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❤️I received really good news ❤️

I applied for financial assistance to help cover the cost of one of my therapies, which isn’t covered by insurance. For some reason, my health insurance decided I wasn’t eligible for trauma informed care despite a diagnosis of complex PTSD 🙃So my bf and I have been paying out of pocket, which is a huge financial burden.
I wasn’t approved last quarter but I reapplied and was approved this time around!
My weekly therapy sessions will be covered by this award for 17 weeks. It was so needed, not just financially, but I needed a boost. I have been so scared about possibly losing my health insurance which covers my other care.
It’s a short, but much needed reprieve. It also was extremely validating to hear why I was selected.
I have been working really hard on establishing a good care team. I’m a diligent client, attend my appointments, take things seriously, and I work really hard to reach goals of lowering my trauma symptoms. I also have been working to establish some sort of community after being displaced. I have been volunteering when I can. It sounds like my therapist has communicated this to the organization both times I applied. It feels really good to hear someone recognize the hard work I’ve done- because I guess I wasn’t really putting all together myself.
I’m really proud of myself, and I’m so incredibly grateful for this reprieve.

#Agoraphobia #MentalHealth #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #PanicDisorder #CheerMeOn #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #ChronicVestibularMigraine #Migraine #Disability #ADHD

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I am a citizen of the United States and I am so scared right now

This is terrifying. I am scared for everyone in this country. I feel so ashamed to even say that I am an “American.” I am scared of the global costs (financial, environmentally, politically, etc) and the consequences to other nations.

I’ve been so mad recently. I signed up to do more volunteering, specifically at a place to support those who are directly impacted. I do not know what else to do. It felt like something, a step forward into a widening gap of needs for people who live here. But now I do not even know how much longer I will have my basic needs met.

I feel like I’m dissociating, depersonalizing. Either that or I’m in a dystopian novel. A local restaurant raided, another report at a place I used to play Pokémon go. People swept up. It doesn’t make any sense. I feel like my story doesn’t make any sense. They said it would only be criminals. I didn’t believe them. I don’t believe them now.

I am disabled. I am scared I am going to lose government assistance. I am scared I will wake up one morning without insurance and not be able to refill my medication. Right now, the news is saying coverage is not impacted. But these pauses will impact my services. And when I have that conversation, I am told it’s not happening yet. And I feel like I’m being hushed with false promises, because we all are scared it is inevitable. I don’t believe them.

I survive by accessing these supports. I survive at the mercy of this government.

I am so sorry to anyone who is being impacted by this. I did not vote for this. I do not support this.

I don’t even know if I am allowed to say this stuff on here. I just don’t know what else to do.

#Disability #Agoraphobia #Anxiety #PanicDisorder #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #ChronicVestibularMigraine #Migraine #ADHD #ADHDInGirls #Trauma #MightyTogether #CheckInWithMe

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An In-Depth Look At What “Self-Love” Looks Like, How It’s Different Than “Self-Care”, And A Reminder That Self-Love Is At The Top Level Of Everything

There is More talk about Self-Care than the Most Critical Key to Happiness and Great Relationships of all types——-“SELF-LOVE”.

With this in-depth look at what Self-Love looks like-for your own personal growth, I would like you to take an honest look inwards and determine if you Practice Self-Love.
If you’re not, or if you’re not doing all of the bullet points given below, don’t worry— “Each morning, we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”

As always, let’s have a great conversation about this topic below 👇 in the comments where you can use this space for your own place in your mental wellness journey. Not your mental illness journey— I am here as a friend to guide you through to the other side as much as possible—yes, that is where I stand, and the magic only happens if you let me—so how about more group members join in for your sake.

The Mighty friends that have opened themselves up to this opportunity are telling me and showing me that they are really starting to get it, and they are taking bigger, new, determined steps in their lives.

"Self-Love" refers to a deeper internal state of accepting and valuing yourself unconditionally, while "self-care" focuses on taking practical actions to maintain your physical and mental wellbeing, like getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and engaging in activities you enjoy; essentially, self-love is the mindset that drives you to practice self-care. Self-Love is the mindset too that heals the pain and keeps you in the light, Determined to keep pushing away any darkness and to stop doubting yourself.

