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Late night snack

I went to the kitchen to make a bottle of juice.

When I got there I couldn't remember what I needed. But I figured I needed to go potty so I went to the bathroom. When I was done I figured I was hungry so I made myself a bowl of cream of wheat with chocolate chips. Then I made a sausage for pauley. I got back to the couch and I reached for...

The bottle that was in the kitchen. The reason I went to the kitchen..

I'm such a derp. But I couldn't handle walking back to the kitchen to make it, so my darling Pauley was kind enough to go make it for me. Now she's making me a cheese stick. Which just means she's microwaving a cheese stick until it's gooey melty and delicious.

I think I might have had a little panic attack tonight. I was focusing on my hands and I pulled off the tips of a few of my nails again. I'm still kinda meh but I'm trying to relax. I'm gonna take 2 hydroxyzine pamoate to help me feel more comfortable and chill. Maybe I will be able to meditate for a bit. That would be nice right now.

#derp #Relationships #mygirlfriendisamazing

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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is SSGGNYC. I'm looking for a quick way to cut off a panic attack if sequestering or meditating not a option.

#MightyTogether #ADHD

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This Weekend WE are going to practice something special TOGETHER 😄🙌🦋

And then, we will all Keep Doing This VITAL, easy, short practice.

One of the many things I learned from the “Resilience Skills” University online course I took that I keep teaching you about here only in this group is that Resilience Needs Mindfulness.

And, 1 of the first things to learn about Mindfulness is how to practice conscious breathing and why.

Mindfulness conscious breathing exercise to practice daily 3 or 4 times—
In/Out: This is the first practice on Conscious Breathing:

breathe in (a good, deep inhale), and say or think “I know that I am breathing in”,
breathe out (a longer, full exhale), and say or think “I know that I am breathing out”

After a while of practicing this, you can shorten the cue words to saying or thinking simply “In” on the Inhale, and “Out” on the Exhale.

“When we continue to practice like this, something wonderful happens—-we stop the thinking.
This is already a miracle happening because when we think too much, we are not truly ourselves. But this way, our mind and our body becomes aligned/in the same place; instead of our body here but our mind is elsewhere— in the past or in the future.

If we practice breathing in and out with some concentration, we attain what is called the oneness of body and mind.
The body and mind are unified and you begin to be there truly yourself.

When you are not really there, you cannot see things clearly and deeply. You miss everything, everything seems to you not clear, vague.”

Running to the future or going back to the past- you miss life, that is only here in the present moment.

Breathing in and out consciously is how to get back to the present moment.

What you are looking for —joy, inner peace, freedom …is all in the present moment.

If you feel agitated and not solid, vulnerable, breakable — then you practice this in order to get solid again:

Practice sitting in a stable position and practice breathing in and out. Saying “breathing in, I see myself as a mountain, breathing out I feel solid.

From time to time, a very strong emotion overwhelms us. That emotion could be anger or despair or fear. And when we are overwhelmed by a strong emotion we feel very vulnerable, like we may die, But we are more than our emotions. We are more solid than we think. And therefore, practicing being solid like a mountain is very helpful.

Source: Thich Nhat Hahn’s The Art of Mindful Living (read by the great man himself on YouTube — I am always so calmed by his voice even.)

#Mindfulness #MentalHealth #Selfcare #Depression #Anxiety #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #MajorDepressiveDisorder #PersistentDepressiveDisorder #MoodDisorders #PTSD #PTSDSupportAndRecovery #Agoraphobia #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #Trauma #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #AnorexiaNervosa #Addiction #EatingDisorders #Selfharm #SuicidalIdeation #SuicidalThoughts #Grief #Suicide #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #CerebralPalsy #Cancer #MultipleSclerosis #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ADHD #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #PanicAttacks #PanicAttack #ChronicFatigue #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MyCondition #Relationships #FamilyAndFriends #RareDisease #RheumatoidArthritis #Arthritis #CrohnsDisease #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder #Caregiving #SocialAnxiety

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This Weekend WE are going to practice something special TOGETHER 😄🙌🦋

And then, we will all Keep Doing This VITAL, easy, short practice.

One of the many things I learned from the “Resilience Skills” University online course I took that I keep teaching you about here only in this group is that Resilience Needs Mindfulness.

And, 1 of the first things to learn about Mindfulness is how to practice conscious breathing and why.

Mindfulness conscious breathing exercise to practice daily 3 or 4 times—
In/Out: This is the first practice on Conscious Breathing:

breathe in (a good, deep inhale), and say or think “I know that I am breathing in”,
breathe out (a longer, full exhale), and say or think “I know that I am breathing out”

After a while of practicing this, you can shorten the cue words to saying or thinking simply “In” on the Inhale, and “Out” on the Exhale.

“When we continue to practice like this, something wonderful happens—-we stop the thinking.
This is already a miracle happening because when we think too much, we are not truly ourselves. But this way, our mind and our body becomes aligned/in the same place; instead of our body here but our mind is elsewhere— in the past or in the future.

If we practice breathing in and out with some concentration, we attain what is called the oneness of body and mind.
The body and mind are unified and you begin to be there truly yourself.

When you are not really there, you cannot see things clearly and deeply. You miss everything, everything seems to you not clear, vague.”

