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Cries of Innocent Tears

Tattered clothes and venomous grins

Screaming soul and helpless being

Oh, what sort of monsters are you #made of?

Who couldn’t see a pleading prey?

Sinful hands stripping the peel,

Suffocating it in its demonic grip,

How cruel can you be not to hear?

The screams and shouts and aching tears

It’s like the earth herself was crying,

Burning by the devil that she resides

Where are we heading to if not the hell?

Every day, an innocent soul is sold

Snatched by the hands of the beast,

Into the horror of a hollow pit

Humans, Animals and even the dead

What is this desperation that reeks in them?

Waves of fear now crumble us down,

We see, we hear, but nothing we do.

Oh, how are we going to face them too?

Is this what the hell feels like?

Even evil has some mercy inside.#

Sadly, how we sat there empty

With Humanity and Justice sobbing aside

Little souls who believe in dolls and dreams

When did they get trapped in this grim?

#dark #darkpoetry #sexualassualt #Depression

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#Cat in the #NewYear

Here's placing my commitment to engaging in positive thoughts that will work positive energy that will materialize my wish/prayer that this year, & many following, will be MUCH MUCH BETTER than 2022 was to/for me.

And I #Hope & #Pray that 2023 bring MUCH #Joy , #peace , & #relief to #all of us that #Suffer from #devastating effects of #ChronicIllness , especially those of us whom are asked to #endure #ChronicPain , especially those of us, that suffer continuous non-stop pain, especially those of us who's entire body is afflicted, for I do know that #Pain does kinda cancel out/prevent us from any/all pleasurable #Emotions . At least, personally speaking, I'm always miserable, & since I lost my cat a little past last New Year (of 2022),, so went my smile, & any & every semblance of the person I was. The person I liked being. Please, #god , give me a sweet cat soon. Very soon, I'd really #hate to #Lose hope again. So please don't hold back on my #blessing of a cat too long. I need #help & #relief . Please don't make it all disappear into the #dark #pit I've lived in. For all too too long. #please bring me #light & #Hope to see this to its fruition. I need to bring home a Cat. Know that. You do. , I ask,in #Jesus ' name. Thanks for reading my post, all you caring & supportive #mightyfriends 🙋💗🍬 #MightyTogether #peace

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# depression #dark thoughts

Today my mind is in a very dark place. The thoughts of ending it all are running rampant. I will fight them I always do. I am just so tired of fighting these thoughts. 43 years of mental health issues and mental pain is very tiring. I am taking my meds, doing therapy and using my coping skills, yet I admit it gets harder each time these thoughts return. But I am stronger than my demons.


× " I'm So Sorry For Constantly Complaining About The Same Issue's.. " × #GoingDownTheRabbitHole

× " I Should've Never Comeback Here... To Think That My Family Care's About Me. " L.I.E.S "... All I'am To All Of My Sibling's Is That I'm A Major Bother & And A Hold Up From All Of Them Living Thier Own Live's. I Don't Know They Are Beyond Hateful × Mean.. I Can No Longer Talk To Anyone Anymore.. Idk Why They Are So Miserable Within Themselve's Nor Do I F*****g Care... I Don't Like Being Used For My Money That I Hurt Myself For. As In Being In Pain. I Feel Used × Abused All Over Again And It's Affecting My Mental Health.. I Feel Like I'm Now Developing< Generalized Anxiety Disorder > When It Come's To My Siblings No One Truly Loves Me...I Don't Desevere This Kind Of Hateful Treatment. I Can No Longer Be Kind Anymore... All I Feel Is Worthlessness Within Myself. But I Didn't Cause Thier Issue's They Did That All By Themselve's. And They Need A Weak Scapegoat To Blame For Everything.. Me. I Have No One...All I'am Is A Cash Cow / Dog Sitter / Maid. And I Don't Ask For Anything. I Do Everything On My Own. But I Have Trouble Understanding Thing's Because Of My " Learning Disabilities "... I'm Stupid I Can't Figure This S*** Out On My Own. I Hate My Brain It Keep's Failing Me... And My Body Keep's Failing Me. × ☆ S. K. ☆ #dark Thought's

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Weekly sharing (7)

Hello Mind Conquerors!

Like i would like to do every friday, i will repropose this initiative, these are the concepts:

- Sharing how you are feeling in this moment

- Activating notifications on this post

- Reading comments as they are being made, and replying to those to which you can relate to, either with practical advices or kind words :)

If you want to, feel free to give any suggestion to change or improve this post!

The idea is to make us talk with each other in a form that look like a community chat, to stimulate communication and give life to interesting conversations!

If you don't want to comment or reply, don't feel like you have to!

You may just read or skip without any problem, as you please 😊

Thanks to everyone who spent time reading this post :)

#Weeklysharing #conqueryourmind #feelings

#MentalHealth #Suicide #Anxiety #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Addiction #dissociativedisorders #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder

#ADHD #Fibromyalgia #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #PTSD #Cancer #rarediseas #Disability #Autism #Diabetes #EatingDisorders #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #RheumatoidArthritis #Schizophrenia #Abuse

#Happiness #Sadness #freedom #Fear #enjoy #anger #calm #disgust #Pride #neutrality #peace #Stress

#honesty #Openess #dark #light


When ever I have depression/ dark cloud above my eyes, sometimes I feel that the left hand side of me is particularly blinded.