Key points to remember:
* Self-love:
* A feeling of intrinsic worth and acceptance, regardless of circumstances
* Becoming your own best friend - treating yourself with the same respect and understanding you would give a close friend.
* Be the love you never received.
* Includes embracing your flaws
* Foundation for setting healthy boundaries and prioritizing your needs
* learn to say no when needed and clearly explain why
* Don’t seek Anyone’s validation
* Positive self-talk: Use encouraging language to speak to yourself, focusing on your strengths and accomplishments.
* Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings, recognizing negative self-talk and actively replacing it with positive affirmations/relabel upsetting thoughts
* Say something nice to yourself in the mirror — looking into your eyes & smile at yourself & say “I love you”and your name. (Yes, I actually stop myself to do this & it’s Wonderful)
* cultivate self-compassion
* Encourage Yourself
* Talk to someone you trust who *Has The Capacity To Listen*-and, Another Big Key Here is that ***Being vulnerable - completely honest and thorough- about what you’re going through with someone else is a major form of self-love because you’re taking the time to dig deep, regardless of how uncomfortable it is, And, on top of that, you’re showing yourself that you want to work out whatever’s going on with you***
* avoid comparing yourself to others
* practice gratitude
* Seek out opportunities for growth
* Creating a safe zone all your own is an act of self-love because it gives you a designated area where you can focus on your needs and emotions instead of other people’s. The key here is creating a space that feels good and peaceful when life is neither of those things.
#MentalHealth #Mindfulness #Selflove #Selfcare #Selfharm #SuicideAttemptSurvivors #SuicidalIdeation #SuicidalThoughts #Suicide #Trauma #MajorDepressiveDisorder #PersistentDepressiveDisorder #Depression #Anxiety #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #Agoraphobia #BingeEatingDisorder #EatingDisorders #EatingDisorder #ChronicIllness #ChronicFatigue #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #LymeDisease #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #PostTraumaticStressDisorder #PTSDSupportAndRecovery #PTSD #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #AutonomicDysfunction #AuditoryProcessingDisorder #Deafness #ADHDInGirls #ADHD #AspergersSyndrome #AutismSpectrumDisorder #Addiction #CerebralPalsy #IntellectualDisability #Disability #Blindness #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorderBPD #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #Migraine #IfYouFeelHopeless #BrainInjury #MotorDisorders #MultipleSclerosis #RheumatoidArthritis #Arthritis #Grief #Loneliness #AnorexiaNervosa #Relationships #SocialAnxiety #FamilyAndFriends #Caregiving #CrohnsDisease #CysticFibrosis #AlopeciaAreata #Cancers #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #ParkinsonsDisease #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #POTS #Stroke #Diabetes #SelfharmRecovery #RareDisease #DownSyndrome #AddisonsDisease #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveandRelatedDisorders #ObsessiveCompulsivePersonalityDisorder #DissociativeIdentityDisorder

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PATIENCE: Alicia Keys’ Mindful Life Lessons and the 4th of 9 Foundational Attitudes of Mindfulness As Part of Resilience

Patience - The attitude of understanding that things happen in their own time, including our own experiences.

The importance of patience is also a way to accept the present moment without resistance.

Patience is a form of wisdom.

I would like you to think about where in your life, and in your mental health, that you can apply Patience.

And, as always, to help You even more- Let’s have a convo about this topic by commenting below 👇

Jay Shetty sat down with Alicia Keys on one of the most critical podcasts for us, his (free) podcast called “On Purpose” which is the worlds’ #1 Mental Health podcast.

Side Note: Before he became an award-winning podcast host, Jay Shetty has been a great teacher and guide throughout my journey to mental wellness.

In this conversation/episode called “5 Ways To Overcome Self Doubt & Build Confidence Within, Nov 11, 2024;
Jay Shetty asks Alicia Keys:

“What was the work you had to do in order to go from someone who was anxious, doubtful to become someone who manifested this beautiful, incredible full life?

What was the work in the beginning stages that you had to reorient your mind?”

To this, Alicia Keys says: (who by the way Also lives a life with intention/on purpose with Mindfulness)

“I think one of the things that I had to come to terms with is that pretty much nothing is going to come in the time frame that you think is going to come.”

