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Live your words, girl.

I talk a lot of talk about stopping the stigma and feeling no shame over my mental health, or lack thereof. For some reason there is one population where I still feel shame, my extended family. They have no idea how to take my illness. It is foreign to them, as am I. They invited us to have dinner tonight. Every other time they invited us anywhere, I refused to go. I am not living my words. I always strive to keep my word but here I am not. Lord, please give me the strength to change this. #TheMighty #MightyTogether #StopTheStigma #noshame

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Mighty Meds

*This Is Not An Endorsement*

There is a stigma out there when it comes to going on meds for treatment of mental illness. Know there is NO SHAME in doing so. Receiving proper treatment, even if in the form of pharmaceuticals, is you being PROACTIVE in your own wellbeing. This girl is on a mood stabilizer and an antidepressant. She is also prescribed an antianxiety med for when anxiety strikes. In addition to that, I am prescribed a muscle relaxer for neck pain which is in no way different than being on the others. Not only that, but over the course of 25 years, I have been on two mood stabilizers, two antianxiety meds, and seven antidepressants. I feel absolutely NO SHAME in it and neither should you. #meds #noshame #proactive #Wellbeing #StopTheStigma #MightyTogether #TheMighty

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Armed With Knowing

So many...
Too many... Thoughts and Feelings
Violently ripping away at my mind... Constant and Contradictory
They strip me of any sense of worth...
Everything I knew I needed to do, To be
To see pride in my father's eyes,
Washes away in a devastating Flood of Anger...
Fists, tears...
Confusion and fear hidden beneath a cloak of Bravado..
With relationships destroyed and buried...
At the bottom of a bottle.
Distraction curing all my afflictions
One drink
One bag
One fair weather friend at a time.
Incredible how a smell, a sniff alone returned to me what I was so quickly losing...
Melting away any self doubt
Confidence and Ambition
Warming me up again...
Until it became too warm..
Changing from a smolder to a... Combative force.
Appearing cold as I leave carnage in my wake.
Though... my jobs, relationships... my self-worth.
My hope.
Also lay disintegrating along with the rest of the dismembered remains
Cocaine couldn't save me, it isn't strong enough to fight this Tyrant..
Every moment of everyday that I survive in the clutches of this... Hungry Thug,
My mind is burning and my body aches
Today has to be the last, that I seek cover in this void
Tomorrow I will fight. If I fail, then I'll riot the next day and create anarchy the next.
Then maybe, someday,
I will finally
Detatch myself from the wearisome, tedious, and exhausting grasp of
Bipolar and
Borderline Personality disorder
I didn't know then, what I know now...
Now I have hope.
Now I am armed.
#inowknow #Bipolar #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BPDDiagnosis #unhinged #itsnormal #expression #strength #diagnosed #maybeiwillbreatheagain #armedwithknowledge #andsomepills #mommaalwayssaidimcrazy #notanymore #itakepillsforthat #noshame

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What story do your scars tell?

I saw an article last night that really made my head (metaphorically) explode. To summarize, a teen cancer survivor’s yearbook photo was photoshopped to erase her port scar from chemotherapy. Thankfully, the image was eventually fixed. But what message does that send? That scars need to be hidden for the benefit of other people? 🤯

Which leads me to this question for you: What story do your scars tell? Do they tell a story of bravery or struggle? Do they remind you of what you’ve been through or is there a layer of shame when you see them?

🌪 My main PICC line scar definitely says, “you’re still here.” And I’m not hiding it from anyone!!

P.S. Read the story here ⬇️

#CheckInWithMe #Cancer #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #noshame #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Disability #RareDisease #CongenitalHeartDefectDisease

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First off all, I love App, thank u for having me, thank u all for the prayers, please keep them coming, went to the doctor today, my body is covered in Arthritis, either OA or RA, I also have Fluid in my abdomen, possible Shunt issue, starting me on a sleeping pill or pain pill tomorrow, as they didn't have them in today.

Thank u

#we @Are#MightyTogether


I love all these men, that want to chat, just to find where u r from, if u r married, etc..

They probably don't even have anything wrong with them IMO

I've blocked soany men in the last 2-3 days, wow.

I talked to one person regularly on here and this is supposed to be a support app???

Where's the support???

Now I know why I stay away and only check in periodically, it is me, and I knew it.

#PeopleWhoDon 'tBelieveYou


I hate Chronic Pain and Sickness, it never goes away, I had to call in to work because I just can't go, the pain is pulsating, I just want to be normal, if it isn't one thing with us, it's another, my body is GOING to make me rest, I noticed the other day how much standing hurt, I try and overlook my pain and sickness and be ok, and fine, but, I'm not and NEVER am.

***Just looking for support and

I have
Congenital Hydrocephalus,
Retinaopathy of Prematurity
Chronic Knee, Ankle, Shoulder Pain
2 L5 S1 Discectomies
Essential Tremors
Groin Pain

#weare #MightyTogether

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U know u have so called friends when they invite u to a get together on Saturday, they message u Thursday and say, I need to know if u r coming Saturday, by 5pm today.

Mind u, u all have seen my Health Issues, for the people that haven't here ya go.

I have

Congenital Hydrocephalus
Retinaopathy of Prematurity
2 L5 S1 Discectomy Back Surgeries
Chronic Knee, Ankle Pain
Essential Tremors
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Possible Neuropathy
Possible RA
Groin Pain

I said, depends on how I feel, mind u, I just fell on concrete a week ago.

I get a message from the husband saying "where were yesterday?"

"In bed"



Chronic Pain, No One Gets It.

#weare #MightyTogether

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Who knew going out for a few hours would put u in a major flare.

Couldn't sit, couldn't stand, ever bump I hit driving hurt, etc, etc.

Please don't say feel better, get well soon, this to shall pass, etc, etc.

Just in need of support

I have
Congenital Hydrocephalus,
Retinaopathy of Prematurity
Chronic Knee, Ankle Pain
2 L5 S1 Discectomies
Essential Tremors
Possible RA
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Groin Pain

People just don't get it, understand, care, etc.

Got invited somewhere, probably not going to be able to move much

They got mad because they needed to know if I was coming by Thursday, I said, depends on how I'm feeling, they didn't like that answer.

Those to me, r so called friends and family.

That is why I consider yall my friends and family
