skin pain

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Any suggestions for new fibro symptom?

I have had #Fibromyalgia for more than 20 years. I have read on here other people describe the pain or burning feeling on the skin. I am just now experiencing this part of fibro. Everything that touches me/my skin hurts. Anyone have any suggestions?



finally getting dx to add to the list ✌🏼 connecting #Fibro symptoms & need tips/tricks for #SkinPain (esp fingertips & soles of feet), halp!? ☠️



My skin hurts #JointHypermobilitySyndrome #Hypermobility #Pain #SkinPain

After living with mild pain my whole life Iv Been in contestant agony for almost 6 months Iv been diagnosed with facet arthritis and suspected #HypermobileTypeEDS . Whenever I touch my skin it feel bruised especially my hips if the touch a table by accident it’s very painful in my hip bones, does this happen to anyone else? I’m so fed up of constant pain! My dads also severely ill with #stage4cancer and stress makes the pain 10 times worse!

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My skin annoys me #Cellulitis #SkinPain

Haven’t been up here in awhile. Been busy with work and other stuff. Had to go to ER this morning because of my dang skin. Got cellulitis again!!! Got some antibiotics for it though but dang it REALLY HURTS!!!

#Sarcoidosis #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #tired #Depression #Anxiety


Called out of work

Well, I called out of work today and tomorrow which means I don’t go back till Monday day. I am soooooo glad. I NEED the rest. #SkinPain #Sarcoidosis #CFS #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis

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So Sick Of This!!!!

Watching my friends on Snapchat and Facebook all out having fun on this beautiful day and I home and can barely walk. I hate this. It has been about five years now that all I can do is work, eat, sleep. So freaking depressing. #Depression #Sarcoidosis #SkinPain #Loneliness #missinglife


My Skin Hurts 😞

I have been getting crap all
Over my skin. This time it is staph infection al over. Hurts like hell. I am on antibiotics and prednisone just praying this mess hurry and heal. I am already gonna miss work tomorrow. I can’t afford to miss more than one day. #SkinPain #skininfection #StaphInfection #Sarcoidosis #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #Hypothyroid

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What do you wear on a painday? #Fibromyalgia #nervepain #Clothing #SkinPain

Hi everyone,
I've got #Fibromyalgia , Nervepain and Functional Neurological Disorder. Some days the nervepain on my skin is so much, that I only wear a legging and a long sleeved t-shirt or a onesie. Tha'ts not very fasionable (let alone for a guy), but hey, I don't care indoors.
Do you have tips for seemless clothing, or cloths that are gentle on the skin? Or do you know any (prefereble EU) brands that are nice?


Fibro pain help. Allodynia? #fibropain #Allodynia #SkinPain

Please help! I am having some of the worst burning pain in my feet, legs, and torso. It only seems surface deep, and it is not dry skin. It itches and burns and it is driving me crazy! I have fibromyalgia, diagnosed 14 years, and I have the occasional "crawling" painful skin itch that eventually goes away. But nothing like this. What might help? I have been on gabapentin before and could not tolerate how sleepy it made me the next day. I still have to hold down a job. And Lyrica did nothing for me. I'm currently on Cymbalta and Low-Dose Naltrexone for the fm.