“And I realized, wait, you know, as hard as I try to push the thing forward, when it's time, it's time. And if it's not time, it doesn’t matter what I do. It doesn't matter how much sleep I don't get.

It's not going to be time until it's time. And so I think that that steadiness of like kind of, you just have to put one foot in front of the other is just as simple as that.”

“And so I discovered that that is how we get where we're going.

Like this increment of small, ***determined*** moments.”

And, she also advises “Have Grace with yourself. It’s alright. You are doing your best and you're going to figure out the rhythm of this thing. Have some grace.
And we can start again and try again and it’s ok.”

Let’s recap the attitudes of our healthiest mental state that I have covered so far in this group: Beginner’s Mind, Acceptance, Non-Judgment, and now too, Patience.

#MentalHealth #Mindfulness #Relationships #FamilyAndFriends #Depression #Anxiety #MajorDepressiveDisorder #PersistentDepressiveDisorder #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #SocialAnxiety #ChronicFatigue #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicIllness #BingeEatingDisorder #EatingDisorders #MoodDisorders #MotorDisorders #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #Agoraphobia #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ChronicPain #AutismSpectrumDisorder #Migraine #Selfcare #Selfharm #Grief #SuicidalIdeation #SuicidalThoughts #SuicideAttemptSurvivors #Suicide #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #PTSD #PostTraumaticStressDisorder #Trauma #Caregiving #IfYouFeelHopeless #Fibromyalgia #AutonomicDysfunction #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #CrohnsDisease #CerebralPalsy #Addiction #Disability #ADHD

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Note: The following post is written from a Christian perspective. As such, it may not speak to everyone.

In 2018, we lost our house to a fire. It was terrible, but there was a silver lining. Insurance paid for a brand new home on our lot. At the time, I was really struggling with my mental health. But I was positive that a new setting would transform my outlook.

That didn’t happen. I was still depressed and anxious. I didn’t stop suffering from agoraphobia, psychotic panic, nightmares, self hatred, and an overwhelming sense of dread every single morning. Yes, the house was beautiful, but I was miserable.

The thing is, I tried. I took medication and had group and individual therapy. I prayed and listened to worship music. I went to church. I went out with friends, even when it was torture. I wrote gratitude lists. And it seemed to take forever, but things finally turned around. But it was anything but instantaneous.

There are scripture verses and passages that remind me to not let go of the expectation that God WILL hear my cries for help. I’ve developed a stubbornness about seeking Him until I have an answer. And when He doesn’t answer, I still seek Him. And keep seeking Him. It may not happen in my timing, but I absolutely know it must.

When Job lost everything, his wife told him to curse God and die. He refused, saying that he would follow Him in spite of his dreadful circumstances. Job 13:15 says, “Though He slay me, yet will I hope in Him.” Eventually, his life was completely restored.

In Genesis 32:26, an unnamed man wrestled with Jacob all night long. When the man asked to be released at daybreak, Jacob replied, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” God changed Jacob’s name to Israel, because “You have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome.”

In Luke 18, there was a widow who repeatedly asked for help from an unjust judge who freely admitted that he didn’t fear God or care about people. But she wore him down with her persistence, and he finally gave her the justice she sought. Luke 18:7 concludes, “And will not God bring about justice for His chosen ones, who cry out to Him day and night?”

Finally, Matthew 7:7 says, “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.”

Years ago, I decided to build a porch in front of my house. I needed to cut pieces of wood to fit, and all I had was a hand saw. A table saw would have been much faster and cut more cleanly. But I sawed away, even though it seemed to take forever. At some point, I knew that the wood would give way. I just had to keep sawing.

Some people seem to have been given a table saw. They glide effortlessly through life, without the burden of wondering how to survive the day. But those of us laboring with a hand saw can get there, too. The porch was built. We used it every day. It was built because the laws of physics dictated that the wood was ultimately no match for a humble little hand saw that kept going.

If you don’t give up, spiritual laws promise that you will eventually get free of a mental prison that seems inescapable. Tell God that you’re not letting go until He blesses you. The good news is that He delights in healing His children. He heard my cry, and I know He’ll hear yours.

#Bipolar #Depression #GAD # OCD # PTSD

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This Weekend WE are going to practice something special TOGETHER 😄🙌🦋

And then, we will all Keep Doing This VITAL, easy, short practice.

