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Behind the Smile hides a Sea of Secrets

#imagine your #Life as a #different person. Imagine that you do not have a #MentalHealth condition that affects your everyday life. Think about it. Would you really be #happier by being Not You? I do not think so.

#everybody has #Problems , this is a phrase we hear a lot. It seems to minimize your own issues and make it seem as though someone else's means more #severe than your own concerns.

We are #luckier than most but not as lucky as some. That's another phrase an ex boyfriend once told me. I believe it. I may be #struggling to make #sense of things, but it will not make me #stop #Trying to do the right thing.

What are your #Thoughts ?

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Autistic Brain (Living as The Sober One in A Drunk World)

#Autism #different

At 33 years of age, on the spectrum, I finally feel I will be able explain, in a way that makes sense of course, what the brain of a person with Autism thinks/feels like.

Yes, specific to me, but I'm sure many autists can relate. Why does my brain function/think the way it does? Is there something wrong with me? Or is there something wrong with society? **for lack of better words, I am going to use 'you' and 'society' as the two words to separate a-typicals (you) and neurotypicals (society).** Let's be honest. Nothing is actually wrong with anyone. We all have our own perception of reality & that's really what this comes down to. However, I do believe that society causes their own drama, their own pain, their own suffering. Autistic people have to live in this world, functioning with society because majority rules, the way they(autists) choose to live in order to 'fit in'. This is why we (autists) are asked to conform. This is why we are asked to take social skills classes, etc. But why? Because we are honest/forthcoming & candid (as society would call it)? Because we have a different way of processing things functionally that makes sense to us? Regardless of whether structure is an important part of our life. So what?Because when we choose to do it our way, we are either wrong or are insulting your intelligence somehow because we are asking questions to understand. Most autists are "why people". We seek to understand, simply for the knowledge. Questions don't mean combativeness, it means seeking to understand.


Stop, take a step back & refer to my original statement: 'Society causes their own pain, their own drama, etc.' The best way for me to describe what I mean is to put this into a theoretical of drinking.

We all, autistic people too, live in a world where everyone is drunk. Everyone knows what it is like to be drunk. It feels good, we are stumbling, slurring our words, and we can all communicate with one another because we ALL speak the same language. We are all on the same 'playing field' so to speak. Sure, some drunks might be aggressive, some might be a little obnoxious and funny, and you know... you always have the ones who are overly emotional. They may not all get along but overall, everyone understands one another because they are drunk, right?

One day, the autistic person decides not to drink anymore. You sober up, you feel good. You feel things you have not felt in a long time. (This is because you had learned to conform & therfore you were drunk, but being sober, you are back to your authentic self). You have lived so long being drunk, you almost forgot what it was like to live sober. Masking & meeting the need of society for so long you forget who you are at your core and it exerts a lot of time and energy, it takes days to recover sometimes, just like a bad hangover. We see how wonderful life really is, and see things clearly.

Now, the autistic person is excited to let everyone know who they really are and also wants everyone else to stop drinking. Maybe they will become their true selves too. This doesn't mean they are autistic but just their true selves. We all accept one another if we are all drunk or all sober. (Speaking the same language). So, you try to tell the others to stop. When we do, this comes across to society as odd, indifferent and they do not like it. We are ruining the party. (This is equivalent to disrupting the social norms of life when autistic people ask for accommodations, or when we communicate in a way that seems 'odd or indifferent' to a neurotypical). You try to explain that some people drink and some don't and that's ok, but it's more clear on the sober side (it's a brain of more openness and accepting of others, where you aren't creating your own dramas and suffering). Society then chooses to shun you because you are no longer 'fun', or speaking their language, not the life of the party. You are the sober guy at the drunk party and aren't making any sense. This is equivalent to society saying 'You either take social skills classes and conform if you aren't gonna drink and "pretend you like being drunk", or you conform and get drunk and act like us because majority rules."

So, what do you do? You feel you have no choice but to sympathize with them (society). Truth is, you used to be drunk at one point in your life, so it's easier for you to relate and conform to their way of life than to expect society to ever understand your sober way of living. But can you really be upset at them? It's not societies fault they don't understand. They know no different. Will they ever become sober? Will they ever accept us? Will they even try? Everyone else is drunk, so why bother?.... majority rules! Conform or mask.

