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Web app for dissociation

Hi everyone! I am currently working on a web app designed with people experiencing dissociation in mind. I've noticed there aren't many resources for dissociation, and I want to help change that.

I want to make it as comprehensible as possible, since ideally someone experiencing dissociation wouldn't need to use multiple apps, but just this one on a daily basis. I am trying to gather as much feedback regarding this as possible, both from people with lived experience and from some experts.

Some features that will likely be included include a resources section, a trigger report feature, symptoms tracking, grounding exercises, a journal (that could be either a parts journal or a regular journal depending on the person's needs and preferences), among others.

Could you please share your thoughts and ideas on this with me? I would love to hear from more people what is actually needed and helpful! Thanks in advance!

#Dissociation #DID #Dissociative #DissociativeIdentityDisorder #dpdr #DissociativeEpisode #DissociativeDisorder #DissociativeFugue #dissociativeamnesia

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My alter came out at work #DissociativeIdentityDisorder #DID #DissociativeEpisode #DissociativeDisorder

I haven’t been diagnosed for long but they psychologist said I fit the diagnosis and with history of episodes. My main alter is very primal; she’s violent, sexual, does obscene gestures and curses. One time I had a dress code argument at a job she made me unbutton my shirt and pants. I just remember coming back into my body and seeing my clothes undone and not remembering it till she told me in my head what she did. She has been wanting to come out because it’s been over a year since she’s taken control and today she did it before I clocked out of work.
First the main trigger was my old job coach who said I was making her up when I said I didn’t remember the undressing incident so she came out and called her names which caused her to not be my job coach anymore. She was at work for another client and my alter wanted to scream at her. I held it in but later when we saw that one of my biggest gripes at work happened (another department giving me work when I don’t get paid to do it) she said I was her time to come out. I bargained with her to just let me take a picture of what they added and as soon as I did that she took over and I was hovering above my body and I can barely remember what she did because I’m having brain fog. I do remember her saying they need to pay me for that job and throwing stuff (she likes to throw and kick) and giving an obscene gesture. Afterward I got an adrenaline rush and she said “you have nothing to loose and you need me to stick up for you.”
I might be in big trouble tomorrow at work so how do I explain that it was a separate me?
I know she came out because I’m having major life changes and mental flashbacks.
Does anybody know how to fix this? Does anyone know a better way of saying I won’t do another department’s work till you pay me their pay?
Should I tell my current job coach about this?

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Web app for dissociation

Hi everyone! I hope this is suited for this group. I am currently on the very early stages of developing a web app for people experiencing dissociative symptoms in any form. I've noticed there aren't many resources for dissociation in this form, and I want to help change that.

The idea would be to make it as comprehensible as possible, since ideally someone experiencing dissociation wouldn't need to use multiple apps, but just this one. I am trying to gather as much feedback regarding this as possible, both from people with lived experience and from some experts.

Although it wouldn't be exclusively for DID, it would be meant to be suitable for someone with DID (for example, specifically for DID I am thinking about including features to keep a record of your parts and a journal feature that can be a parts journal if the user chooses that option).

Of course, grounding exercises, symptoms tracking, and so on, would also be included, even though this could be more general.

Could you please share your thoughts and ideas on this with me? I would love to hear from more people what is actually needed and helpful! Thanks in advance!#Dissociation #DID #Dissociative #DissociativeIdentityDisorder #dpdr #DissociativeEpisode #DissociativeDisorder #DissociativeFugue #dissociativeamnesia

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I'm new here!

Hi everyone,
I am currently working on a web app to help people living with dissociative symptoms. I am still on very early stages of this development, and I would love to hear from you what you feel that could be useful! What do you think you need the most that could be in the form of a website?
It is possible that, if it shows useful, a mobile app version will also be built later, but for now I don't have resources or enough knowledge on mobile development yet.
Thanks in advance for your inputs!

#MightyTogether #Dissociation #dpdr #DID #DissociativeDisorder #DissociativeIdentityDisorder #DissociativeEpisode #DissociativeFugue #dissociativedisorders #dissociativeamnesia

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Really need some advice/suggestions for getting through the initial break up stage #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder #PTSD #DissociativeEpisode

I need some real advice or suggestions for how to get through the initial break up stage without either crying every waking moment or trying my best to continuously stay in a dissociative state. My bf, who has NPD, just broke up with me last night. He has broken up with me many times during previous arguements but something about this time really seems final to me. We live together, I have no idea where I’ll even go, and due to many debilitating physical illnesses it’s going to take me some time to get all of my things packed and moved out when/if I find somewhere else to go so unfortunately we will still be seeing each other quite a bit for the immediate future. As his abuse and our fights have gotten worse and worse, I’ve found myself avoiding anything that might possibly trigger the slightest amount of hurt, I don’t watch movies or tv anymore, hardly listen to music, stopped reading books. To deal with the amount of pain I’ve been in since last night I’ve had to push myself into such a dissociative state that I have basically been frozen, barely able to move or do anything at all. So just wondering if anyone has any suggestions or tips for what might keep this intense pain at bay enough to allow me to still function and not breakdown in front of him, until I’m somewhere else and can have the space and time to grieve properly. #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder

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I don’t understand. #TW

I do not understand how I feel. Well, I do. It’s happened before...many times, but this time there is no trigger. I feel as though I am dreaming, and everything appears larger than usual. It’s frustrating as I am unaware of what has caused this. Does anyone else ever have moments/episodes like this? I want to understand and learn how to cope with it.

#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Dissociation #DissociativeEpisode #triggerwarning

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What has been one of your most severe dissociative episodes? (friendly reminder that we're not here to compare; we're here to love and support



#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #DissociativeEpisode

sat here wrapped up just staring. im empty, you win, you broke me.
I need to get up but I can't all I can do is move my thumb and scroll through fake life aka social media.