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Are you tired? You've earned a rest. But what you haven't earned is a free pass to quit!

When I was waiting for life-saving surgery after suffering an aneurysms and a dissected artery, I dealt with an unbearable migraine for weeks on end. After living a life of day-to-day torture, I had all but given up. But on the Fourth of July, while thinking about so many people gearing up for celebration, my impulse to throw in the towel changed. I made the decision to keep fighting, regardless of the outcome, and make it through another day despite how dire my situation was. But what did I do before I recovered? I rested. A lot.

After learning how to refuel and recharge myself, I was in that much of a better position for making progress. So if you're tired from chronic pain, constantly battling setbacks, or another struggle, here's your sign: Rest, but don't you dare quit. Give yourself some time and space to recuperate, then get back up!

#neverquit #persevere #Survivor #Foodforthought #Dailyinspiration #StrokeSurvivorsNeverQuit #AneurysmSurvivorsNeverQuit #FindingForward

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This picture is not about the car. It’s about taking time out for yourself to reconnect with life and let go of all that takes your focus off what surrounds you day to day. For me it’s occasionally a drive on a Saturday morning up to the mountains to get some fresh air and let go, but it could be anything you wish it to be as you reclaim some personal time in your own life.

What brings you back to calmness? Give some thought to your own vision of a peaceful respite and make time for it outside of your daily schedule. Set time aside for something special you wish to do and make it a reality. It could be as simple as going out for ice cream, sitting outside with a book on your front porch, or even taking the scenic drive with some good music. Life isn’t always wrapped around being productive and you shouldn’t feel guilty if you’re taking time out for you.

The point is to remember what you’re fighting for and that is living your life happily. By taking some time for yourself, the feeling of needing to be “on” all the time or locked in and engaged gets to take a pause. This is when you get to realize something other than your cause exists like the great big world you’re standing on. The sound of nature, tuning everything out but the taste of the ice cream you just ordered, the sight of a beautiful mountain landscape, or losing yourself in a story your reading. Your day off is time that you take and give back to yourself so you can practice living and the joy of being happy.

#recoveryjourney #neverquit #Survivor #Dailyinspiration #StrokeSurvivorsNeverQuit #AneurysmSurvivorsNeverQuit #MentalHealth #motivationaladvice #Rehabilitation #disabilitylivesmatter #strokerehab #strokeawareness #disabilityawareness #recoveryjourney

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Hello, everyone, and thank you for stopping by to visit my new account. My name is Jeffrey Morse, and I’m here to tell you there’s life after life, but I’m getting ahead of myself. I was a U.S. Air Force veteran who worked—and still works—in commercial aviation. I’ve written a book, Finding Forward, about a life-altering journey that has changed me forever.

Almost ten years ago, a life that I loved living was unexpectedly altered when I woke up from a lifesaving surgery paralyzed from the neck down. My first thoughts in panic from this trauma was to figure my way out of this devastating problem, but there was no instruction book for healing from paralysis. While lying in the recovery room, I realized my thoughts and actions going forward would hopefully one day become the chapters and inspiration to those who also find themselves on a similar path. What I’m saying here is that I chose not to give up or let phrases like “I can’t” into my vocabulary.

Words like paralysis, stroke, or trauma (of any sort) are just words, and they by no means define who we are as human beings. If you’re finding that fate has chosen a new path along your journey of life, and you’re wondering why, look upon those new paths as a fresh start or a new beginning and set the word “why” off to the side for a while. These were my initial thoughts as I lay on a gurney, shut off from my entire body. Yes, I could have chosen to lie in panic, and my initial reaction was indeed that, but I chose a different path. My mind still worked; I could breathe, speak, see, and hear. Now all I needed was to create that first step in my mind and achieve it.

My purpose in writing posts is to share that beginning and my path along the way to help others find their own path as well. I said to myself when my journey began that beyond writing this book, if I could just reach out and help one person beyond their own struggles to get started, then I did a good thing to inspire someone else to continue on with the gift of their own life.

There is one other reason for reaching out here. One of the first goals I set on that first day was to motivate and inspire myself to fight on and reach this point one day. Nine and a half years later, every day of pain and struggle has been worth the effort. If I can do it, so can you!

This initial post, like learning to walk again, is only the first step. My hope is that you will choose to walk with me along this new journey. Let’s all find forward together!

Feel free to connect with me and share your story!

#Strokesurvivor #neverquit #Survivor #persevere #FindingForward #Stroke #Aneurysm #aneurysmsurvivor



I recently learned a new terminology for my disease...some articles and things list Type 1 Diabetes as a Chronic/Terminal disease. I'm not sure how I feel about that. When you think "terminal" you think Cancer usually. But the reality is, Type 1 diabetes with uncontrolled blood sugars can kill you far sooner than cancer will. Food for thought I suppose. I was diagnosed 6 years ago with the formerly known juvenile diabetes at age 24. I also suffer from PTSD, ADD/ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Hashimoto's, and Diabetic Neuropathy. I'm actually thankful for being a Type 1 diabetic in the sense that yeah I absolutely hate it to my core, but I would rather be the one to get it than someone who may not be strong enough to deal with how it effects every single thought, task, etc in life. #chronicallyill #neverquit #strength

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