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What is something you have learned over the years?

Any wise wisdom you’ve learned from life, good and bad, self love messages, your journey through mental health, etc ? :) feel free to share or explain, what you would like others to know or recommend to them to remember when going through tough times, positive messages, so on. #MentalHealth #TheMighty #newhere #MightyTogether #notalone #Mindful #positive #itsokaytonotbeokay #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicPain #wisdom #Selflove #Thinking #Deep

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Went for a hike :D Steelhead Falls

I’ve only been only 2 hikes my entire life but I live close to many hikes especially now, I went with a mental health clubhouse program group really thankful it was beautiful! #hike #Health #Support #happy #excited #Walk #enjoyed #overjoyed #thankful #Anxiety #helped #soothe #Relaxed #beautiful #MightyTogether #newhere #New

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Advice: Supersembarrased. How do I face my in-laws?

I am at a particularly low place and recovering from a manic episode. My in-laws will be here this weekend and I recently found out they know everything about my worst manic episode (the one that got me diagnosed 7 years ago). I am going to have a lot of time with them for conversation. How do I look them in the face and not see everything I did playing in the back of their minds? I am mortified embarrassed. What would you do? #Bipolar1Disorder #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #newhere

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