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My “Daily Bread” Has No Denomination #ADHD #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Fear #Jesus

Yesterday was Sunday in my part of the world. I had to run two important errands and the trip took longer than expected. Therefore, I missed attending my typical church service. I asked the Lord if there was another church service I should attend. To my surprise, I realized that I could attend a Catholic Mass at a local parish. But I am a so-called Protestant. Thankfully, I was never raised in a church—as a child—where I had to learn all of the proper religious practices. So, to Mass I went!😁

The Catholic service was great! But the homily, or “sermon” according to us non-Catholics, was the very message I had to hear. The young priest shared how the New Testament story about the “Rich Young Ruler” shows us how that young religious law abiding man missed out on all the things the Lord could have done with his life because he simply did NOT want to give up, or sell, his possessions (Matthew 19:16-22). And the Lord could have used him to touch many lives…if he only surrendered his possessions. Sad.

The priest then encouraged his flock by telling us how obedience to God and Christ might require us to loose EVERYTHING. However, when we do surrender all, the Lord can work through us to fulfill his purposes in our lives. And being used by the Lord surpasses the value associated with the items/possessions we might lose or “sell.” His words addressed an ongoing challenge I have encountered after a 2017 move involved losing my home and pets, to my shock and surprise. I often still ask the Lord, “Why did that happened?”

After the service, the Lord allowed the priest and I to converse. That was so cool! I shared how the Lord used his message to help me understand an experience I had to face. Also, the priest allowed me to share my story of how the Lord “saved” me, which is a word Catholics typically do not use because salvation is ongoing rather than a one time event: i.e., I ‘was’ saved. However, the priest was greatly impacted by this testimony of the Lord’s redemption, especially since this emotionally troubled teen had one goal in life: suicide!

As our conversation came to an end, the priest gingerly asked if he could pray for me when he learned that I have two physical health issues, and one will require an upcoming major surgery. I was pleased he asked to pray for me, and gladly accepted his offer. So he prayed.

When I drove home I said, “Lord, I think you designed this entire morning.” My extended trip allowed me to converse with the priest, tell him how the Lord used his message in my life, and receive his prayer. Thank you LORD!

I am therefore SO GLAD the Lord breaks the traditional politics associated with attending church. He is more interested in showing his ability and desire to relate with us rather than making sure we subject ourselves to denominational differences.

May you have a wonderful week of obedience to Christ! His directions will bless you above and beyond your imagination! #TheMighty #Christian

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Day Off: why #Anxiety ?

Today my schedule is open, like, this is NOT the norm. However, I woke with a drive to GET GOING! So, whilst half asleep, I started the chore of making myself ready to make something happen! But as I briefly sat to fashion myself, I had a thought telling me to take seven deep breaths.

Upon the completion of this slowing down instruction, I returned to my room, sat still, and told the Lord, “I am actually tired, really tired.” #honesty to God and self can move mountains. I therefore returned to bed and started reading and studying a wonderful Bible verse. Once that was complete, I viewed my weather app: 90 degrees heat wave. Mind you, I was heading outdoors to work in an open field.

Did the Lord part a sea for me, this morning? Did the Lord protect his child from the heat today? Did the Lord intervene by stopping me from making myself habitually busy? Did the Lord let me know that this day is reserved for me to enjoy his divinely gifted day off? So I say, #Depression #Anxiety and #Guilt , you can leave, for #busyness can take a backseat—until tomorrow—because this day is reserved for stillness by my Heavenly Father!

Yes, to you, #TheMighty #Christian , we can be #christ like and sleep on a wind-blown and tossed about boat, especially in the midst of the storm(s) called #Life . How? Well, we can take heed to obey Jesus’s words inviting us to “abide in Him” and “follow Me.” And that I will do!

Today’s Agenda:
I am heading to the back of the boat because it is time for me to take a nap!

#rest IS #stregnth !😁
#peace not #PTSD !

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I'm looking for Christian Female friends because I only have like 1 and a sister just needs some more emotional support fr 💯😩the struggle is real🥲…Hi🥹💗 #Friendship #Makingfriends #Christian #Emotionalsupport #bored #ADHD #PTSD #Jesus

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Oh , man

These last months, 🫨 (but June has brought me to my knees). Here I am, with insomnia with another week old migraine and a tired anxious body. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Maybe tomorrow ?

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I’m at Level 14+ 🤪😶‍🌫️

Whew!! 😥 It’s a doozy for my #Fibromyalgia and me. This #fibroflare has been going on for a week. Managed some activity along with crying and a lot of pain and “rest”. 😰
I did some
Restorative #Yoga
Hoping and #praying for better days

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My Story with God #PTSD #Christian #SuicideAttemptSurvivors

