#52 small things#PTSD #mighty minute # pain game#Spoonie life hack #MentalHealth
Part of my story was that when I was with my ex (my abuser) we were out doing the most and doing dumb things. So I end up in jail for roughly a little over 8 months. In county jail I didn't have anything to plate my upper denture in so it can soak overnight and denture adhesive you can't get unless someone sends you money. Let's just say I didn't wear my upper plate while in jail. With that my bottom teeth would be in contact with my gums on the top. After awhile I was noticing teeth imprints in my gums and yes they were tender. I get out of jail and I finally get to wear my teeth again. My top gums were getting to the point some food was difficult to eat. I don't remember how long I was in the rehab when one day I'm sitting at my desk and start to eat a tootsie roll when I hear this Crack sound and had to maneuver my dentures that were stuck pretty good, had split right down the middle and the edges were sharp. It wasn't easy getting them out of my mouth. I'm thinking how did a simple little tootsie roll broke my dentures. I cleaned the 2 pieces off and put them up in the bathroom. Best be assured, I still ate that tootsie roll. I have a busy schedule with therapy and being lazy, but I called the place I had my dentures made 8 years prior and we got an appointment made. I have no vehicle so I am relying on public transportation. I get into my appointment and yes he sees how my top gums have grooves or tooth imprints in my top gums. Dentist tells me that my insurance company requires him to visually see the dentures so he can see how they broke. I kinda look at him like he's an idiot because who keeps dentures that have been broken for a good 6 months now. He broke the silence by telling me that if I didn't have them he would have to file for a different medical code or something. I finally found my voice and say, my insurance company wants to see a dentures that are in 2 pieces and they've been broke around 6 months now. Shaking my head I quietly ask, who keeps broken dentures for that long . The Dentist was getting ready to leave my area for some paperwork and at the last minute he asks, just so I'm clear, your upper plate broke down the middle and you don't know where they are. I smirked a little and said yes their broke and yes I know where they are. They are in the same place I put them when they broke. I didn't want to say something until I might have figured out if anyone else has did what I had. Sorry this is so long. I was supposed to have an appointment to get 3 teeth extracted with IV sedation. Some how the oral surgeon people said my claim was denied by my insurance. Now I have a pretty bad memory. Each week I would remind myself I have to get ahold of those places because I want my teeth back. So here it is close to a year o have been without my top plate. A year my bottom front teeth were slowly wearing down the gums and the more tender it got. Now that I got ahold of my insurance and my dentist and my dentures place, my teeth have dug so far up into my gums that my molars in the back are grinding into the fresh flesh of my gums. And the front teeth have dug trenches so deep I'm pretty sure there have to be nerves exposed because my mouth is super sensitive to hot or cold. But I am in so much mouth pain. If I close my mouth my teeth are making contact in the trenches and tender flesh. I try to keep my tongue in the way but it doesn't work. Now because my teeth have dug so far into the gums and I open my mouth it feels like I'm trying to remove my upper plate that was freshly glued in. I can feel the suction from my teeth coming out of the trenches. Any advice cause I am miserable. I try the Kanka numbing pen. Oh it works but just for a short period. Thanks for listening