Running to the future or going back to the past- you miss life, that is only here in the present moment.

Breathing in and out consciously is how to get back to the present moment.

What you are looking for —joy, inner peace, freedom …is all in the present moment.

If you feel agitated and not solid, vulnerable, breakable — then you practice this in order to get solid again:

Practice sitting in a stable position and practice breathing in and out. Saying “breathing in, I see myself as a mountain, breathing out I feel solid.

From time to time, a very strong emotion overwhelms us. That emotion could be anger or despair or fear. And when we are overwhelmed by a strong emotion we feel very vulnerable, like we may die, But we are more than our emotions. We are more solid than we think. And therefore, practicing being solid like a mountain is very helpful.

Source: Thich Nhat Hahn’s The Art of Mindful Living (read by the great man himself on YouTube — I am always so calmed by his voice even.)

#Mindfulness #MentalHealth #Selfcare #Depression #Anxiety #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #MajorDepressiveDisorder #PersistentDepressiveDisorder #MoodDisorders #PTSD #PTSDSupportAndRecovery #Agoraphobia #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #Trauma #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #AnorexiaNervosa #Addiction #EatingDisorders #Selfharm #SuicidalIdeation #SuicidalThoughts #Grief #Suicide #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #CerebralPalsy #Cancer #MultipleSclerosis #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ADHD #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #PanicAttacks #PanicAttack #ChronicFatigue #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MyCondition #Relationships #FamilyAndFriends #RareDisease #RheumatoidArthritis #Arthritis #CrohnsDisease #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder #Caregiving #SocialAnxiety

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New medication change- feeling nervous

Hi all,
I started a new medication this week. It made me really tired, I slept for like 20 hours in one day, and so I emailed my psychiatrist and she told me to take it at night instead.
I’m worried because it’s a class of medication that I haven’t tried before. It’s a tricyclic, an older anti-depressant. I don’t like to take medication that is sedating (and most meds don’t really sedate me anyways). And it also has more side effects than more commonly prescribed antidepressants (SSRIs and SNRIs), which have not helped in the past.
I don’t have depression symptoms but my anxiety is absolutely a mess from trauma. I have felt very hyper aroused. I have a lot of panic attacks and it’s hard for me to organize myself to perform most daily tasks. It’s hard to explain how paralyzed I feel from my panic and trauma symptoms. I get triggered easily.
So we are trying this. I don’t want to feel super sedated all the time so I am hoping it wears off soon. If it doesn’t, I’ll have to talk to my psychiatrist about something else.
Wish me luck, please! Thank you all!

#CheerMeOn #CheckInWithMe #Agoraphobia #PanicDisorder #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #ChronicVestibularMigraine #Migraine #ADHD

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Walking with the unknown diagnosis of whatever they are keeping a secret

So I can really try and make sure you know that I have been diagnosed with so many different things that all have no cure and I have been under the knife at least 15 plus times total and with each diagnosis things seemingly just get worse and harder to find in my body. For me it's just a day in and day out struggle and as for the rest of the world around me I am literally just a pain in their behinds. I've been denied 7 times since the age of 23 for disability and I am now 43 applying for disability again with an attorney. With everything from a rare lung disorder that has caused a total of 11 intubations into a coma because it causes complete lung failure in both of my lungs at the same time to endometriosis and different auto immune diseases to simple conditions as well. Then on top of all those things even including a broken back in 3 spots after a fall, I have multiple mental health issues as well. At the younger ages I was diagnosed with panic attacks, depression and anxiety disorders. I now have ptsd due to all the hospitalizations, bipolar disorder 2 meaning I mostly suffer from depression or depressive moods at least it was that way for almost 30 years to date. As of around the age of 41 that is always how it went. I prayed and asked for God to take the depression away and he did thank heavens. But I don't want my worst enemy to suffer from any of the other problems so it's been hard to say a genuine prayer for those so I am suffering terribly from pain issues and anxiety along side of one more mental health issue not just generalized anxiety but social anxiety on top of that I haven't had this much anxiety and or pain ever in my life. And I can't understand why nobody is doing anything for me as far as doctors are concerned and I am still waiting for disability to be approved. I just need to know what really is the reason why I have so many issues I know that there is something that these doctors aren't telling me about what I need to know and what the disability offices need to know. I will keep pushing and pleading for what I need to know and for what I deserve which is a genuine breakthrough #MentalHealthAwareness #mentalhealthmatters #properdiagnosis #physicalpain #disabilitydoctors #disabilityawareness #iminrealpain

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Changing my Mind

Hello Friends!
I hope you have been well. I have experienced mixed #Emotions which sucks. Do you #rapidcycle at all? I know how #BipolarDisorder can really make things difficult. It does not help me when I have accompanying Anxiety/Panic disorder. #Anxiety and #Agoraphobia are never fun to deal with. I also suffer from #Thanatophobia where I fear the feelings of death, or the anticipation of dealing with another situation that can cause #Grief

I understand that there are many things that are out of our #control but, I am still #Trying my best to handle everything. We do what we can do, and I let God handle the rest.

Sometimes I am #afraid of going to places that I never went to before. I become afraid wondering if I will have some kind of #AnxietyAttack or even a #PanicAttack because of being lost. I also do not like traveling too far from home because it makes me #nervous !

How are you doing??

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