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Therapy as a Second Chance at Parenting

#When I started therapy, my main goal was to treat my PTSD and ADHD symptoms that were driving me kind of mad. But, surprisingly, therapy had the remarkable ability to make me feel as if I was being parented all over again, providing me with a second chance to experience the nurturing and guidance I missed during childhood and teenage years. The nurturing and emotional support, the safe place where I can express my thoughts and feelings without fear of rejection; the guidance; the help to develop a positive self image; the development of a healthy relationship. All this stuff that I completely missed during childhood, now I have the chance to bring into my life. It’s completely different from a marriage, for example, because it’s a give and take relationship, while in the therapist/patient, you’re the only one who’s being taken care of. It may sound silly but I found this amazing and surprising.

Have you ever had that experience too?

#mentahealth #ADHD #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #Parenting

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All we need is ❤️ love

I am going to try to start and each day with thoughts of love; love for friends, family, and all people in the world. I will try to show no judgment. Sometimes things are not as they seem. One cannot know what another has going on in their life. #When anxiety and depression take over you day(s), it can be soothing when someone understands.

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Why I journal

It fights the lonliness, it fights the mundanity, it fights the night, it amuses me, it helps me to see that being yelled at really is an issue, sometimes it allows for gratitude, it incites a poem or two at times, it alleviates thoughts of worthlessness and suicide, it's comforting, it hopefully inspires, others write and there is a writing community, it fights fear and tear, it's cold out, it allows me to ask questions of myself or even others, it puts things in perspective, it fights for right and rights, there might be someone in the same boat, there might even be a parenting community, or caregiving community, there's often something of the day's posts to post on, it's therapy, Christmas time is hard, a good movie to watch is one with Paul Walker, Susan Sarandon and Penelope Cruz, kind of how lonely people come together at Christmas time, one visits the hospital, one's a cop or paramedic, and one's kind of an escort or at least a woman who would hope for her own family life, Christmas time is different for all of us, a lot of people turn their backs on the world, family, responsibilities, even food, some have no choice, I keep reading that suicide rates are higher in January than Christmas time, but I find that hard to believe, yeah Churches are open but as someone who tends to cry every Sunday there but one, I get how not even that could reach us, even if we are Lieutenant Dan sitting in the back, Pubs, Places to Visit the Sick, Malls, Shelters, who knows if it is all enough, how lonely were Sundays when stores were closed on them, how lonely is Thanksgiving um Black f ing Friday or Boxing Sledding Sleeping in Day, and who gets to go out on New Years only the lucky few, faithful or unfaithful marriages, synglehood, nursing home bound, hospital bound, suicidal, in pain, depressed, happy, Bipolar, Schitzphrenic, all struggles made especially harder by the Christmas season, so Peace to you

#Writing #When Writing Helps #Lonliness #Christians

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Hello, Assignment Role Model

Please take a role model, such as Stevie Nicks, Paul McCartney, Julie Andrews, and write about how they have influenced your life, love love #Writing #When writing helps

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My Fair Lady and Princess Diaries

What Rain What Spain, I am an ESL Teacher, Henrietta Higgins, my student's diction is fine however she is always late, my family grew up in the threatre, usually Musicals, she dresses horribly while she sells flowers on the corner, hmm

I am not a good Godmother, She dislikes the dresses I buy her and we have never gone bed surfing, we do not live in a castle, and I am not an older renowned beautiful actress, I'm stuck at 35. Anna has a way, hmm, however if we did live in a castle and go bed surfing I'm sure I could be all those things.

I do not know much about Julie Andrews Personal life and should learn more, the end #ROLE models, #Writing #Inspiration #Music #When writing helps #Parenting #Movies


# PTSD #When a simple question is a trigger

I was listening to a radio station and they asked a question…..What special things do you do for your kids the last day of school ? Made me remember how I hated the last days of school. School was my safe haven. On school days, I was a parent to my siblings for about 4 hours a day…during the summer I had to parent 10-12 hours per day. Over the summer I had to watch the drinking start,knowing where it would end and being helpless to do anything about it. It has really triggered me with nightmares over the weekend. This is so unfair. I hate when I realize my past has robbed me of another memory and experience that is positive for most other people


Isolation thoughts and fighting loneliness

This #Poem was written halfway through the lock-down of #2020. My mind felt #isolated and #Depression was flaring. I hope it resonates with you; #When loneliness began to kick in and how our minds will do anything to feel the comfort of human contact.

With Urgency and Passion

By: Natalie N.

Maybe if the thoughts were written out

With less urgency, less passion,

they would come out more precise

Then where is did the message go?

In one ear and out the other?

Laying on the bedroom floor

You can hear the tenants words

Float to the ceiling, their secrets

Their private life lived out through eavesdropping

His words going in one ear out the other

You tried to catch his thoughts, their feelings

On a piece of torn paper, did it work?

Did gentleness trump the passion, was it more precise?

Did you find the answer to making this easy?

Is it Self-isolation or a cage?

Maybe if the thoughts were written out

With urgency and passion

They would come out jumbled, but with meaning

Making a message harder to read

Ebbing into the mind and making an impact

I lay on the bedroom floor

Hoping to hear the conversations of below

Self-isolation can make you mindless

Maybe I will hear a story or two or three

About when gentleness trumped passion

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I haven’t really sat down and tried to draw anything in years

So I was at 5 below the other day they had sketch pads and colored pencils I figured I’d try and draw again I gave it a few days sat out on the balcony had an IPA smoked a few bowls ( I’m allowed Med Card ) calmed my mind down this was what I was able to create #Hidden talent #When 2 Giants Collide Nobody is safe # pencil therapy #what can you create? #DID this free hand #chew toy art


#When no one needs you anymore##

Its a surprise when you realise that no one needs you anymore.
Not your kids.
Not your family.
Not your "friends".
Not even the person you csre for...basically anyone can wipe his bum.

So no one needs me.

But who wants me in their lives.

Only the person I care for