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Happy National ASL Day!

Today is National ASL Day! 🤟🏻🤟🏼🤟🏽🤟🏾🤟🏿

Did you know that the American School for the Deaf opened in Hartford, Connecticut on April 15, 1817?

“There, teachers and students worked together and, by intermingling Native American Signs, French Sign Language, and even Martha’s Vineyard Sign Language, American Sign Language (ASL) was born.”

National ASL Day is celebrated every year on April 15. This day celebrates and honors American Sign Language. ASL serves as the main sign language of Deaf groups in the United States.

Growing up hearing impaired, I learned some sign language from a good friend of mine who is deaf. She and her family and friends taught me many things that I utilized and was greatly helpful. A few years ago, my grandmother lived in a building for deaf and blind seniors, I had the wonderful opportunity of communicating with them through ASL and connecting with them on a personal level due to my own circumstances of being hearing impaired and legally blind. Last year, I took some online/remote classes through the Helen Keller National Center and one of them was for communications, where I expanded my knowledge of sign language and learned more. I even got to learn about haptic signs and tactile sign language which I would greatly benefit from due to my blindness. I am so grateful for all the people I have learned more from and am so excited to teach others about ASL!

This day is a great opportunity to celebrate and learn more about sign language.

Do you or someone you know uses sign language? Ask them to teach you some words and phrases. You never know when it may be useful!

Image Description: A light blue background with National American Sign Language Day April 15 in white font. On the bottom left corner of the image in a large white circle is a cartoon hand doing a sign for I love you.

#ASL #ASLDay #AmericanSignLanguage #NationalASLDay #NationalASLDay2022 #NationalAmericanSignLanguageDay #Inclusion #inclusionmatters #Accessibility #Language #Awareness #Deaf #DeafBlind #HearingLoss #HearingImpaired #Communication #Celebration #AmericanSchoolForTheDeaf #DeafCommunity #Opportunity #Love #people #communications #Students #Student #learning #AccessibilityForAll #AccessibilityMatters #Inclusivity #Inclusive #DeafCommunity #DeafAwareness #SignLanguage

Most common user reactions 1 reaction

How to get help? Can't get an ASL interpreter for a doctor's appointment?! Aren't they required by law to provide one?

I'm Deaf on my right side HoH on my left... I speech read to supplement my hearing... even with a crossover device. Now that everyone is wearing face masks, I'm at a loss... and I was told "we don't do anything like that here" when I asked about getting an interpreter for my next appointment! Aren't they required by law to provide one when a patient requests it? It's hard enough getting my questions answered... but I can't understand the dr even if he will answer. #Deaf #HearingLoss #PTSD #rheumatiodarthritis #retinaldetatchment #MacularDegeneration #Fibro #Migraine #Anxiety #Disabled #ASL


who here knows #ASL ?

I just started some online classes, doing good thus far. do you have any advice for me? #ASL


Deaf and Hard of Hearing community, is it okay to have a hearing person sign a monologue onstage?

One of my classes is putting together a show. One of the character concepts is a Deaf woman. We would research the role thoroughly and address it with respect. Unfortunately, we are unable to cast a Deaf/HoH actor as the casting pool is limited to just my class. I would have my friend (who is an interpreter) help me with the signed dialogue. Is this appropriate? Should I make changes? Should we scrap the idea? Thank you!
#Deafness #Deaf #ASL #Disability #HardOfHearing #DeafCulture#DeafCommunity


Deaf and Hard of Hearing community, is it okay to have a hearing person sign a monologue onstage?

One of my classes is putting together a show. One of the character concepts is a Deaf woman. We would research the role thoroughly and address it with respect. Unfortunately, we are unable to cast a Deaf/HoH actor as the casting pool is limited to just my class. I would have my friend (who is an interpreter) help me with the signed dialogue. Is this appropriate? Should I make changes? Should we scrap the idea? Thank you!
#Deafness #Deaf #ASL #Disability #HardOfHearing #DeafCulture #DeafCommunity


Deaf and Hard of Hearing community, is it okay to have a hearing person sign a monologue onstage?

One of my classes is putting together a show. One of the character concepts is a Deaf woman. We would research the role thoroughly and address it with respect. Unfortunately, we are unable to cast a Deaf/HoH actor as the casting pool is limited to just my class. I would have my friend (who is an interpreter) help me with the signed dialogue. Is this appropriate? Should I make changes? Should we scrap the idea? Thank you!
#Deafness #Deaf #ASL #Disability #HardOfHearing #DeafCulture #DeafCommunity


Is there a Deaf community on this site? I am HOH and becoming Deaf.

I learned ASL in hopes of being able to work as an interpreter but my arthritic hands will not allow me to do so. I was a member of a deaf friends site, but they closed down, I miss belonging to a Deaf community. #ChronicIllness #HearingLoss #RheumatoidArthritis #ASL