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Let Me Entertain You / Sh*t Doctors Say

The other half was telling me this morning that he phoned our local doctor’s surgery and they told him “we’ll get back to you on that”, which was a clear indication that not only thay they wouldn’t get back him; but that he’d most surely have to keep phoning and harassing them into doing their job. It got me thinking about all the sh*t doctors say where it’s obvious that they either don’t mean what they’re saying, or you have to read between the lines to understand what they’re really telling you.

Like Robbie Williams sang; Your mind gets burned with the habits you've learned, But we're the generation that's got to be heard, So come on let me entertain you, with some of the sh*t doctors have said to me and please feel free to add some sh*t of your own in the comments 💩

I don’t know = I’m bored now, please stop asking me questions.

Cooing noises (usually male doctors) = I was forced to attend a patient empathy course, I don’t really care about what you’re saying but my workplace says I need to *sound* like I care.

(NHS specific) CBT or GET might help with that = I have no idea what I’m talking about so I’m going to recommend these fallback treatments so you’ll stop asking me questions I can’t actually answer.

Maybe you have some unresolved trauma = I’ve looked at your basic blood tests and even though some things are out of range, there’s nothing I care to follow up on, so I’m going to lie and declare that “everything looks normal”, thereby implying the problem clearly only exists in your head.

The more you think about your illness / pain, the greater it will become = I’m a borderline sociopath, larping at being a doctor who is supposed to provide care when I lack the empathy to actually care.

First do no harm = a recommendation at best that applies to other doctors, but not me because I’m special and think very highly of myself due to societal veneration of my profession.

(ER / A&E) You might have to wait a few hours = you should have brought a sleeping bag and at least two meals with you.

States something obvious like you should keep your feet warm in winter = all patients are idiots and I am all knowing, highly paid, and get off on abusing my authoritay.

Use of the term “people like you” = I’m dehumanising you so that I can label and judge the f*ck out of you… because I can.

“It might be that” in response to your suggestion = I really don’t think it’s that, I’m just being polite and pretending to entertain you even though I don’t GAF what you think.

You’re very young to be using a wheelchair / have that condition = I spent almost a decade studying for a medical degree so that one day I could become Captain Obvious ⚡️

#MyCondition #InvisibleIllness #WheelchairUsers #Disability #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #ChronicFatigue #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #DistractMe

Most common user reactionsMost common user reactionsMost common user reactions 71 reactions 24 comments

I miss me

I am having trouble accepting that how I am now is “me” and the old me is a memory. I miss her. I am sad a lot. I get mad at myself. I miss driving. I miss being good at things. How do I embrace this new, and changing for the “worse”, me. My balance, eyesight, digestive system, muscles and hearing are slowly failing. Pain is just life. Sometimes I walk, sometimes I need a wheelchair or walker or cane…I feel like a fake because I’m so different at times. I have some great doctors, and they really are trying but want me to fit into a space they know. I don’t. It’s hard to get anyone to put all the pieces together because I have so many different body parts affected and specialists don’t usually talk to each other, even if they say they do.
I can remember “wishing” my life would just slow down because I was so very busy even though I loved being respected and needed.
Hummmmmm…I got my wish. I don’t make wishes anymore. #ChronicPain #Depression #MuscleDysfunction #balanceissues #WheelchairUsers #Cane

Most common user reactions 14 reactions 30 comments

Navigation system for handicapped #WheelchairUsers #mobility

Do you know this problem too? I try to find the way or plan a tour on a place I don't know. There are plenty of different navigation systems. But... Non of them has an option for wheelchair user. So... If I go for the settings for pedestrian, it doesn't take long and I have to turn around because of obstacles (stair, too steep, door, too narrow....) but if I choose the one for bikes, then it doesn't take long and I end up on a crossroad without a sidepath or even on a street with speedlimit 80. It is so frustrating having to turn around on and on or even getting stuck sometimes (as too steep to turn around) We have a limit of distance by mobility and pain, but still are the ones not getting support by all these big companies for navigation systems. And it isn't just a problem in my country, it is a global one.


US Mighties, quick question please: Is it the norm for people to use words like 'crippled' or 'handicapped'? Cos 'Family Guy' is 😨

Is such language still 'okay' to be on TV? I'm honestly asking, because shows in the UK don't use such language.

I'm watching an episode of 'Family Guy'' and it's horrible! Like...the amount of ableist language and constant discrimination 🤢

#ChronicPain #ChronicFatigue #Wheelchair #WheelchairUsers

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How shitty was your day today?

What if you were asked that instead of how are you?🤔 Well, I've had a shitty day today. Currently transitioning to a full-time life in a power wheelchair. 🤦🏾‍♀️ So far I've managed to crash into the dishwasher, refrigerator and scraped against one of the walls. I haven't even had a drink🤷🏾‍♀️ Please tell me it gets better.
#CheckInWithMe #MightyTogether #WheelchairUsers #Disability #ChronicIllness

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Does anyone have any wheelchair tips for a beginner rider?

Hey Mighties, I could really use your help. Unfortunately my legs gave out on me Saturday night and apparently my wheelchair will be my new normal means of getting around. I knew this day was to come due to #PeripheralNeuropathy but I need some refresher training for using it in the house on a permanent basis. (By the way it’s a PowerChair) Any tips, hacks or accessible ideas?
Please and Thank You 🤗
#MightyTogether #WheelchairUsers #Disability #Accessibility

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Invisible #WheelchairUsers #Disability #Ableism #CheckInWithMe

A Day in the Life of a PWD

Frame 1:
A woman in a wheelchair is traveling down a sidewalk. A couple are walking the other way.

Frame 2:
The woman moves to one side. The male of the couple steps off the sidewalk onto the grass. The female of the couple continues walking and chatting.

Frame 3:
The woman stops her wheelchair to avoid colliding with the female.
FEMALE (surprised): Oops...I didn't see you there!

Frame 4:
Rolling away, the woman thinks angrily: "What am I? Invisible?!"

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You can do anything #Disability #CheckInWithMe #WheelchairUsers

A Day in the Life of a PWD

Frame 1:
A man in a wheelchair is traveling down a sidewalk with his friend.
FRIEND: You know, if you try hard enough, you can do anything you put your mind to!

Frame 2:
MAN: Anything, really?...How about the world record for jumping jacks?
FRIEND: Well, I...

Frame 3:
MAN: ...or an Olympic medal for the 100 metre dash?
FRIEND: What I meant was...

Frame 4:
MAN:...ooo, I know! The Extreme Pogo Stick champion!

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