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I’m scared. Family caregiver daddy diagnosed with myleoplastic syndrome ( precursor to blood cancer) 10/2017 started 4 consecutive days of chemotherapy every 4 weeks. Momma hospitalized 11/2017 died 12/2017. He was given 3 years it’s been 4. I’m tired, lonely, scared,and grieving. It’s so much more piled on to more I’m overwhelmed and can’t find a starting place. I need help with how to start without ranting, saying to much and I don’t know. My brother & his girlfriend moved in with daddy & me uninvited and without permission a year after momma died. They bullied me, took advantage of us financially, emotionally, mentally,and very much verbally. it has also affected us spiritually. Covid affected us socially and they took advantage of that. Finally physically with me. He went to jail. No contact order issued. They are gone but OMG the hoarding!! Now zero help. Gave dad Covid. He was on hospice but didn’t die 6/2021. We are broke. I can’t tell my daddy, he worked so hard. He’s 84 I will be 57 next month. I’ve needed both knees replacement surgery, bonded my son, only child out of jail to help. Humongous mistake. He’s in the wind. I cannot get any physical help with my daddy unless he goes on hospice. I have checked into every single thing no help available. We make too much money. Too much money but not enough to live on and my car broke yesterday. Post narcissistic abuse? Hell yes. ☮️✌️#Caregiving #Cancer #chemo #COVID #NarcissisticAbuse #frombrother #wornout


Need moral support #overworked #depleted #exhausted #achinglegs #wornout

I am a hospital staff person. I work my soul off helping the old, the young, the dead , the dying. The kind people the rotten ingrates. The lovely ones and the grabby handsy ones. No matter who no matter what I give 150% to help. It’s so hard.everything hurts from my soul to my legs I see so much sadness so much tragedy so much pathos. I had a terribly difficult night. I need to get up and start my day. It’s hard . #notjustcovid #COVID #Sadness #tragedy #humanity #Caregiving #HealthCare #respiratorytherapy


#thestruggleizreal #wornout

I've been back to work now for 3 wks and 1 day. And while I feel very blessed to be working again, I'm so worn out by the end of the day. My feet ache, my knees hurt most of the time, I just wonder if I'm gonna make it through the day sometimes