I have heard people give up on therapy after one "bad experience". My response to that is to not give up. Sometimes, a therapist and a patient just aren't a good fit for each other. And that's ok. The therapist/patient relationship is unique, personal, and emotionally intimate. Therapists and patients have different personalities, preferences, and styles. If this is you or someone you know- I encourage you today to try again.

#therapythursday #EndTheStigma #Therapy #Trauma #Grief #CognitiveBehaviorTherapy #DialecticalBehaviorTherapy #ArtTherapy #Biofeedback #Coaching #playtherapy #Parenting #Depression #Anxiety #Healing #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #psychodynamictherapy #FamilyAndFriends #BingeEatingDisorder #BipolarDisorder #MoodDisorders #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #Mania #Bipolar1Disorder