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Behind the Smile hides a Sea of Secrets

#imagine your #Life as a #different person. Imagine that you do not have a #MentalHealth condition that affects your everyday life. Think about it. Would you really be #happier by being Not You? I do not think so.

#everybody has #Problems , this is a phrase we hear a lot. It seems to minimize your own issues and make it seem as though someone else's means more #severe than your own concerns.

We are #luckier than most but not as lucky as some. That's another phrase an ex boyfriend once told me. I believe it. I may be #struggling to make #sense of things, but it will not make me #stop #Trying to do the right thing.

What are your #Thoughts ?

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Oh boy I’ve done it again. A whole year off this app and now I’m back 😅😂

I decided to take on 2022 and make a lot of different changes to my life. Including putting my mental health first. I was done letting my mental illnesses take control over my life.
I stopped letting the past control me, blocked certain people in my life that effected me negatively, etc.
Has this year been perfect? Fuck no! It’s been a learning game to say the least. But the fact I can control my emotions 100x better is a step in the right direction.
I took a leap of faith and went back to school, I’m now working part time as well which has helped me feel better about my self worth. Lots of good things came of this year.
Do I still struggle from time to time? 100 percent! I’m stuck with this shit the rest of my life. It’s never just going to magically go away. But I’ve come a long way since my first post on here.
So my question for today; how has 2022 impacted you? Did you make better choices? Did you join a therapy group or find better people to surround yourself with? Let me know! Would love to hear! #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #CPTSD #AdjustmentDisorder #Depression #Anxiety #EatingDisorder #Healing #happier

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Some Monday Motivation to get you through the day! mindsum.org #Motivation

“Your Monday morning thoughts set the tone for your whole week. See yourself getting stronger, and living a fulfilling, happier and healthier life.”
#MentalHealth #happier


Getting Better! #happier

The last time I used this app was a year ago. Since then I've gotten so much better and I'm so proud of myself!

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happier #Depression #Sadness #Music #happier

here are some songs. they make me feel a little bit better currently . maybe they will help you too

👽Alien - Dennis Lloyd

✨All we got - Robin Schulz

👏🏻Boom Clap - Charli XCX

🌃Friday Night - Vigiland

😡Hateful Love - LITTLE BIG

💞Lovefool - twocolors

😱Scare Me - LUM!X, KSHMR

🌪️Thunder - Timmy Trumpet & Vini Vici

🤷🏽‍♀️Vielleicht - Josh.



It’s approaching the time of year where I usually struggle mentally. This time last year I was in a very bad place mentally and tried to end my life multiple times over Dec - Feb. what’s helped is despite what a horrible year it has been for many, it has been a great year for me. I haven’t thought about cutting for months and I am a lot happier now. This time last year I needed so much support I couldn’t get and broke. I’m mentally so much stronger now than I was before but am still struggling with small things. I wish you all a merry Christmas and thank you for always supporting me. #MentalHealth #Clean #happier


Does annoying other people make you temporarily #happier (ish) or is this just me?

Yes, I am aware this is horrible but I can't stop, its the only thing that makes me happy(ish) #Depression#MajorDepressiveDisorder#toxichabit #badhabits