One of the many things I learned from the “Resilience Skills” University online course I took that I keep teaching you about here only in this group is that Resilience Needs Mindfulness.

And, 1 of the first things to learn about Mindfulness is how to practice conscious breathing and why.

Mindfulness conscious breathing exercise to practice daily 3 or 4 times—
In/Out: This is the first practice on Conscious Breathing:

breathe in (a good, deep inhale), and say or think “I know that I am breathing in”,
breathe out (a longer, full exhale), and say or think “I know that I am breathing out”

After a while of practicing this, you can shorten the cue words to saying or thinking simply “In” on the Inhale, and “Out” on the Exhale.

“When we continue to practice like this, something wonderful happens—-we stop the thinking.
This is already a miracle happening because when we think too much, we are not truly ourselves. But this way, our mind and our body becomes aligned/in the same place; instead of our body here but our mind is elsewhere— in the past or in the future.

If we practice breathing in and out with some concentration, we attain what is called the oneness of body and mind.
The body and mind are unified and you begin to be there truly yourself.

When you are not really there, you cannot see things clearly and deeply. You miss everything, everything seems to you not clear, vague.”

Running to the future or going back to the past- you miss life, that is only here in the present moment.

Breathing in and out consciously is how to get back to the present moment.

What you are looking for —joy, inner peace, freedom …is all in the present moment.

If you feel agitated and not solid, vulnerable, breakable — then you practice this in order to get solid again:

Practice sitting in a stable position and practice breathing in and out. Saying “breathing in, I see myself as a mountain, breathing out I feel solid.

From time to time, a very strong emotion overwhelms us. That emotion could be anger or despair or fear. And when we are overwhelmed by a strong emotion we feel very vulnerable, like we may die, But we are more than our emotions. We are more solid than we think. And therefore, practicing being solid like a mountain is very helpful.

Source: Thich Nhat Hahn’s The Art of Mindful Living (read by the great man himself on YouTube — I am always so calmed by his voice even.)

#Mindfulness #MentalHealth #Selfcare #Depression #Anxiety #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #MajorDepressiveDisorder #PersistentDepressiveDisorder #MoodDisorders #PTSD #PTSDSupportAndRecovery #Agoraphobia #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #Trauma #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #AnorexiaNervosa #Addiction #EatingDisorders #Selfharm #SuicidalIdeation #SuicidalThoughts #Grief #Suicide #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #CerebralPalsy #Cancer #MultipleSclerosis #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ADHD #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #PanicAttacks #PanicAttack #ChronicFatigue #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MyCondition #Relationships #FamilyAndFriends #RareDisease #RheumatoidArthritis #Arthritis #CrohnsDisease #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder #Caregiving #SocialAnxiety

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New medication change- feeling nervous

Hi all,
I started a new medication this week. It made me really tired, I slept for like 20 hours in one day, and so I emailed my psychiatrist and she told me to take it at night instead.
I’m worried because it’s a class of medication that I haven’t tried before. It’s a tricyclic, an older anti-depressant. I don’t like to take medication that is sedating (and most meds don’t really sedate me anyways). And it also has more side effects than more commonly prescribed antidepressants (SSRIs and SNRIs), which have not helped in the past.
I don’t have depression symptoms but my anxiety is absolutely a mess from trauma. I have felt very hyper aroused. I have a lot of panic attacks and it’s hard for me to organize myself to perform most daily tasks. It’s hard to explain how paralyzed I feel from my panic and trauma symptoms. I get triggered easily.
So we are trying this. I don’t want to feel super sedated all the time so I am hoping it wears off soon. If it doesn’t, I’ll have to talk to my psychiatrist about something else.
Wish me luck, please! Thank you all!

#CheerMeOn #CheckInWithMe #Agoraphobia #PanicDisorder #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #ChronicVestibularMigraine #Migraine #ADHD

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Changing my Mind

Hello Friends!
I hope you have been well. I have experienced mixed #Emotions which sucks. Do you #rapidcycle at all? I know how #BipolarDisorder can really make things difficult. It does not help me when I have accompanying Anxiety/Panic disorder. #Anxiety and #Agoraphobia are never fun to deal with. I also suffer from #Thanatophobia where I fear the feelings of death, or the anticipation of dealing with another situation that can cause #Grief

I understand that there are many things that are out of our #control but, I am still #Trying my best to handle everything. We do what we can do, and I let God handle the rest.

