I’m tired of fighting
I wish I felt better. I wish I was in a better mood. It’s just so hard when you hurt everyday. It use to be that I had several days off a month of no pain. Now it’s constant and I’m getting worn out. I know I’ve been doing too much, I work full-time, I go to school full-time, and I’ve been trying to finalize my parents estate because they recently passed away.
My go to self help were my guitars, but I’m finding it more and more difficult to play. My mental state sucks, bad. I just made an appointment with a mental health clinic through my insurance. I feel like the coping mechanisms I had don’t work.
I hate going to work because one of the best things that make me feel good is my dog and I can’t take him in.
I’m tired……. Anyone else? #tired #hurt #wannagiveup #RheumatoidArthritis #depressed #Needabreak #lookingforhelp #Community #ChronicPain #Anxiety #ChronicFatigue