There are so many problems in this world. But why do mine seem so big to me? I don’t know.
My head has become entangled in trying to detangle the thoughts that haunt me. Why? I don’t know.
I’m know this world is bigger, brighter, more beautiful than I believe. So why don’t I believe? Tell me please.
Help me to understand what’s wrong with me so I can set it right. The sails on the ship in my head seem to constantly be caught in a storm. Help me, please.
I don’t want to die but sometimes the light from the lighthouse either doesn’t seem to show or I do futant I don’t feel like I’m going to make it no matter how hard I try.
Help me past me. Help me through me. This storm is becoming scarier and scarier day by day and I don’t want to drown. I don’t even know what’s inside of me most of the time now. I just want to learn to breath again. But I don’t know how.
What’s wrong with me? I’ve weathered storms before, so why can’t I handle this one? Course me. Help me find the light; help me find my dock.