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Your job can negatively impact your mental health

You are at your job at least 8 hours everyday. When working in a toxic culture, your job can negatively impact your mental health. Tori Williams shares her experience working at a toxic job that poorly affected her mental health. Listen to her story to hear how she gained the courage to leave her toxic job and how she began to heal and improve her mental health.

Listen here:

#MentalHealth #toxicworkenvironment #toxicworkculture #toxicenvironment #poormentalhealth #leavingatoxicjob #toxic_job


When you know its to quit your job. #toxicworkenvironment

So I gave my job my 2 weeks notice and I called out today 8-19-21 and now I am crying because I know I have to work tomorrow and they will say something. I have been there for 3 years and my boss have verbal abuse me and blaming me for all the problems at work. I feel like tomorrow I should just turn in my key and pack my stuff. Help what should I do....

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When your therapist gives you homework

My assignment:

Identifying my triggers by explaining what happened, what thoughts I had, what emotions I experienced, my “adaptive responses” to the situations, and my reflection about how I now feel about the situation.

One day at a time.
I will beat my #Anxiety and #Depression
I will cope with surviving in a #toxicworkenvironment or I will leave.

I am worthy and enough.
And you are too ❤️



Taking it day by day

I've been in a toxic work environment for almost seven months now. It's destroyed my health, increased my pain levels, made me ill and depressed. My anxiety has gone through the roof and I've had issues sleeping. It's hard to not feel depressed, angry, sad, isolated, and lonely. I'm praying that I get this new job that I interviewed for a little over a week ago. I'll find out by Friday. Please pray (if that's your thing) for me and/or send positive vibes. Thank you!
#Depression #toxicworkenvironment

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What is making you anxious? Tell me about it.

Just a little inspiration for the anxiety sufferers who may just be a bit overwhelmed for Monday.

I am too.
But we’ll be okay.
I promise.

What is making you anxious this week?

I have a full day of lab work and yet another stressful meeting with HR to discuss my anxiety, short term and long term goals, and my work performance. I get to sit in a room full of people and try to keep myself composed without having an attack when I get home.

How about you? #Anxiety #Depression #toxicworkenvironment #Selflove #Confidence #IBelieveInYou

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Anxious? Tell me about it.

Just a little inspiration for the anxiety sufferers who may just be a bit overwhelme

I am too.
But we’ll be okay.
I promise.

What is making you anxious this week?

I have a full day of lab work and yet another stressful meeting with HR to discuss my anxiety, short term and long term goals, and my work performance.

How about you? #Anxiety #Depression #toxicworkenvironment #Selflove #Confidence #IBelieveInYou

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Clap for your own damn self 👏🏼

Today was good.
I did the majority of the work without many offers of help and I did the very best I could.
I contributed to our team’s workload while also completing the tasks required for my own projects.
I completed my own work without taking away time to help everyone else.

Today was no different than yesterday.
No acknowledgement was given. No encouragement. I asked questions that were met with the same discouraging looks. My answers were given hurriedly and with a tone of annoyance.

But I worked alone, as I do everyday, to turn those answers into solutions. I used them to pave a way for my own success. A success no one seems to want for me and a success reaped from a work ethic that remains to be unappreciated.

They didn’t clap for me.
They never do.

But I clapped for myself.
And I did so for the first time.

I hope you clapped for yourself too ❤️ #ToxicPeople #toxicworkenvironment #toxicworkplace #Anxiety #Depression #NegativeThoughts #beyourownadvocate #loveyourself #Improudofyou

Note: photo is not mine