When I was little my English teacher called me chatterbox, because I've ever been a very talkative person. But since I was diagnosed in 2019 with BPD and with therapy I discovered all the amount of abuse, toxic relationships and negliecence I've lived in my life and a lot of times I'm scared speaking and telling too much about me. The first 7 months of 2019 are the worst period of my life: I was actively suicidal, I've a lot of flasbacks, I started cutting, two times a week I escaped from my classroom and teacher must bring me and I've a lot of violent (towards me obviously) mental breakdowns, sometimes in front of everyone. I was in a very bad mental space and for this reason I overshared a lot and I felt very embarassed of this. Now I don't overshare so much, but sometimes I tell too much to people. My bf, when we were only friend, the first weeks of friendship, has known yet about my traumas and my self-harm behaviour, because I put every part of my identity in BPD and cutting. Now that my BPD is in remission, I'm trying control myself, but when I'm nervous or very excited this is pretty difficult and at the end I think I'm a disaster and people doesn't like speak to me. Sometimes I speak so much that I feel that I'm going to collapse. My bf says that I'm an earthquake😂 someone can relate?
#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #oversharing #Selfharm #Trauma #Abuse #CheckInWithMe