Loneliness and self discoverment process
Hi guys, Im new on Mighty and I decided to write a worry wich is already consuming me. Im 21 and I feel like I have to be alone for some time since I broke up with a boyfriend. Furthermore, my trouble is that I dont know who am I, Im feeling like I forgot myself and now the anxiety is getting bigger because this sense of loneliness and emptyness. Being with myself is most of the times awful, I dont know how to stay with myself. Nevertheless, I really want to improve a lot of things on me as my eating habits, exercising more, studying harder and I still feeling that nothing will be enough even when I know that I need to love myself in order to stay calm. Anyway, I think that this feeling was not worked correctly when I was younger because I always used to put all my attention to my fiances forggeting myself. In my opinion, trying to understand me so that I will feel better with me and my enviorenment could help me stop thinking badly or could not?
I really want to know what do you think, It would help me a lot. Thanks so much🙏 #lonelyness #Sadness #Anxiety