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What's New in resolutions

Feeling good today and I'm grateful

Today was normal ( at least for me). Actually normal and I'm glad because yesterday was a really sad day for me. I am so happy that I get to have these feelings and that I get to share them here. I think it's absolutely important to appreciate the good days and express the bad.

Now that I am here, I wanted to ask you all what you feel about new year resolutions. Do you think they are uplifting or could lead to disappointment in the future?

#Resolutions #happy #FuriouslyHappy #hopeful #ready

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Goals for the New Year #ChronicIllness #Resolutions

I stopped making "resolutions" a few years ago. I make GOALS instead.  If I reach a goal, then GREAT!  If I don't, it's no big deal, I can carry it over to the next year.  That way I don't "kick myself" for breaking a resolution.  
Now that I have #MyastheniaGravis I find that it really IS a good motivator without making me feel frustrated when I can't get everything done!
Happy New Year, Yall!


Star of the year

I'd really like to start this year off right by making a list of goal: to write more, make more art read more, and lose weight and be healthy.I want to stop feeling so depressed and suicidal every day. I'm not really sure how to begin. I know that I need to be more active and eat healthier but it's the getting started part, the motivation to get up when everything hurts. And when you don't feel worthy of feeling well or good. #Depression #suicidal
#NewYear #Resolutions #help

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So here we are, another new year. New Year's has never been a favorite holiday of mine, even long before depression entered my life. I always felt a lot of pressure to make, and keep, resolutions. They've been different every year, but one thing has always been consistent. I never keep them. It usually takes less than a month and I'm done. So this year my resolution was - don't make any resolutions. Can't fail on that one! Why do we set ourselves up every year to fail anyway? Why does a new year require trying to change something? We can do that any day of any year.
Do I need to make some changes? Absolutely. But now I can schedule them on my own time, at my own pace. It is so freeing, so non-stressful.
I made an enormous amount of progress in 2018, more than the last 7 years combined. I want to continue that forward motion in 2019. So this year I made the best resolution ever.  Nothing.   #Depression #Anxiety #Resolutions



I don’t think I’m going to make any specific goals for myself this year. I think I just want to be better. In my mind, better is more active, and watching what I eat. I’m not going to get a gym membership or go vegan. Instead I want to take the time to know my body. Listen better, give it what it needs. #Selflove #Resolutions

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