Diabetes Type 2

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The appointment was good

Quick overview:

*Januvia prescription sent

*Norco refilled

*Rescue inhaler script sent... and then pauley showed me an inhaler from my doctor from last year. It's the same. I was gonna try to get the inhaler today but now it's not urgent.

*My doctor was sympathetic when I explained my current depression caused by adjustment disorder. We talked about how I don't have problems with my PCP office.

*Discussed lab results. We're concerned about my fast weight gain and insanely high A1c. I have to find an Endo ASAP. I'm gonna start making calls on Tuesday.

*Follow-up appointment in one month

#DiabetesType2 #ChronicPain #AdjustmentDisorder #COPD

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Far away from normal

A few days ago, I was talking to my wife, and the conversation turned to me having symptoms of ADHD. So, I went online and took an ADHD test just to see if I had some symptoms. One test said no ADHD but maybe Autism Spectrum Disorder. So I took three different ASD tests, and all said I had it. Granted, these don't mean much compared to getting tested, which I plan to do. I definitely do have some symptoms of ASD. I've been thinking about this, and I may have this. I already have bipolar disorder 2, and I don't talk about it a lot, but I have type 2 diabetes. I am a walking stigma and as far away as "normal" as I can get.

I have been filling out applications the past few weeks, and on the forms, it asks a disability question, and every time I check, it says yes. Another way I feel like a walking stigma and different. All of this could give me a reason to stop creating a media company and try to collaborate and provide a voice for others. No way. I am a hard worker who will do whatever it takes to get the job done and understand media, stories, and data like no other. Video Stories of people who are changing the world and giving people a voice are the future of media, and I know how to do this from concept to execution. I also want to speak about what I learned from talking to hundreds of people about mental health and my journey. I don't see as many people with lived experience speaking at conferences because stigma silences people anymore. Do we want to lead and share our voice like everyone else? I see the world as different, which is not bad. I am not alone, and what if you have more hard workers speaking their truth?

Yes, my mission would be more straightforward if I had more help on the business side like media people, medical professionals, mentors, investors, and sponsors who wanted to join me on my mission and ask me about my pitch deck. But no one works harder, and I will succeed no matter what, no matter how many illnesses I have, and being as far away as possible from being "normal."

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Looking for friends in Australia

Hi there,

I am new here a single parent and have Diabetes type 2
Severe fatty enlarged liver
Psoriatic arthritis
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
Chronic pain
Complex regional pain Syndrome right arm
Mild pots syndrome
Interstitial cystitis
C5/c6 disc replacement
Hemiplegic migraines
Medical PTSD
Complex PTSD

I'm really looking for anyone who can relate to being so unwell and parenting. My partner also has BPD and is putting me through hell I'm thinking of leaving him. So I'm really struggling in my own and so isolated and lonely 🪷🪷

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I've been off sugar for two days. I know we don’t really need it, right? But then why does it feel like I do? I’m still getting sugar from fruits and using whey protein for smoothies, but I miss sugary snacks so much. To fill the void, I’ve been eating more carbs—pasta, bread—while trying to stay within my calorie limit and add more protein to feel full. But honestly? I just want ice cream or chocolate milk. Brigadeiro. Condensed milk. Even plain Nutella—which isn’t even my favorite sweet, but right now... I’d go crazy for it.

And the worst part? Besides trying to control this compulsion and addiction, I’m also on the verge of being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. It feels inevitable. I knew I was heading in this direction, but not so soon, at 33 years old.

Diabetes runs in my family—both grandmothers, and an uncle. On top of that, I have PCOS, which worsens insulin resistance. And then there’s all the mental health stuff, which led me to rely on sugar and carbs as coping mechanisms over the years. Now, the damage is catching up to me... and the more I can’t have sugar, the more I crave it.

OMG, what do I do? ANyone else feels like this?

#Anxiety #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #Diabetes #DiabetesType2 #ADHD #EatingDisorder

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is Forever0814. I'm here because my husband was just diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and we are having a very hard time trying to control it. I’m also looking for food/meal suggestions.


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#Anxiety #Depression #DiabetesType2

I finally get diagnosed with Bullous Pemphigoid, the autoimmune disorder I've been dealing with. Now, I have my left foot to worry about, as one of my toes is infected. I have to go for testing on February 4th and 5th, and needless to say, it's been overwhelming. Before this, whenever I went to the store I volunteer at, I would try to talk to one of the employees there that I like. Now with everything I've got going on, it seems like he tries to avoid me, even though he does say hi to me. Maybe I'm just overreacting, but I did overhear someone say that one of the workers there doesn't like her, abd I think it was about me, plus he doesn't work the every so often Saturdays he usually worked. I would love to have someone to talk to about everything I've been dealing with, since it's just me dwelling on my thoughts, and writing about them doesn't seem to help. I've tried therapy, but got nowhere with it. I'd love to have someone to do stuff with to get my mind off of everything.

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It's been a long day and I am exhausted

My tummy and back hurts so much. I have only taken a tramadol today. I was worried about the inspection today but it never happened. I've spent a lot of time in my bathroom today. I've been taking some diuretic pills for a few days. My feet are so swollen and stiff. The bilateral lymphedema came back. Because of course it did. Especially now when I have back problems and migraines and my vision is utter shit. I'm so thirsty. I've drank a lot of coffee today but I just finished drinking a cup of sugar free juice. It's probably a 16oz cup.

My girlfriend got me to go back to Discord again.

Oh it's time for my insulin. Fun times.

#Diabetes #DiabetesType2 #Relationships

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The migraine went away but my back hurts so much. @pauleyholm finally woke up so I can ask her for a Norco and Motrin.

I ate a maple bacon long John donut for breakfast. It was so yummy.

My olfactory reference disorder is really bothering me. I have been trying to stay clean and wear deodorant and spray Axe body spray. But I am still stinky.

Today is testosterone day. Every Tuesday I get my shot. Pauley helps by filling the syringe cuz I'm rubbish. It's a subQ needle so it doesn't hurt at all. I haven't noticed any changes from taking it. I thought it might affect my libido but it didn't. Just another way to affirm my diagnosis of sexual aversion disorder.

I tried calling my mom this morning but she didn't answer. A short time ago she texted me saying she had to watch the boys this morning and now she's getting her nails done. I think she'll call after that.

My BG has been in the mid 220s. Much better than yesterday but still high.

#Relationships #BackPain #ChronicPain #MentalHealth #Diabetes #DiabetesType2

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My BG has been in the 300s all day

My fasting BG was 194 but 2 hours later it spiked to 306. So I took 30 units of humalog. Then I ate a sandwich. 2 hours later it was at 302. So I took 30 more units of humalog. 4 hours ago my BG was 301. So I took 25 units of humalog. I ate some popcorn chicken for lunch. I'm gonna check again in 20 minutes. I'm super sweaty and gross. But I'm sitting with @pauleyholm while she works... and tweezers her leg hair. I've got my headphones on so I don't bother her with my music. I'm listening to Miike Snow. Ghengas Kahn is one of my favorite songs.

#Diabetes #DiabetesType2

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