Sometimes I am #afraid of going to places that I never went to before. I become afraid wondering if I will have some kind of #AnxietyAttack or even a #PanicAttack because of being lost. I also do not like traveling too far from home because it makes me #nervous !

How are you doing??

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Embracing The Beauty of What’s Next - another great lesson from Brene Brown (for help with emotions as this new year begins and for thoughts beyond)

This is about choosing to look forward with hope and curiosity even when the path ahead feels uncertain.

To embrace the future, you must first accept that change is inevitable.

Life is a series of transitions and every ending, no matter how painful, creates space for a new beginning.

It’s easy to focus on what we have lost; to mourn the life we thought we’d have; or the plans that didn’t work out; but by fixating on what’s gone, we miss the opportunities unfolding before us. The beauty of what’s next lies in its potential; it’s the possibility of discovering something you’ve never experienced —- meeting someone who changes your perspective or stepping into a version of yourself you never imagined.

The future is not something to fear; it’s something to be curious about; what lessons are waiting for you; what dreams are yet to be realized; what joy is just around the corner?

Embracing the future requires a shift in mindset. It’s about reframing uncertainty as an adventure rather than a threat; yes, the unknown can be scary, it can make you feel unsteady and vulnerable; but it can also be exhilarating.

The greatest stories in life often come from stepping into the unknown; from daring to take a leap even when you don’t know where you will land.

Think of a time in your life when something unexpected Led to a positive change.

These moments remind us that life often works in ways we don’t understand in the moment, but they lead us to exactly where we need to be.

To embrace the beauty of what’s next, you also need to cultivate trust of yourself, and trust in the process of life.
Trust that you are resilient enough to handle whatever comes your way. Trust that even if things don’t go as planned, they can still turn out beautifully.
And trust that the challenges that you face are shaping you into someone stronger, wiser, and more capable.

It’s important to remember that moving forward doesn’t mean forgetting the past; the past is part of your story; it’s okay to carry it with you; but don’t let it hold you back; use it as a foundation to build upon, not a weight that keeps you anchored in one place.

Embracing the future also means staying open to possibilities— sometimes the beauty of what’s next doesn’t look like what you expected — it may come in the form of an opportunity you didn’t seek, a path you didn’t plan, or a version of happiness you never considered.

Being open means letting go of rigid expectations and allowing life to surprise you.

And finally, embracing the beauty of what’s next is about living fully in the present.

The future isn’t something that exists out there in the distance; it’s something you create moment by moment.
Each decision you make, each step you take, is part of shaping what’s to come.

Here’s to a Happy New Year 🎆🎊 🎉 Together, we will make it Great!

Your friend in this hard thing called life,

#MentalHealth #Anxiety #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #MajorDepressiveDisorder #PersistentDepressiveDisorder #MoodDisorders #Depression #ChronicIllness #Disability #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #EatingDisorders #SocialAnxiety #Agoraphobia #Selfcare #Selfharm #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #PTSD #Trauma #Grief #SuicidalIdeation #SuicidalThoughts #SuicideAttemptSurvivors #Suicide #ChronicPain #Mindfulness #resilience #Fibromyalgia #Migraine #POTS #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ADHD #IfYouFeelHopeless #AutismSpectrumDisorder #CrohnsDisease #Addiction #AnorexiaNervosa #Relationships #Caregiving #FamilyAndFriends

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New here!

Hi everyone,

I’m new to the group and I’m here to learn! I have been struggling with agoraphobia for years but kind of just realized how bad it is lately. I don’t feel safe going out in public by myself - things like getting an oil change or going to the grocery store alone give me a feeling of dread. I’ll avoid these things as much as I possibly can including drive up or delivery for groceries/food. I have little to no social life because I would much rather feel safe at home than make any plans with friends. Any plans I do make I usually end up cancelling bc of the deep feeling of dread and panic I get. I am tired of living like this!! Looking for any tips and advice that might help me navigate these feelings of panic and dread. Wishing you all the best and happy holidays!