#dark cloud

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Suicidal thoughts #dark #lonely

I missed my dose of meds last night.... got my prescription refilled this morning... I know what I'm thinking isn't real. Im tired of this already though... I tired of relying on my meds. Im tired of having my life hinder on them, like life and death... I hate when I reach out to people they ignore me or make me feel like im to much.... so hear I sit. On my bed, so that I dont SAY SOMETHING or do something I'll regret later. #Whatisnormal #MentalHealth #struggling #Lowdays

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Alone in a full house. #depressed #Anxiety #dark

Do you know what it's like to beg God to take you, but then somewhere in the back of your mind you hope God doesn't because even though you want to die you're not ready to die? That's how I feel most of my days.
My sadness and heartache consumes my body. Tears flood me and within seconds I am soaked. My heart physically hurts.
I don't want to be vulnerable or have my husband know that I am messed up, but i try to be brave and put my heart on my sleeve in hopes that he will tell me he's there for me and comfort me. My heart longs for that.
But he just looks at me and usually brushes me off.
That breaks my heart even more.
I just want someone to want me and choose me. I just want someone to love me enough that they want me to live.
I need help. I feel so alone and unwanted.
I can't take much more.
What is wrong with me?! Why can't I be happy?! Why can't my husband hold me and let me feel loved?
Am i that unloveable?!
I wish I was different. I wish I could be loveable. I wish I had passion. I wish I had one person who I could talk to.
I can't breathe. I argue with God and tell Him that I know he made a mistake with me.
I just know it. I feel it.


Alone. #Depression #Anxiety #dark

Do you know what it's like to beg God to take you, but then somewhere in the back of your mind you hope God doesn't because even though you want to die you're not ready to die? That's how I feel most of my days.
My sadness and heartache consumes my body. Tears flood me and within seconds I am soaked. My heart physically hurts.
I don't want to be vulnerable or have my husband know that I am messed up, but i try to be brave and put my heart on my sleeve in hopes that he will tell me he's there for me and comfort me. My heart longs for that.
But he just looks at me and usually brushes me off.
That breaks my heart even more.
I just want someone to want me and choose me. I just want someone to love me enough that they want me to live.
I need help. I feel so alone and unwanted.
I can't take much more.
What is wrong with me?! Why can't I be happy?! Why can't my husband hold me and let me feel loved?
Am i that unloveable?!
I wish I was different. I wish I could be loveable. I wish I had passion. I wish I had one person who I could talk to.
I can't breathe. I argue with God and tell Him that I know he made a mistake with me.
I just know it. I feel it.


I feel so much guilt and shame :( about my GAD and getting a job to help out my family but depression/anxiety is so bad right now

Hello 🙂 I have GAD, and it’s been a lot worse lately turning into depression, because I’ve been having so much guilt and shame. My parents/family moved from a city 🌃 in Canada to a smaller town 🇨🇦 🌳 all across Canada and it’s been quite the adjustment. The house here I’d bigger, nicer, cheaper but I don’t drive and counselling services and other things are 25 mins away, so I’ve felt really isolated, and top of that I’m studying to get my ged 📖 because I was almost done my high school diploma but here the system changes so it’s better for me to study for a ged than to take up all the courses needed.

But since we moved my dad works in thermoplastics, he had had to continue doing field jobs and continue working in the states or where we used to live which west Canada and we now live in eastern Canada 🇨🇦, but in November 2019 before covid-19 he had a temporary injury and had to go on employment insurance money help because he couldn’t go back to work, he has been looking for a job ever since but no real luck especially with the virus now, my mom had been on disability income for a while now 8 years or so because she has a rare heart attack in her 30’s that killed half of her heart 😞 she was lucky to survive and definitely a survivor. But she deals with depression ptsd and anxiety and hasn’t gotten a job ever since do my dad has been the one to provide for all of us for a while now.

We live in a town so it’s a little hard to come by jobs, worst case scenario we will just have to sell the house and relocate again maybe to the nearest city or elsewhere.

But I have been feeling such extreme anxiety/depression/ shame and so on because I feel such guilt and disappointment in myself that now when my family most needs me, I’m looking for jobs online or in person, I can’t step up because I have such work anxiety, that I have worked in the past before a few jobs for max 6-8 months each, I’m 20, but right now without counselling supports my anxiety Is skyrocketing, I’m seeing if there is online counselling for free, or what I can afford, but I just feel so silly and ashamed that I can’t easily be like other kids who just step up and help the family easily or just don’t struggle with fears, worries, catastrophic thoughts and so on

I’ll probably have to push myself to either get one regardless or to focus on my studying 100%.
But I feel so alone, stupid, ashamed and scared about what’s going to happen. #Depression #Anxiety #Work anxiety #failure #feelingashamed #dark place emotionally #Need counselling :c