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osdd and vampire alters

hii hiii, im looking for friends, and people who also have vampire alters as to learn how they deal with some of the urges said alter has.(i think i might of accidently roposted this) #DID #osdd


osdd and vampire alters

hii hiii, im looking for friends, and people who also have vampire alters as to learn how they deal with some of the urges said alter has. #DID #osdd


vampire alter

is it common to have supernatural type of alters? I(storm) am a vampire demon thing; the host is confused on if this is common and if anyone else has a vampire alter. myself im just curious on how they deal with the difference of not needing certain things.#DID #osdd #Alter


Wulff system

So I'm gonna be in the process of creating somewhat of a video diary to track my journey with DID on FB. I hope to capture my alters on video so that 1. I have a record of when I switch 2. Educate people about DID. If any of you would be interested in watching please don't hesitate to reach out to us on Facebook at the Wulff System. Leave me a message on messenger and I'll add you directly just to limit spammers and ridiculous "miracle cures".
#DID #DissociationDisorders #Awareness #videodiary


#DID , #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder

One of my parts broke down today. It was sad and difficult. I wrote this for her - Melissa - who is 12 years old.

like a fist,
pulling at her skin,
on the verge
of tears.
She wants to see
the inner pain
on her body -
rivulets of blood
dripping from
her hands,
welling up from
the cuts on her arms.
I do not allow it.
I sit with her,
sharing an agony
that has lasted
from the beginning.
We let the notes
of the music
embrace us,
soothing our
fractured minds.
Each song carries
us to a better place;
to a hidden shore,
and I wash away
the tears still
trailing down
her face.
Lay your head
upon me,
and I will be here
when you awake.


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#MajorDepressiveDisorder #DID #PTSD

Just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Reese. I'm a writer and sculptor. It's important for me to connect with others who are experiencing mental illness. It helps me feel less alone.

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I’m new here! My name is Texan68. #MightyTogether . #Bipolar disorder #Autism #ADHD #PTSD #DID .

I’m here looking for community with others who are struggling with their mental health, also resources that will teach me how to be healthier, take better care of myself.

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Web app for dissociation

Hi everyone! I am currently working on a web app designed with people experiencing dissociation in mind. I've noticed there aren't many resources for dissociation, and I want to help change that.

I want to make it as comprehensible as possible, since ideally someone experiencing dissociation wouldn't need to use multiple apps, but just this one on a daily basis. I am trying to gather as much feedback regarding this as possible, both from people with lived experience and from some experts.

Some features that will likely be included include a resources section, a trigger report feature, symptoms tracking, grounding exercises, a journal (that could be either a parts journal or a regular journal depending on the person's needs and preferences), among others.

Could you please share your thoughts and ideas on this with me? I would love to hear from more people what is actually needed and helpful! Thanks in advance!

#Dissociation #DID #Dissociative #DissociativeIdentityDisorder #dpdr #DissociativeEpisode #DissociativeDisorder #DissociativeFugue #dissociativeamnesia

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My alter came out at work #DissociativeIdentityDisorder #DID #DissociativeEpisode #DissociativeDisorder

I haven’t been diagnosed for long but they psychologist said I fit the diagnosis and with history of episodes. My main alter is very primal; she’s violent, sexual, does obscene gestures and curses. One time I had a dress code argument at a job she made me unbutton my shirt and pants. I just remember coming back into my body and seeing my clothes undone and not remembering it till she told me in my head what she did. She has been wanting to come out because it’s been over a year since she’s taken control and today she did it before I clocked out of work.
First the main trigger was my old job coach who said I was making her up when I said I didn’t remember the undressing incident so she came out and called her names which caused her to not be my job coach anymore. She was at work for another client and my alter wanted to scream at her. I held it in but later when we saw that one of my biggest gripes at work happened (another department giving me work when I don’t get paid to do it) she said I was her time to come out. I bargained with her to just let me take a picture of what they added and as soon as I did that she took over and I was hovering above my body and I can barely remember what she did because I’m having brain fog. I do remember her saying they need to pay me for that job and throwing stuff (she likes to throw and kick) and giving an obscene gesture. Afterward I got an adrenaline rush and she said “you have nothing to loose and you need me to stick up for you.”
I might be in big trouble tomorrow at work so how do I explain that it was a separate me?
I know she came out because I’m having major life changes and mental flashbacks.
Does anybody know how to fix this? Does anyone know a better way of saying I won’t do another department’s work till you pay me their pay?
Should I tell my current job coach about this?

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A Letter To Little Me

Hey there, little one. I know things have been hard. But the grownups are here now to help you. We didn't always know you were here, or that you had to heal, but I'm holding out my hand for you to take.
Little me, I love you. Or at least I'm trying to. And I know you blamed yourself. But darling you survived. Now you deserve to live, too.
So take my hand. Take me on your journey for whatever you remember. I'll be here every step of the way. Take a breath, little, one, take a break
You don't have to hold onto everything alone anymore. You don't have to carry the world on your back. Give it to me. I promise I'll stay. #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #PTSD #CPTSD #DID

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