won’t get in here), he argued about why I don’t have a pocket knife in my pocket (I don’t need one. Simply stated. And my pockets are too small anyway).

I can’t speak to him without him saying something. I haven’t had a nice conversation with him in months.

I had to tell him not to spray my ESA until he was soaking wet while holding him down on the counter and he went on about how I was taking away his power. He didn’t realize that was animal abuse!

I am getting my feelings hurt every day. I am afraid to leave my cat alone so I take him with me when I go to my boyfriends house. Simply stated, I’m terrified of my roommate. He is leaving at the end of June, but so much can happen between now and then.

Please give me advice and support. I don’t know what to do. As a roommate that shares a lease, I am limited in my options. I feel powerless.

I was also diagnosed with PTSD recently and so I want to create a healthy environment to help.

#Depression #EmotionalAbuse #roommate #Anxiety #PTSD #Fear #help #Support #Advice


1:53 am

I'm angry and disgusted with my roommate. He yelled and swore at me yesterday morning for being a little too loud, and this evening, while I am trying to sleep before an early wakeup and hour long commute to work, he's singing the same melody over and over as loud as can be. While I go to politely ask him if he could keep it at a reasonable level, he blew up on me, and acted like it was my fault i had to go to sleep early and couldn't because of whatever he is doing.
I'm only living here to help him out with things around the house and help with rent, but yet he doesn't realize I've sacrificed so much to help him, and he treats me like this. He's still my friend but theres been a lot of behavior towards me that was questionable. Often it seems like he talks down to me. I am scared and don't know how to confront him about this, but I desperately need it to end. I don't know what to do, because I've always been bad about confronting people about things I don't like them doing, especially when it involves me directly. I am sitting in my bed and not even trying to fall asleep even though I need it. I have to get up in 3 and a half hours, so what's the point? I'm so done with being treated like this. Worst part is I don't think he realizes how crappy he can be towards me. #r #mentalhealth #roommate #angry #nosleep

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