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☆♤ × " An Introduction Of Myself "×☆♤#aboutme

× " ♤☆ Hello, My Name Is... SKADI KVITRAVN.. I'm An ☆▪︎ "A.C.E-D.E.M.I" ▪︎☆ I'm Also Very New To This.. So Any Knowledge Would Be Wonderful To Know And Also Intresting And Fun To Learn.. I'm A Mighty Poet.. I Love To Write And I'm Also A Good Listener/ Friend.. I'm An Artist.. I'm Not Much On Here.. Because I Don't Have The Time My Full-Time Job Make's Me Super Exhausted When Dealing With Human's On A Daily Basis.. If I Have The Time I Will Post My Poetry On Here.. Or If I Have Any Kind Of Question's.... And Thank You For Letting Me Be A Part Of This New Group.. #AnIntroductionOfMyself Sincerely, ☆▪︎"SKADI"▪︎☆

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Get to know me better #aboutme #traumasurviviors

Hey 👋🏼
If you haven’t met me before I’m Tay.
I’m 25 years old and live in the beautiful Melbourne, Victoria, AUS. I’m a trauma survive & dedicate my time and hard work discovering myself.

I am a strong lover of live music, adventure, 4x4, camping, spending time with my friends + pooch, sunshine & all things holistic health. I am passionate about holistic healing, the law of attraction, sustainability, empowering others and community + connection.

I’m a holistic health and wellness coach and I’m all about creating balance in my life and becoming the healthiest and happiest me. Mostly, I am passionate about helping others look at the whole picture when it comes to health and happiness, not just at what is visible and on the surface.

I’m here to document and share my healing journey in hope to inspire others to heal too. Here you’ll find posts about my day to day life, insight from my personal experiences and more of my journey.

Thank you for being here and taking the time to read.

Love Tay x
#Trauma #traumasurviviors #holistichealth #MyJourney

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Just A Little About Me #DownsSyndrome #aboutme #creative

Hey Guys I'm Devon Stearns.. I know I didn't fully introduce myself. But I thought why, not. It's always great to get know one another, with stories which will hopefully inspire and create an encouraging community. I was born with Mosaic Downs Syndrome. Which means it normally occurs in two percent of people with Downs Syndrome. Basically what it actually is is normal cells and with a mixture of an extra chromosome. One thing you've probably known about me so far from what you see on my page is photography and poetry. I never seen my life as inspiring but to everyone else it’s different it is like a window that looks in from how people get to know you. I also have OCD, people make fun of the abbreviation that stands for it. Some see it a cute little joke, Obessive Cleaning Disorder but it is more than that. I used to struggle with it really bad till I got the right help for it as I would step outside in cold weather in shorts and it would be a constant struggle to adapt to seasons. This ritual went on for a long time, eventually it got treated and with CBT retraining it got better and with the proper medication. It took a long time for the habit of rituals to decrease. It was so long ago, but with the right tools and hard work I persisted to get it done. My ocd is still there as it is with me for life, but it is manageable now. but I have however grabbed my mom’s camera at the age of eight and I discovered that I loved photography. It became my main love, and as we had company out, or if we had a party I’d be the photographer there to help out. My mom however soon noticed from all the company was over pictures would begin. It started from landscapes, to people, animals that would be fed from the feeder I would be there. She decided that it was best to have my own camera, it was a standard digital camera. At this point I took my camera everywhere, it wasn’t till 2010 that I owned my very first DSLR. It was my go to camera, I used it an awful lot. With my social media in 2009 progressed. My friend saw my posts as inspiring and very positive as she did tell me she would talk to her computer screen saying “you go girl!” My extra push was from that close friend as I did even land my very first photography gig. Thus my journey began from there as Frog Island Photography which I now cover topics from mental health, poems, animals and more topic blogs of my photography. When we put our minds to something positive and powerful you can do anything you put your mind too. Just know to never give up. #DownsSyndrome #inspire #creative #aboutme #OCD

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Hey. Here’s a little about me! #firstpost #aboutme

Well... Hi! I thought I’d introduce myself.

I’m Pan, and as my profile says, I’m 25, I’m female and I’m gay. I’ve suffered with complex medical issues throughout my whole life but back in 2016 I was pretty much bombarded with a lot of stuff. For a while I didn’t think I was going to make it.

Ever since I was 8 years old, I’ve had problems peeing. Sometimes I just couldn’t go at all and I pushed so hard I hurt myself so bad and bled so much we all thought I’d started my period. No such luck. No, what I had is a condition called Interstitial Cystitis. It is very painful and quite debilitating. I wasn’t even diagnosed with this condition until 2016. I had 12 years of that hell with no explanations. I would get up at least 8 times a night to pee... Even now I still have to get up at least eight times. And some other times I just can’t pee at all. My bladder muscles “for no apparent reason” sometimes choose to not work. this is what a urologist told me.

I will admit, I’ve learned a few tricks that can help me quite well when it comes to controlling how much I pee, and I’ve learned to self catheterise so I no longer need to rush to hospital with a full bladder. I take instant release morphine for the pain, though. Even when I avoid ALL triggers I still need very heavy pain relief.

