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You think po-tay-toe, I think po-tah-toe . . . I Thought We All Thought the Same

I typically do a great job of pretending to be "normal" but it can be exhausting. I constantly have revelations about things I do or think that majority of the population do not do or think on a regular basis. I like to think I'm a bada$$ b!tch but that's only 5% of the time. Otherwise I am a people pleaser. I was today years old when I realized the reason I concede my opinions and strive to please those closest to me. I am afraid they will be done with life. Like completely. Today I was able to put 2 and 2 together and realize that brewing plans to "leave" the situation of life is not everyone's gut go to solution to solve a problem. I bend till I break out of fear that I will be someone else's reason when those thoughts aren't even a remote inkling to them. Like WOW! I can disagree or dislike or choose another option or have an opposing opinion or even let someone down or say no and that won't snowball into their demise? Just WOW! Anyone else have these types of revelations? #Depression #notmybrotherskeeper #ormysisters #thoughtprocesses #Whatisnormal #whodefinesnormal #amibrokenorunique

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Suicidal thoughts #dark #lonely

I missed my dose of meds last night.... got my prescription refilled this morning... I know what I'm thinking isn't real. Im tired of this already though... I tired of relying on my meds. Im tired of having my life hinder on them, like life and death... I hate when I reach out to people they ignore me or make me feel like im to much.... so hear I sit. On my bed, so that I dont SAY SOMETHING or do something I'll regret later. #Whatisnormal #MentalHealth #struggling #Lowdays


Looking for answers

Over the past couple months my memory started fading, but that isn't the right word.. I can be fine for a few days to a few weeks. Then all of a sudden it is like someone else was having my thought, so when I try to remember or reevaluate my thought I have no recollection of it. There are things I want to remember and I'm always scared I'm going to forget (just keep swimming.)

That was/is kinda scary. Until yesterday when I reached to scratch my ear and I could have sworn it wasn't my hand and arm.

I'm not quite sure what is happening, but it is scary. #BPD #mentalillness #fighter #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Whatisnormal #lost #CPTSD #Depression #Anxiety #Dissociation #WhatIsHappening


My "Normal" Is Not Your Normal.

It's ironic that a lot of people who also suffer through chronic illnesses, are more guilty of not accepting that there are variations on the theme of human. Just because they can run a thousand miles with anchors tied to both ankles and a 300 pound human strapped to their back, whilst also pulling behind them a fork lift truck with their teeth, then we should all be able to do the same. It's galling that differences aren't taken into account and that those variations count for nothing. Even within the scope of "normal," there are variations, so I shouldn't be pushed aside because my normal is not the same as someone else's.
#CheckInWithMe #ChronicIllness #Whatisnormal


Did you know even Dolphins take recreational pufferfish as well as masturbate with the decapitated heads of their kill for stress relief? You do now.

#DistractMe #Whatisnormal


Anyone have #complextrauma and working on understanding what is normal marital incompatibility and what is your pre-programmed idea you can take it?

#ComplexPTSD #Whatisnormal #marriedwithtrauma


There are days

There are days when letting people know I have mental health issues does not free me in any way. There are days when I feel that awareness and sharing information boxes me in.

Also, if you don’t have what I have, how do you know how support is provided?

Would you know more about how cancer works if you worked in one place that helped people who had it or if you actually had it yourself?

There are days when ‘normal’ seems like just another diagnosis. You have your perspective of life and how it should be lived and I have mine - just because there are more of you than people like me, does that make you a superior of any kind? Does that make you know more about how people like me are supported? And who’s to say that you don’t need support yourself?

#rant #Whatisnormal