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This picture is not about the car. It’s about taking time out for yourself to reconnect with life and let go of all that takes your focus off what surrounds you day to day. For me it’s occasionally a drive on a Saturday morning up to the mountains to get some fresh air and let go, but it could be anything you wish it to be as you reclaim some personal time in your own life.

What brings you back to calmness? Give some thought to your own vision of a peaceful respite and make time for it outside of your daily schedule. Set time aside for something special you wish to do and make it a reality. It could be as simple as going out for ice cream, sitting outside with a book on your front porch, or even taking the scenic drive with some good music. Life isn’t always wrapped around being productive and you shouldn’t feel guilty if you’re taking time out for you.

The point is to remember what you’re fighting for and that is living your life happily. By taking some time for yourself, the feeling of needing to be “on” all the time or locked in and engaged gets to take a pause. This is when you get to realize something other than your cause exists like the great big world you’re standing on. The sound of nature, tuning everything out but the taste of the ice cream you just ordered, the sight of a beautiful mountain landscape, or losing yourself in a story your reading. Your day off is time that you take and give back to yourself so you can practice living and the joy of being happy.

#recoveryjourney #neverquit #Survivor #Dailyinspiration #StrokeSurvivorsNeverQuit #AneurysmSurvivorsNeverQuit #MentalHealth #motivationaladvice #Rehabilitation #disabilitylivesmatter #strokerehab #strokeawareness #disabilityawareness #recoveryjourney


for my fellow addict- how is a 7 day detox from 60MG of Adderall

going to rehab in the morning. scared to death. any advice, encouragement would be soooo appreciated. #Rehabilitation #Adderall #BipolarDepression

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Physical therapy days are hard

My physical therapist is the absolute best & so great at her job but it doesn't change the fact that I feel like although its helping a little, it doesn't seem to be helping enough ☹😩 #ChronicPain #MenieresDisease #bilateralmenieresdisease #vestibulardisorder #PhysicalTherapy #Rehabilitation

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With clarity you are face to face with your fears

In rehab and clean for 31 days. I'm here thinker clearer and so my latest ex is piercing through my mind. Mind you our relationship was emotionally/physically abusive and it was co-dependent. I cannot get her out of my head, I'm broken. I'm empty. #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Suicide #OpioidDependence #Rehabilitation #SocialAnxiety #Relationships #SubstanceRelatedDisorders #Relationshipsborderline


What should I say to my toddler girls about their father’s admission to a rehab/psych facility?

My husband voluntarily got admitted to a rehab/mental health center last night. He’ll be there hopefully 30-60 days. Our 2 y/o daughter asked me where he is. I just told her that he’s sick and she didn’t ask anything else. But I know they’re going to have more questions, especially our 4 y/o daughter (she’s at his parents house right now). What is appropriate to discuss with them? My 4 y/o will likely come with us to visitation next weekend, so I feel like I need to prepare her. Any good resources for this stuff? #AlcoholDependence #PTSD #BipolarDisorder #Rehabilitation #ResidentialCare #Inpatient


#PTSD #Rehabilitation #CheckInWithMe

What others out there in society don't understand about being ill is healing the physical symptoms is only half the battle. You get out of that battlefield and onto the next battlefield of rehabilitation....this period is just as hard and I'm struggling....have major #PTSD issues right now always wondering what might cause a flare up and I don't think ill ever be the way I was before dealing with all of my Chronic Lyme issues.

I know deep down I am ok going slower, I am ok not drinking, not partying like my late-20s friends if it means I can be somewhat of a person in this life. Its hard but I'm ok not eating pasta again because I am now allergic to almost everything due to the destruction of my gut from treatment...But while I can handle all these changes I've had to make...Others still can't handle me? They get stressed out when I explain that Im fine not eating at dinner cause the restaurant didn't have anything but I wanted to see them and miss them! They get weirded out when I explain I'm not dating and still working on myself...They don't understand why I am still living at home because I look healthier and should be able to make moves like lightning.... Everyone else looks at me like I'm being a hypochondriac or being "lazy" and not getting my "life back together" fast enough....I have so many financial issues due to my three years of being bedridden...And maintaining ones health is expensive AF! I still work every day to stay healthy...healing is STILL a full-time job and now I am having to do that and continue to work and then get pressure from others that I am still not doing enough?...I have so much trauma and anxiety from the neurological issues that have changed my brain and the way I process things...cant handle other people right now and want them to stop having opinions about my #healingjourney and I don't like feeling this bitter...This past week I've been having multiple panic attacks that are messing me up and I feel my physical symptoms creeping