Anyway, moving on to my next condition. Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. It’s a dysfunction of the Autonomic Nervous System. Basically, my brain and heart don’t communicate properly. When a healthy person stands up their blood pressure rises to go against gravity and push blood up to the brain. My brain doesn’t bother sending that signal to my heart and blood vessels so when I stand up gravity drags all my blood down into my calves (which is quite painful), this starves my brain of oxygen and I fall to the floor unconscious. Whilst I’m unconscious my heart starts pumping extremely fast (sometimes as fast as 190 beats per minute) to try and manually push the blood back to my brain. Each loss of consciousness usually lasts about a minute or two.

In late 2019 we discovered that I have Advanced Liver Fibrosis. But we have no idea why. All we DO know is that my liver is so very enlarged it pressed against my stomach HARD, making it difficult for me to eat more than a few bites of food before I become horribly and uncomfortably full. This can sometimes really hurt because my liver is literally squishing and moving my organs around inside.

I have several other health conditions but they’re all a bit boring and don’t impact my life as much as these ones do. I should mention, I’m unable to work because of my health. It’s made my life incredibly boring.

I hope everyone is as well as they can be. if you have any questions feel free to ask them.

#InterstitialCystitis #Diabetes #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #LiverDisease #AdvancedLiverFibrosis #Depression #AskMeAnything

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hello whoever reads this! ^__^ #newhere #Hello #firsttimeposting

This is first time I am posting something here, so I thought that I should give it a try... I don't even know why I am nervous about this but okay. I am new at this community but I wanted to give it a try^___^
anyways I will write a bit about me later on. #New #aboutme #nervous

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hello whoever reads this! ^__^ #newhere #Hello #firsttimeposting

This is first time I am posting something here, so I thought that I should give it a try... I don't even know why I am nervous about this but okay. I am new at this community but I wanted to give it a try^___^
anyways I will write a bit about me later on. #New #aboutme #nervous

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hello whoever reads this! ^__^ #newhere #Hello #firsttimeposting

This is first time I am posting something here, so I thought that I should give it a try... I don't even know why I am nervous about this but okay. I am new at this community but I wanted to give it a try^___^
anyways I will write a bit about me later on. #New #aboutme #nervous

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hello whoever reads this! ^__^ #newhere #Hello #firsttimeposting

This is first time I am posting something here, so I thought that I should give it a try... I don't even know why I am nervous about this but okay. I am new at this community but I wanted to give it a try^___^
anyways I will write a bit about me later on. #New #aboutme #nervous


New and About

Hi guys. I’m Jordan. I’m new to this app but not to The Mighty. It’s been 17 years since I was diagnosed with Depression. I’m 29 this September (2019). I am currently tapering off Cymbalta medication. Stopping Cymbalta is notorious for withdrawal symptoms and as I’m tapering I’m suffering a large amount of them. From brain fog/zaps to moodiness and lethargia. I’m excited to be a part of this community as I am always looking for the support to get me through this tough time and tough illness. #cymbalta #CymbaltaWithdrawal #Depression #Anxiety #aboutme


My First Post

Hey everyone!
My name is Lauren, I'm 27-years-old and I'm from upstate New York. I suffer from Anxiety Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, ADHA, and Borderline Personality Disorder.
I used to be a very ambitious young woman. I'm a Freshman in college to earn my Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology. I took the big leap last March because I figured it was either now or never. However, I had no idea what the future had in store for me.
I was doing amazing in school, and my job wasn't getting to me as bad anymore. You see, my old job was a place where dreams go to die. My boss, who was a doctor, couldn't have cared less about her staff - unless you kissed her ass - let alone her patients. She only cares about money. Not to mention all the workplace bullying that I had to endure almost daily, yet her never doing anything about it. She cut my pay without telling me; which is illegal unless she notifies me 7 days before, and she didn't. And the worst of all...She treated me as if I was a crazy child. She felt like I needed accommodations because of my BPD, though I never asked for them. She stopped believing me about the bullying and even gave me a babysitter. Yep. A babysitter to make sure I was doing my job.
Backup to before I told her I was diagnosed with BPD. I failed one class in my second semester; which was a bummer, but work was what was making this all worse. It was a giant snowball effect. One failed class turned into two, work was getting more stressful with the bullying, and before I knew it I snapped. I was no longer me. Yes, I'm aware that a mental illness just magically happens. However, this was a slow burn/build-up. Then after I snapped, is when I was diagnosed. Slowly, it all started to make sense.
That was back in October. Now, I'm on the verge of getting dropped from college if I don't pass every class this semester. I quit my job, had another lined up, my boss literally BEGGED me to come back and offered me higher pay with part-time hours to help me with school and focusing on my mental health. Last night, she fired me via text message. So, I also have no income to pay for my bills.
Ever since I have gotten this diagnosis of , I feel as if nothing good has happened to me/for me. I know I'm just being paranoid and I'm 100% in control of my life, but until I can manage and cope with this, I feel stuck. Like I'm not in control. Lost and never going to find my way. The old me is gone forever, that I'm sure of. I can only hope that the new me is as strong as the old, and doesn't fuck up what the old me worked so hard to build and accomplish. #BPD #firstpost #Blog #aboutme #copeandmanage #MentalHealth #mentaldisorder #isthereanybodyoutthere