Hello my #MightyTogether Followers!!! Please speak up about your #MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety and #PTSD #RealDepressionProject
Hello my #MightyTogether Followers!!! Please speak up about your #MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety and #PTSD #RealDepressionProject
Hello my #MightyTogether followers! Today I want to talk about #SuicidalThoughts and #SuicidePrevention Please if you are struggling know that you are NOT weak- your mind is lying to you! You are NOT a burden! #Depression #RealDepressionProject #Anxiety #PTSD
#Depression can be a very dark place to be in and can lead a person to have #SuicidalThoughts and to consider #Suicide Please know that your life matters!! You are not alone!!! You are needed and that even if in the moment it doesn’t feel like it there are going to be better days ahead!!! I know because I have experienced #Depression #Anxiety and #PTSD Please know we are #MightyTogether and that your voice is important! #SuicidePreventionMonth #RealDepressionProject
Hello my #MightyTogether followers! This picture and the quote resonates with me! I love #RobinWilliams and was devastated to hear he had died by #Suicide He was so talented and funny. Please reach out if you are struggling! Help is out there and #TheMighty is an extremely supportive community. #CheckInWithMe #MentalHealth #SubstanceUseDisorders #Anxiety #PTSD #RealDepressionProject
Your #MentalHealth is important and there is #noshame in seeking help for #Anxiety #Depression #PTSD #SexualAbuse #SexualAssault or #ChildhoodAbuse You are strong and your life matters! #RealDepressionProject
Are you a #ChildhoodTraumaSurvivors or other type of #Trauma survivor? My hope is that you are getting the help you need in order to heal. Please remember that #Healing is unique to each individual and that it is a process. Please remember that if you have setbacks or challenges to NOT give up!! There is help out there for you! We are #MightyTogether #CheckInWithMe #SexualAssault #Suicide #SuicideLoss #RealDepressionProject
I love this quote from #RealDepressionProject Now this is a #traumainformed post! #Healing looks different for everyone but please know that you are a warrior and your journey matters! #MentalHealth #Suicide #SuicidePrevention #SexualAbuse #SexualAssault #StopTheStigma #Depression #Anxiety #PTSD #Grief
Good morning my #MightyTogether followers! Today let’s help #RealDepressionProject #StopTheStigma #Psychotherapy can help!!!
This is your reminder from #RealDepressionProject about 😴 Sleep 😴 If you use sleep as a coping strategy know that your experiences are valid. I use sleep often as a #copingmechanisms #Depression #Anxiety #PTSD #CheckInWithMe #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder
Please remember to take care of your #MentalHealth this holday week. I hope that you will speak up if you are in need! Thanks #MightyTogether followers! #CheckInWithMe #RealDepressionProject #PTSD #Anxiety #Depression