I hope this has somewhat helped. Don't get to bogged down into the details of drunk and sober. It's a metaphor and I'm not indicating neurotypicals are drunk people and don't get things. It's simply nothing less than exactly what I stated (oh the irony)....#Autismbrain #autismconform

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When you were growing up, did you believe you were an alien? If so, why? And do you still think so today? #alien #strange #Pain #different


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A Disney Day

It was a Disney Day at Magic Kingdom in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. I had an awesome time walking around with my cousin for her #Birthday . She is 40 years old, and I am 36! How the heck did we get so #Old ? I thought about #Life a lot this week, and I wondered about what the future holds for us all.

Are any of you trying #desperately to avoid watching the #News on TV? I sure do. I don't watch news clips on YouTube or read news articles that contain #negativity because my brain cannot handle it. Can yours?

I wish that things were #different . I know that we all wish things could have been improved as it feels pretty horrible right now. I would be lying if I said I did not go on YouTube and watch a few newsclips. #Youtube is always my #Outlet to receive #Communication from the world and watch my favorite creators. However, It is #hard to get myself away from the news section. The #gasprices alone are enough to cause a concern.

So... I want to spend as much time as I can visiting Magic Kingdom while I have the chance. I am thankful for my annual pass, as we bought it before I lost my #Job with Universal Studios.


Anyway... how are you??

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#Trauma #battlingmydemons

I don’t even know where to start, hopefully this will be some what therapeutic … as of recently I have come to the realization that I have been a sponge to people around me and that I’m always the last one on the list when it comes to being happy and prioritizing me.

I need to better take care of myself and my mental health. I deal with a lot of insecurity, I procrastinate, doubt myself and sometimes it’s hard to start my day so I slowly get myself up and always try to do my best … some days are better than others.

I’ve come to the realization that having a cheating father all my life has lead me to seek approval on previous relationships and sometimes my current one ,I’m currently married and many times some things are triggered in me and I start making scenarios in my mind. My partner has asked me to seek help and he’s right… I know I need to speak to a therapist, there is so much I need to vomit and expell out of me… I have also been molested when younger, and I admit it I was raped by a so called friend years ago when I was intoxicated, not only that some of the things that probably also… it’s a lot caring for a child with its own needs , he’s my world though he’s on the autism spectrum ♾ , and it’s been such a roller coaster but I’ve learned so much and I hope I can do my best for my child, and to get myself up and be able to cut off or learn how to overcome some of the things mentioned and all the crap I’ve put up with and once for all deal with all these generational traumas, so that I can be the best version of myself and for my loved ones ….
I wish the same for many of you here seeking validation, sending you all positive vibes ❤️

#onedayattime #different #Anxiety #builtdifferently


Hi U there. I have watched 20+ times single scenes from The Chosen. And they are so much fun every time. I feel I can relate with the way this show is written. The humanity in it is so refreshing. When it comes to faith content you may be skeptical about the content (I know I was). But this has been a precious experience and opportunity to relate to certain aspects of some characters dealing with trauma, alternate-abbilities; personal insecurity, odd social skills.
Not being ever diagnosed with Asperger's does not blind me on the daily challenges of my public relations. I know I am different and odd. Therefore, watching this amazing storytelling, about 1st century people thinking and acting out-of-the-box, just as I think I always do, means a lot to me.
It's been so good that I even began to develop a. sense of community; learning about so diverse people and experiences. I am grateful to have reached you here.
#different #Disabilities out-of-the-box #mindset

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My journey with Autism

Hi !!! my Name is Navneet Kulkarni. I am 17yrs old Nonverbal boy on Autism spectrum, I was diagnosed with Autism when I was 2 ½ years old, I was very hyper active child, i was having lot of sleeping issues ,head banging, lot of sensory issue's, i am hyper sensitive to sounds and Vision. Making eye contact is very challenging. My Journey from childhood till now has been from Paining to Gaining, From Loosing To Winning, From No Speaking to More Communicative now through AAC, I use alternative ways for communication, some time through Geustures and through RMP(Rapid Prompting Method) before using this RPM, My door of Mind was unopened with full of thoughts and Animations around me, so dead like feeling inside me, being nonverbal with no communication without expressing my thoughts always Guilted me, Giving my best in motor functioning was failing many times, but my parents supported me to overcome challenges.

