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Valentine's 2025 #SocialStatus

For the first time since 2020, I am single officially single for this greeting card holiday and am I happy about it? Yes but no. I am very thankful. I’m away from my abusive relationship but at the same time I don’t like being alone when it comes to life. #valentine #single

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Valentine advertisements are the worst /vneg | TW exclusionism/amatonormativity, some all caps, almost breaking something

I freaking HATE them, especially if you’re in a non-monogamous non-romantic relationship (but NOT FRIENDS). They are meant to be love-exclusive, heteronormative, and monogamy-exclusive as much as they possibly can and it makes me sick and drives me crazy to the point where I almost broke my computer screen this morning because of seeing another stupid advertisement (no worries, it’s fine)! I hate the alternative title “Single awareness day” because it further proves the belief that Valentines is “oh so romantic” and plus while many single individuals don’t really care, some are making themselves and others feel bad because of the standard belief of “being in a relationship” when they are valid with OR without a partner(s).

Valentine’s Day does NOT have to be a romantic holiday. Plus, not every experiences love, whether that be romantic, platonic, familial, or whatever. Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be for everyone because it isn’t even FOR everyone, so society needs to STOP PUSHING IT DOWN OUR THROATS AND LEAVE US THE FRICK ALONE!

#Anxiety #anger #ValentinesDay #MyAutismIsNotADisorder #SocialAnxiety #valentine #Love #DearSociety #Stress #Polyamory #Vent #StopThis #Exclusionism #amatonormativity #LGBTQ

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×" T.W.I.N ×♡× F.L.A.M.E.'S "× #Poetry #valentine 's

× " Weathering... Brewing Storm's Through... Any Type Of Realtionship... Will Put • " A TRUE TEST OF TIME... AND PATIENCE... " • Will A New Blooming Realtionship... Or A Marriage... Or Anew Discovery... The Trial's And Adventure's Will Never Come To An End... So Take The Purest Time And Space To Be Given... In Any Realtionship... Because One Day It Can All Come Crashing And Burning Into Flame's... So Cherish And Respect The True Love... That Someone Will Have Or Has At Any Given Time... Commutation Is The Most Important Thing In This World... Called Love Note's And Letter's... " × #happy VALENTINE'S DAY!! • Sincerely, ♡×♡SKAOI KVITRAVN♡×♡

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Today, 13 years ago I saw you both take your last breath. A mother's love taken on a day of bullshit given love. Everyday, I rewatch you take your last breaths. I'm healing finally just to muster up my remaining energy to save the one that survived. I need your guidance and protection to save her and keep me strong. I miss you everyday. I feel your presence. I love you with every ounce of my being. Happy Birthday my loves...
#motherslove #valentine 'sday #twins

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#valentine wreath of bows

# I’m starting to do crafts. This is my first wreath. I got the idea from you tube.

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#valentine tree — Now that Christmas is over I am decorating my tree for each holiday. I just want to send out love to all my Mighty friends! ❤️



I just wanted to wish everyone a happy Valentine's day. I hope everyone had a great day. and remember, you are loved 💜


Happy Valentine's to my best Fur Friend

To my dear friend DJ Wiki T,
Thank you for being there when I don't want to see or talk to anyone or when I'm too grumpy to be near people. Thank you for being there so I'm never alone. Thank you for your love and acceptance.
#valentine 's