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” The first four years of my life I grew up in a home with a father addicted to drugs and alcohol; he would steal the little money my Mom made to fuel his addictions. He eventually became homeless and one night managed to break into our little apartment and physically and emotionally harmed us. So, he went to jail, and my Mom managed to get a divorce from him. My little girl heart broke when I first visited my father in jail. No one told me I was in jail but because of all the Mexican soap operas I had seen, I knew I was visiting a jail. No one ever asked me how I was feeling or acknowledged my pain. Sometime later, my Mother -a single-mother- met a man who moved in with us. I loved and admired him simply for being my "step-father," but as I grew up he began to groom me. I quickly learned that he had deep evil intentions when I noticed he was quick to seek revenge from individuals who "did him wrong." With that information, my eleven year old self decided to remain silent and to undergo all the suffering he put me through in order to protect my beloved family members, near and far. At thirteen, they split for a while and my grades suffered terribly. I went from an A/B student to a D/F student. I truly hated my life and would cry myself to sleep every.single. night. I would talk to God while crying and tell him that although my biological Father had abandoned me and my stepfather had betrayed me at least I had God, my true father. The Lord answers prayers. That same year was my first suicide attempt. I told no one. The only reason why I didn't go through it was because God sent an immense surge of hope through my body as I contemplated the beautiful sun's rays in my uncle's yard. God has never been silent in my life. Fast forward, my Mom and this Man decide to restart their relationship again. Three more years of living with that man until he finally left. "What a relief," I thought, " I can forget about the past and start over." So, I forgot about the dark past and just went through life. I was completely unaware of the unforgiveness, anger, pain, and hate that had brewed inside my heart, especially against men. Whether I was aware of it or not, these wounds dictated my world view and behavior. I had so much anxiety trusting that God truly loved me and had a beautiful plan for my life. In high school, these traumas opened me up to disordered behaviors, which thanks be to God I didn't follow through with those behaviors. My healing began at a Catholic Charismatic retreat in Norwalk, California. Through the weekly formation meetings, I learned the truths of my faith and those truths helped me get through college: "YOUR FATHER IS THE KING AND YOU ARE HIS PRINCESS." The St. John of God Spanish community taught me how to read my bible, lectio divina, the commandments, basically, they formed me and it set my heart on fire. Fast forward again, I am starting my career, frequenting the sacraments, and begin to experience unreasonable anxiety to the point that I don't want to leave home. The Lord has a plan. I spoke to my confessor and he suggested I see catholic therapy services. I was adamant. Why do I need to see a therapist? I AM FINE! (LOL). Well, five years of good therapy and spiritual direction flew by fast. I became more myself, more active in my community, grew my social circle, I found myself! God has a plan. I am still being healed. Not where I was before, but definitely more who God made me to be at this point. Enough of my story for now.

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Work Related

So I work part time at a retail store 🏬 and I’m having trouble. I’m not exactly sure whom I can trust and whom I can’t. My hours recently were reduced from around 25 to 15 and I inquired as to why. It’s a long story but as usual we have a store manager and two assistant managers, well I don’t exactly trust one of the assistant managers. Mostly because I bumped heads with the male assistant manager. I was having a manic episode day. I am diagnosed with
#Bipolar disorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #genralized anxiety disorder #OppositionalDefiantDisorder ,and so I got snippy with him. And I got wrote up all the while another employee literally almost came to blows with a customer,and she didn’t get wrote up at all. But the crazy part is I was told by pretty much all the managers I do a great job. I’m also currently working on getting social security disability. I do have a disability attorney and I’m scheduled for my second hearing involving my case in February. But it is causing me to stay in a state of constant anxiety 😥. I’m already a hypochondriac who fears death ☠️. And in conjunction with my other disorders, this added stress and anxiousness at work definitely isn’t helping matters at all. Which is why I’m pitching and pleading my case with social security to award me a disability check. Sorry just wanted to vent somewhere. And I’m 38 years old and I know that I’m expected to act like a adult and except that life isn’t fair. And that people especially (supervisors) are and can talk to you like a child or a dog and you have to accept it because you have a family and bills to pay. But with my mentality I absolutely despise authority figures to begin with cue you guessed it #OppositionalDefiantDisorder . Because of the aforementioned reasons listed above I don’t like being treated like that so I act out. I’m repeatedly told that it’s a part of life and it won’t change. But look at systemic racism and how things were 65/75 years ago. We have work to do still but a change was made. So my mind can’t process or understand why we can’t prevent authority figures from being hateful and employers from treating people like crap, and using termination and bill paying as a means of control. #Christian And the crazy part is I have no problem surrendering to God the God of the Bible. Jesus Christ I will obey but human authority figures nah I’d rather be equal 🟰 in authority so that they can’t terminate me or control me in a workplace. Meaning if they act ugly towards me I can then go sit down and not work and get paid and can’t be fired,wrote up,or hours get reduced this will aid in teaching them to be polite or respectful. And before anyone mentions it yes I know that that mentality is childish and ungodly as I’ve said I LOVE JESUS CHRIST AND GOD VERY MUCH! I don’t tell others what to believe or anything I respect everyone personal choices I still show genuine love and respect for others opinions and their persons because Jesus didn’t force himself on others and neither will I. But I believe these employers and supervisors need a dose of their own medicine. I’m definitely not trying to be ugly in my behavior it’s just so frustrating to me. Using the fact that people have to work and earn a paycheck to survive as a means of control all the while treat you badly is unfair. 80/90 years ago people of color were abused and we went to segregated schools,bathrooms, ordered food tne rear of the restaurant. We changed that mindset and behavior but modern day society allows employers and it’s managerial staff can’t mistreat us and control us but oh no we can’t fix that problem that’s why I get so angry at work and in life. And on the day of the incident I was walking away from the manager I had a issue with because when he approached me and asked the question “have you been in toys the whole time “ because my job is to straighten up and organize the products on the shelves, I know that it seems like a innocuous innocent question right? But there was a implication that I had neglected the other sections in the store and focused solely on one section when I had a witness that I was in another section of the store re straightening some products on the shelf. He had implied well i haven’t seen you! And when he snapped back at me I proceeded to walk away from him stating that under the law I’m entitled to reasonable accommodation and needed 5 minutes to collect myself to address him civil like and respectfully and was told that the reasonable accommodation rule didn’t apply in that situation. Again sorry I needed to vent in a safe space

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Nephew in military #Christian #PTSD #CheckInWithMe

My nephew is in the military. Im concerned about all the news of war. I can’t avoid the news at work with TV screens everywhere. Ugh. Please pray for peace and conversion of hearts. 🙏🏼

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