Today i am sharing my journey and explaining all my Sensory issue's, how it looks like, sharing my feelings and emotions with my parents through RMP, now its more then life to me, because i am communicating, i am connecting with my parents, communication is Gift of Life, i am a day dreamer, too much to animate in mind with fictioning stories, My hobbies dance in mind like Jellyfish Glance In Ocean. I am a poet and an Author, whatever i write its all my Insight Knowledge of my own imaginations.

I'm very Passionate about writing. I wrote many poems ,moral stories and many life quotes,My first book"Autism God's Beautiful Creation " has published last year
I want to build my career as an Author, and my goal is to serve people with my spiritual
Knowledge and to help Orphanage kids with donations from my earnings.
"Youth Are The Pillar Of The Country " through my write ups and through my story I want Youth to come forward to join hands in these Good deeds.

Being special means not normal but very unique. I think and feel the things
differently so it doesn't mean I'm disabled. I'm a boy with different abilities, so through my writeups I want to spread Awareness of autism.my way of writing Visioning it is more like talking and sharing my thoughts and it's very particular about what and how my mind process, sometime you may need to think twice to make them understand what I am telling, but this is my way of framing sentences and expressions,I am a daydreamer and i always talk with my mind,I am more Insight with my own imagination through Animating things in my mind, with Blending of my senses I think and express my thoughts, Yes !! This is my way of seeing things. Neurodivergent means different but not less" Being Different Is Not A Curse, Treating Different Is Curse" so I want to spread awareness about how these different abilities are going to change the world.I want to spread inclusion of Neurodiversity in the society..

With regards,
Navneet Kulkarni..

autism#beyondlabel #different abilities #neurodivergent #AAC inclusion#awetism

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My Journey With Autism #different abilities #insigh autism #Mindfulness

Hi !!! my Name is Navneet Kulkarni I am 17yrs old non verbal boy on Autism spectrum, my mother's name is Neha Kulkarni and my Father's name is Raghavendra Kulkarni, I'm from Solapur district from Maharashtra State from India,I was diagnosed with Autism when I was 2 ½ years old, I was very hyper, sleeping issues ,head banging biting, That time there was not much awareness of autism at my place,so went to my grandparents place at Bangalore for treatment, there I was diagnosed with Autism and we took therapies at Bangalore,after few months we came back to solapur with home programs given by therapist at Bangalore and my mother started taking all therapies at home because there was no Therapy Center at my place,my mother homeschooled me,and teached everything of life skills,my mother took so much efforts for my speech development but I was unable to speak so she tried AAC method for communication, I communicate with my parents through typing and some time through gestures,I'm very happy the way I am and even my parents have accepted me the way I am,I feel very lucky to have such parents who are always supportive for me.

I'm very Passionate about writing. I wrote many poems ,moral stories and many life quotes,My first book"Autism God's Beautiful Creation " has published last year

I want to build my career as an Author, and my goal is to serve people with my spiritual

Knowledge and help Orphanage kids with donations from my earnings.

"Youth Are The Pillar Of The Country " through my write ups and through my story I want Youth to come forward to join hands in these Good deeds.

Being special means not normal but very unique. I think and feel the things

differently so it doesn't mean I'm disabled. I'm a boy with different abilities, so through my writeups I want to spread Awareness of autism.my way of writing Visioning it is more like talking and sharing my thoughts and it's very particular about what and how my mind process, sometime you may need to think twice to make them understand what I am telling, but this is my way of framing sentences and expressions,I am a daydreamer and i always talk with my mind,I am more Insight with my own imagination through Animating things in my mind, with Blending of my senses I think and express my thoughts, Yes !! This is my way of seeing things. Neurodivergent means different but not less" Being Different Is Not A Curse, Treating Different Is Curse" so I want to spread awareness about how these different abilities are going to change the world.I want to spread inclusion of Neurodiversity in the society..

With regards,

Navneet Kulkarni...


What sets you FREE with mobility.?different challenges =different needs.& how to take OUR own next move for mobility #different needs for Freedom

Independence & less pain!


Getting bigger

So this last time has been a bit hmm "revealing" in terms of why im like this ( in general) is like im opening my eyes and seeing for the first time ao many thing...Im on my early 40's, Now I get were all this sense of not belonging to places,or not feeling good enough for situations or people comes from....is this common? Like does this happened to most of us?? You know I have alway wonder were the "normal" people get all that energy? All that will power?? All that concentration to do thing ,and they can picture themselves on a long time journey.....I don't have that...any one else??? #different #40 's #willpower #Anxiety #Depression #ADHD