Panic Attacks

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I want to hear from YOU.

When I was going through my hell, I always wished I had someone I could open up to in hopes that they could help me. I would of gave my right arm for that. I want to offer my real life experience ( no college degree or textbooks) of what it took to overcome my isolation, severe anxiety, panic attacks, depression, and agoraphobia. But only YOU can take that first step,. Take a chance and reach out, I'm here for YOU, no judgement, just a desire to possibly help someone with something close to my heart, that's all.

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My mental health isn't the best rn just really want someone to talk to who will listen even though I might not make sense I need someone to understand please I feel like i dont have anyone to tlk to I've been feeling so lonely I've been having so much social anxiety so I don't leave my apartment I feel like my own parents are gaslighting me into thinking it's my own fault I feel the way I do I've been having panic attacks I sleep longer hours it fear that I'm going to wake up the next day feeling the same way

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My mental health isn't the best rn just really want someone to talk to who will listen even though I might not make sense I need someone to understand please I feel like donto have anyone to tlk to I've been feeling so lonely I've been having social anxiety so I don't leave my apartment I feel like my own parents are gaslighting me into thinking it's my own fault I feel the way I do I've been having panic attacks I sleep longer hours it fear that I'm going to wake up the next day feeling the same way



I dont even know how to describe today, so ill just start with the things that happened.
I was woken up by my former partner. (I can't seem to be able to call him ex, ex boyfriend, ex fiancé) Anyways I broke things off and I haven't been able to leave. It's been about a month now and we've been sleeping in separate rooms. He is definitely broken with this situation. He tells me I can sleep with him, but I know i shouldn't and also, he was the one that initially said we shouldn't be sleeping in the same bed and got a small mattress. He woke me up and told me he doesn't want me to leave and he is open to therapy and he would do anything for me.
I didn't answer.
I feel ashamed for what I've done to him. I have previously broken things off because I get this "gut feeling" that tells me I don't want him. The breakups had been brief but still impactful to be because he quickly tells his family about it. And I feel shame for it.
It's been an 8 year relationship, "high-school sweethearts." We moved out of staye together after college and again we recently moved to another state. We have gone on vacations together and with his family, we have two dogs together.
We talked about getting a house, having kids, getting old. But this stupid gut feeling never went away.
We only tired therapy for about 3 months and we had to stop because we moved. I told him I wanted to do therapy again, I told him about it because I got the gut feeling along with a panic attack. And he didn't listen to me. He has never been a believer in therapy.

One thing I feel good about today was finally applying for Medicaid. I started reaching out to counselors and therapist too. I'm scared of how dark my self talk has been, especially with all of this shame and guilt that I'm carrying.

Thank you if you read this far.
#Relationships #Depression #PanicAttacks

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is Steve12334. I'm here because I had a panic attack about death and I want to find ways to accept or minimize the next attack especially when there is a big change in my life

#MightyTogether #Anxiety

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My partner has been validating my feelings a lot more
I’ve been at my limits lately and felt that I could exspress who I felt
Not good but good that my work panic attack the other day showed how much I’ve been holding in
So my partner was able to see me a little more and hold space for me
Not everything is solved but baby step

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How do I help a friend during a panic attack?

My friend was having a really bad panic attack today and I didn’t know how to help her. I have panic attacks sometimes but I always hide them away so that no one knows I’m experiencing them. I have my own ways of dealing with panic attacks but my anxiety makes me second guess everything and I never know how to talk to people, especially if it’s about something deep and personal. My instinct is to reassure her and give her a hug but she was in the middle of doing something and I didn’t want to get in her way. Plus it wasn’t that long ago I met her so I don’t know if she’s comfortable with physical contact, especially if she’s panicking. I know that she also struggles with self-harm and I do too but we’ve never had a deep conversation about what we’re dealing with before. I don’t want to feel invasive and dig into something she might not feel comfortable discussing. I’ve never told anyone about my self-harm before but I feel like she’s the one person who I don’t have to worry about judging me. I’m really concerned about her and want to help but I don’t know how. I could really use some advice on how to help her without making her feel too uncomfortable.

#PanicAttacks #Anxiety #Selfharm

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I’m tired

This is another rant/ venting session

So Wednesday was a not great day for me
It did start off well
But then 2ish hours into my shift at work I get a text from my partner
I won’t go into detail about it but it made me feel horrible
I took my break because I felt the panic attack coming
At that time I felt so lost and confused and alone

****SIDENOTE: my partner and I only have one house key (he has it), we’re been staying outside of the city with his parents (because my dad is living in my apartment and we’re not speaking), and I work in the city
Going to my apartment in the city where I work would have been ideal
But not on good terms with my dad so it’s not a safe space and on top of that I don’t have a key to my own home ****

So back to it
I felt the panic attack coming while at work
I felt like I had no where to go
Couldn’t go to my apartment didn’t feel comfortable going to my partner’s parents house
I called my case manager and thank you universe for her because she’s been saving my life
I told her what was happening that I had no idea what to do or where to go
I just knew I couldn’t finish my shift
She guided me to ask my coworker to cover for me and we came to a light bulb idea of me reaching out to my friend and asking her to pick me up and stay the night with her

I was at the point of
I think I’m just going to try to go to a women’s shelter if I couldn’t find a place to go
Thank goodness I have an amazing friend
She said of course and picked me up right away

Being with my friend that night really helped
She held so much space for me
Listened and gave advice without judgement
I feel so grateful for her

The next day
My friend worked from home that day and I did some research on the election that our province had going on
I stayed at her house until 5:30 ish
It was really important that I took her to go vote that day and she was so excited
The plan i guess was after she voted she would drive me to my partner’s parents house
This was about a 40 minute drive
I get dropped off around 6:20 ish
My plan from there was to go to vote with my partner in that city where we were

But because I don’t have id with an address of that city I would have had to go back to downtown when my address is to vote

****SIDENOTE: I also had a sleepover scheduled with one of my friends that night
They never gave me a set time of when I should come over but they do live downtown as well
So I could have voted and then gone to their place ****

So yeah
My id address is downtown
I’m outside of the city
My partner is being difficult and we get into a fight i guess
An important fact: my partner hates this friend that i was going to see and she’s not the biggest fan of him either

I end up not voting (i am very disappointed in myself)
And not going to see my friend
Instead i stayed at my inlaws, cried , and drank wine
A lot of contemplating if i can do life

I tell my friend that that day was just not my day, nothing went as planned, and that my brain feels like a mess. I did apologize many times

They’re response is very dry very much the energy of i am mad at you
Which i understand why she was mad
But then send me this

“Just next time we make plans. Pls don’t schedule in so many things. I understand you have a lot going on as well. But I’m also tired of making plans with you and being there only for them to be rescheduled every time. “
“It’s just getting to the point where I’m starting to not want to commit to our plans cause I already know they’re gonna be rescheduled. “
-my friend

This sends me into another spiral
Because of the day before with my panic attack everything after that just was not a real plan and so much felt out of my control

And the only time for the most part
When I’m in crisis mode is when people like my friend partner and parents have patience for me and are understanding

It’s just hard feeling alone and like everything is my fault even when it’s out of my control

#Depression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Anxiety #PanicAttacks #alone #storytime

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