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EDIT** Don't miss the Opportunities #MentalHealth #purpose #Depression #Christian #beardformentalhealth #ChronicIllness #Pain #edit

Don't miss the Opportunities #MentalHealth #giveback #Depression #Christian #beardformentalhealth #ChronicIllness #Pain #Grace

When your past catches up to you in the best of ways!

I am so thankful for this day, just today. I will worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. How do you respond today?


'Hey Bearded I heard a story from u when u used 2 use hard drugs what was the pivotal moment that made u want to change and take action. '


“I am not sure. I became frustrated that I was not good at dying so had to become better at living. Maybe *so, maybe God, maybe I can be cowardly deep down and it's harder facing life than death, **I needed to not be cowardly**. I hated the endless cycle of screwing up, the resulting depression/suicide thoughts and attempts, I hate the idea that I was in a hamster wheel, and had to get out, not knowing what that would entail, I did it anyway. It is still very, very hard, but have been a lot happier recently. How you been? Anything I can do to help?”

I am so much further from perfect than I am from my 'past' yet I am proud of myself today. Celebrate the small victories, and give back.

We are **NOT**carried through these storms without purpose, we are destined to use our stories, even our raw ones, as long as they are truthful, they can be used for good, for impact, maybe even to save another persons life.

There is something to be said, lots actually, about receiving a lesson when giving to others.

Enjoy your day, don't miss the opportunities.

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Don't miss the Opportunities #MentalHealth #giveback #Depression #Christian #beardformentalhealth #ChronicIllness #Pain #Grace

When your past catches up to you in the best of ways!

I am so thankful for this day, just today. I will worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. How do you respond today?


'Hey Bearded I heard a story from u when u used 2 use hard drugs what was the pivotal moment that made u want to change and take action. '


“I am not sure. I became frustrated that I was not good at dying so had to become better at living. Maybe my so, maybe God, maybe, I can be cowardly deep down and it's harder facing life than death. I hated the endless cycle of screwing up, the resulting depression/suicide thoughts and attempts, I hate the idea that I was in a hamster wheel, and had to get out, not knowing what that would entail, I did it anyway. It is still very, very hard, but have been a lot happier recently. How you been? Anything I can do to help?”

I am so far further from perfect than I am from my 'past' yet I am proud of myself today. Celebrate the small victories, and give back.

We are carried through these storms without purpose, we are destined to use our stories, even our raw ones, as long as they are truthful, they can be used for good, for impact, maybe even to save another persons life.

There is something to be said, lots actually, about receiving a lesson when giving to others.

Enjoy your day, don't miss the opportunities.

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Running Down The Mountain

Sometimes it feels like we are running so fast we can't catch up to ourselves. Kind of like when you see the video is of a vehicle sliding on the ice and the back of the vehicle spinning around to the front out of control.

There was a time when I was 15 years old I went on holidays with my aunt and uncle into the mountains of British Columbia. we were climbing up a mountain, there is a formation of Spires or pointy rocks that were sticking out and you could go around these but there is a drop off about 6 feet and I decided to jump it. I did not realize what a bad idea this was until I was running down the mountain and I felt like my legs were just touched the mountain and jerked behind me I was going so fast. Eventually I just kind of sat down and started grabbing onto whatever I could and I pulled the tree right out small tree but nonetheless I pulled the tree right out and grabbed onto another small tree and eventually stopped myself and I was so scared I couldn't move. Things were spinning out of control so fast in my mind and my body wouldn't move, it was like I was paralyzed. I went for a moving so fast to not being able to move at all. That was many moons ago. I can still feel that tingly feeling inside of me from that exact same day. It changed my mental health, it changed my view of fear, a fear that never left.

Sometimes when life gets like that we just need to slow down. We need to learn to recognize that life is spinning out of control sometimes and we are maybe running too fast for what we are capable of in this season. Life isn't a race, we are all different, on a different journey, at a different speed. So going forward let's try let's try real hard to slow our pace slower life down to something we can handle, something we can manage, something that doesn't put us in a box where we're more likely to spiral. There is no need to crash land every time things get running out of control every time we struggle every time our mental health waivers which it will. There's no need to hurt ourselves, there's no need to take unnecessary jumps, but don't be afraid to take the necessary jumps or the necessary steps.

Each of us are on our own mental health journey unique interesting beautiful, how cool would it be if we could learn from each other instead of comparing or feeling less than, to be encouraged to lifted up from others stories and victories. To use others journeys as a form of accountability to our own mental health journey back to health. Learn, adapt, be open to change, and you/I will change. Fact.

#MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #Healing #change #beardformentalhealth #gethealthy #stayhealthy #restored #newperson #notalone #Trauma #PTSD #Bettertogether

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It's a new day with the same Anxiety, but that's ok.

Sure, my journey with anxiety has taken me from a person who had no problem speaking in public to someone today who struggles to even go live on camera. I know I am called to share my story, but as I was saying to my psychologist yesterday I have anxiety about healing anxiety in a way. I have anxiety about the steps needed in my mental health journey. Some of that is rooted in trauma, or traumatic experiences, like having a bad visit with the Doc or not doing what I need to do and having fear of getting in trouble from the doc.

Recently I had a pretty major breakthrough. The vision I have for it is water grinding away through the middle of a mountain and finally breaking through the other side into a small life giving spring.

My anxiety is still pretty high, none of my chronic illnesses are any better, I am actually in more pain, but my mind has shifted. I am seeing the fruit of the work, the trials and tribulations over the last couple years as I have painfully dug into my depression and mental health in general. I just never want to be in that dark place again. While I still get depressed I have not been in a major depression and Praise God, have not been suicidal in a long time. The reminders are still there but I don't reamin in the reminders any more, I choose life.

I am not here to say what you should do or don't do, what program or belief to follow, we are all different. I have read and studied so much, I stand by a teaching I received many moons ago 'to take what works for you and leave the rest'. I still tend to learn other stuff and still finish the books and studies, then file the info away, for suture reference if needed, and some is needed off and on, like tools in our toolbox or utensil drawer, each has a purpose. I can say what tools I use and what works for me and if some of that works for you, Awesome, I am thankful it helped.

This year I committed with intention to 'flatten the curve' with my mental health so I am going to, with intentional resolve, see my Doctors regularly and face my anxieties and struggles head on, see what comes out the other side of 2022.

It will take determination for sure, especially on appointment or church days to get out of the house.

#ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #Crohns #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #Fibromyalgia #Arthritis #spinalissues #beardformentalhealth #BeardedIntention #peoplehelpinpeople #wellness #Hope #Grace #Forgiveness #thankyoujesus

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My Recent Mental Health ‘Perfect Storm'

A Mental Health ‘Perfect Storm”

By: Doug Ferguson (Bearded Ministry)

I recently suffered a bit of a setback or in my head, went through a necessary learning experience. Make no mistake, it was no fun!

I had sleepless nights, lack of nutrition, people attacking me, the devil attacking me, my medication was late(missed 2 days), stressed over money, meds, life, knowing I wasn’t thinking clearly, all in the span of a week I went from preaching about God being bigger than circumstances to right in the prison of my own mental circumstance, and crying out in depression, anxiety, past trauma from similar circumstances(or results of them) and not wanting to be in, or go back in, that cave of despair and desperation.

For Harry Potter fans(I am one) I am like a phoenix rising from the ashes of alleged defeat, living to fight again another day. I admit I like my fantasy stories, I am a big fan of Dumbledore, Gandalf, Game of Thrones, Star Wars.

I also have a strong belief that God is bigger than my/yours/our situations or circumstances, that they are often ‘mental prisons’ we get ourselves into, often leading to physical implications (at least for me) and more and more wrong or bad decisions, thoughts, actions. Kind of like a hamster wheel that just spins faster each cycle, gets harder to stand. For that requires leaning fully on my God, for nothing is impossible with Him. (Luke 1:37, 1 Cor 10:13)

My prayers , and often my social media timelines, look a lot like David’s crying out in the book of Psalms. I am one who cries out verbally and publicly, I have no shame or regret in that, maybe not always proud (in hindsight only) of what I post but there is always a purpose. I am not currently ready to consistently reach out by phone, I do not enjoy talking on the phone(except to my Mom and Grandmas). My way of reaching out is often my crying out online, sorry (not sorry). It is a process and I will get better, I promise, to you and to myself if it is God’s will. You will, for now, continue to see me cry out openly, honestly, the good and the bad, the trials and successes, the struggles and victories. My mountains and valleys! I hope for and believe in Victory!

Maybe part of my message is just that, the struggle, the process and the ultimate victory over the mental and physical pain, who knows, all in time!

So, I will slow down, reset, do things the right way, not right away, and continue to learn to trust (and give trust).

#MentalHealth #Depression #Victory #beardformentalhealth #Crohns #ChronicIllness #Anxiety #PTSD