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× " O.M.F.G!! I'm Dying From Laughing So Hard.. Why? " × #StacyDash #tic Tok #Video

× " Sooo Here's The Story She Posted A Video Of Herself Cry Fake Tear's.. For Attention Out Of Nowhere She Say's That Today Sept 1st That She Has Just Learned That Rapper D.M.X Passed Away Like That's Definitely Old New's.. She Posted This Video On Tik Toc.. And Now She's An Even Bigger Laughing Stock Sigh... What A Sad World That We Truly Have To Live In Lolz " ☆ Take Care ☆ SKADI ☆ #funnypost

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Is anyone talking about tics in ADHD?

I’ve recently been researching the correlation between ADHD and tics and while there are some links, it doesn’t seem to be talked about very often.
As someone with ADHD and has both vocal and motor tics, I was curious as to whether anyone else with ADHD suffered from the same thing.
For example, I find myself clearing my throat a lot! Especially when anxious or my emotions are heightened. As it turns out, this is an ADHD tic, something I’d never considered before until my loving fiencee pointed it out.

Do you have any tics? If so, how do you identify and deal with them? #ADHD #tic #MentalHealth #ADD #British


I can no longer control my body

On Friday i spent the night in the er, I had developed sudden tics that had no explanation and still have none. I have seen countless doctors and have been contacted by all of my family every day trying to ask questions. I have no idea whats wrong with my body and I am so so so so exhausted #tic   #Unknown   #tired #Mystery #ouch #Anxiety #Depression

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Vocal/ Motor Tics

I recently started ticcing when starting a new medication. I used to have compulsive tendencies, but now I tic my compulsions without meaning too, without obsessing or even consciously thinking about it. This isn’t typically a side effect of the medication. I can’t tell if it is psychosomatic, but it is definitely unwanted. And very embarrassing as it is generally frowned upon to whistle, click my tong loudly, and jerk my neck in public. Any thoughts? I feel as if I’m going crazy.
#MentalHealth #TicDisorders #CheckInWithMe #tic


Anyone have Vocal/ Motor Tics with medication and mental illness?

I recently started ticcing when starting a new medication. I used to have compulsive tendencies, but now I tic my compulsions without meaning too, without obsessing or even consciously thinking about it. This isn’t typically a side effect of the medication. I can’t tell if it is psychosomatic, but it is definitely unwanted. And very embarrassing as it is generally frowned upon to whistle, click my tong loudly, and jerk my neck in public. Any thoughts? I feel as if I’m going crazy.
#MentalHealth #TicDisorders #CheckInWithMe #tic


Any other “wrigglers” out there? #TouretteSyndrome #ChronicIllness #AbsenceSeizures #tic

Is it typical to have frequent urges to roll and wiggle (wriggle) in place for no real reason? I’ve only recently been able to see a neurologist for the first time and have been confirming a lot of lifelong “issues” with proper diagnoses, but waiting for a follow up is leaving me anxious and curious. Any thoughts to share would be greatly appreciated ❤️


Tics (not Tourette's?)

So, I was curious about tic statistics -
what percentage of all tics are specifically facial tics? Just wondering, since Google wouldn't help me.

#tic #TouretteSyndrome #question


Body rocking and nervous picking

How does one stop? I’ve been to therapy before but it was to deal with larger issues like the fact I wouldn’t leave the house but now I’m in the real world and people are starting to notice and trust me ‘what the fuck is wrong with you?’ Isn’t fun to hear every few days (despite the fact half the people in my program say they are advocates for kids with mental illness if you show any symptoms suddenly they ain’t so gun ho). Anyone got anything? #Bodyrocking #Anxiety #PanicDisorder #TouretteSyndrome #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #tic

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My anxiety is hurting me

I don't know why, but the stress and anxiety that I have has gotten to the point that I've developed a tic in my face, and whenever I try to focus or read I can't process the words or put them together, and also my vision will occasionally go blurry for 30ish seconds.
Whoop dee do. This is fun.
Also my mother is concerned about all the meds I'm taking, and honestly I'm sick of taking a cocktail of depression, anxiety, crohn's mood, and more meds. Yay?

#Depression#Anxiety#CrohnsDisease#MoodDisorders#ObsessiveCompulsivePersonalityDisorder#medications #tic#killmenow


Wired up

Hi friends,

I am working on a research team developing a tool to help hospitals provide #traumainformed care. Writing research is emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausting. When doing you’re #lovingkindness #DBT activities and wishing well being into people in general, there are people like me who need it. I believe TIC could make the would a better place. So far, staff have reported TIC is “eye-opening.” Have you heard of #tic before? How have your hospital experiences been? Feel supported? I hope so and hope to help improve systems too. 💗💗