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What's New in Movies

It's spooky month! 🎃👻🦇 What are you watching? 🍿

17% ●
Yes, I like scary movies/shows
17% ●
Yes, I like family-friendly Halloween movies/shows
17% ●
I'll watch the occasional movie/show for Halloween
11% ●
I watch scary movies/shows year round!
11% ●
I only watch one or two things for Halloween
8% ●
I watch a LOT of things for Halloween
3% ●
I like watching something else for Halloween
17% ●
No I don't care to watch these kinds of movie/shows
36 votes
36 votes8 reactions2 comments

Question movies/series addiction

Dear all,

I have been struggling for years now with watching movies/series as an (as in: at least daily), and I feel so disconnected from myself when I give in. I'd love to have different coping mechanisms, but they feel impossible to make my own.

I guess it has to do with the unique functions of movies/series to me. Could you maybe share your thoughts on what steps I could take/different coping mechanisms that could have similar functions?

• Emotions

o Emotion regulation: I often cry at movies because I can identify/empathize with the people I see.

o Avoiding emotions: When I feel stressed/angry/anxious, this is the most effective way to distract myself from it.

o I'm afraid of what will happen if I stop watching movies, just because I'm not used to it.

• Distraction (which generates energy)

o It's the only coping style I know that really distracts me from things going on (i.e., free time/me-time), but that does energize me. Perhaps also because music and visual effects and emotion etc. are involved, while all I have to do is sit still on my couch...

o Things such as listening to or making music, reading books, exercising, doing puzzles, etc. give less distraction than movies (because I am quickly distracted from the activities) and they provide almost no energy (they rather cost energy).

• Socializing

o I think that I feel quite in general and that movies help with this. In movies there are always the cliché fantastic people, such as mental/spiritual older coaches, "real" friends, "real" love relationships, etc. In real life it's super hard to meet these people. Also because it can take a lot of energy to approach people (introvert, yeey), but also because my standard is high now. How am I ever going to find the great people from movies in real life? And how do I deal with the intensely critical thoughts I now have towards people in real life?

Thank you so much for your thoughts 🖤

#Movies #series #Addiction #coping #Emotions #distraction #Socializing #Loneliness

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Let's go to the movies!

What's your favorite movies and what are they about?

1. War Room - spiritual warfare and prayer as our strategy for war
2. The Shack - a man invited to spend the weekend with the Trinity after a traumatizing experience
3. Heaven Is For Real - a kid's experience going to heaven during surgery after a burst appendix
#TheMighty #MightyTogether #DistractMe #Movies

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Greetings from platform 9 & 1/4!

Another photo from our recent snow outing. It’s still around and tonight there’s a wee chance we might get more 🤞

My guess is that these signs are old markers for the old canal, considering there is a Lock Keeper’s Cottage… but it also reminded me of Harry Potter. Walbridge and Inglesham House both have nice rings to them, so I’d consider signing up!

#HarryPotter #Movies #snowday #Photography #justforfun #DistractMe #MyCondition #Christmas #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #Spoonie

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My Fair Lady and Princess Diaries

What Rain What Spain, I am an ESL Teacher, Henrietta Higgins, my student's diction is fine however she is always late, my family grew up in the threatre, usually Musicals, she dresses horribly while she sells flowers on the corner, hmm

I am not a good Godmother, She dislikes the dresses I buy her and we have never gone bed surfing, we do not live in a castle, and I am not an older renowned beautiful actress, I'm stuck at 35. Anna has a way, hmm, however if we did live in a castle and go bed surfing I'm sure I could be all those things.

I do not know much about Julie Andrews Personal life and should learn more, the end #ROLE models, #Writing #Inspiration #Music #When writing helps #Parenting #Movies

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Sunday Smile

A Sunday smile from The Duke of Bork in a rare moment of looking happy from his usual dissatisfaction with us—his menial servants Jeeves 1 & 2.

We met a Police Officer while doing the nightly perimeter check, and I think he was happy to know that local law enforcement are taking his concerns about potential silly season invading zombies seriously 🧟

We spent ours watching Die Hard 1 & 2… because in our house they are considered Christmas movies—I have my Nakatomi Christmas Party jumper to prove it 🤓

Have you started bingeing Christmas movies yet?🎄

#MightyPets #Dogs #DistractMe #Movies

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What's your favorite snack at a movie theater?

39% ●
14% ●
Reese's Pieces
8% ●
Milk Duds
8% ●
Junior Mints
7% ●
3% ●
2% ●
Mike & Ikes
6% ●
4% ●
Hot Tamales
10% ●
Fill in your favorite
246 votes
246 votes42 reactions13 comments
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TV Show / Movie That Best Describes Your Chronic Illness Life?

I’m going with Steel Magnolias—not because I have Type I Diabetes, but because of the journey it depicts. Cutting my hair short due to chronic illness ✔️ making hard choices because of chronic illness ✔️ going to hospital because of my chronic illness ✔️ having to consider that I might die young(ish) from my chronic illness ✔️

And there’s that scene where Sally Field rages and howls at the injustice of her daughter being taken away from her because of chronic illness which speaks for itself. I also find some hope in the sense of community that Shelby has around her. I certainly don’t have anything as great as that in my everyday life, but I have a supportive husband and have a Mighty community in you all ❤️

What’s your Chronic Illness Life TV show or movie choice? 🎥

#Movies #TV #Netflix #netflixandill #ChronicIllness #Spoonie #SpoonieProblems #TheDisabledLife #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #MyCondition #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #DistractMe #MightyTogether #MightyQuestions

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Let The Bad Times Roll

“The good times hide and so do I

Out of my control I dig a hole

If that's all the time that you got

Then I'd rather not waste my life on hold

I'm gonna let the bad times roll.”

~Paul Westerberg

I love the movie Catch & Release because a) Jen Gardner, b) Jen Gardner, and c) it’s ultimately a feel good movie that touches on some heavy issues like death, depression, and how family should be defined.


Family is simply who and what WE choose to make for ourselves. In my experience, it is most often those least deserving of our trust who would try convince you otherwise.

But, back to the movie…

I discovered this song from the soundtrack and thought it would make for an apt Chronic Illness Anthem. Because as much as I’d like to trade in my body for an upgrade, I would not give up the wisdom being ill has bestowed upon me.

Like knowing who is worthy of being called my family. And that sometimes, despite our hopes and best efforts, we just have to let the bad times roll—and not live our lives on hold.

What are your Spoonie Anthem contenders?

#Music #MightyMoment  #MightyMoment #musicsoothesthesoul   #MusicIsSavingMyLife #Movies  #Depression  #Death  #ChronicIllness #Spoonie #anthem