Note: The following post is written from a Christian perspective. As such, it may not speak to everyone.
In 2018, we lost our house to a fire. It was terrible, but there was a silver lining. Insurance paid for a brand new home on our lot. At the time, I was really struggling with my mental health. But I was positive that a new setting would transform my outlook.
That didn’t happen. I was still depressed and anxious. I didn’t stop suffering from agoraphobia, psychotic panic, nightmares, self hatred, and an overwhelming sense of dread every single morning. Yes, the house was beautiful, but I was miserable.
The thing is, I tried. I took medication and had group and individual therapy. I prayed and listened to worship music. I went to church. I went out with friends, even when it was torture. I wrote gratitude lists. And it seemed to take forever, but things finally turned around. But it was anything but instantaneous.
There are scripture verses and passages that remind me to not let go of the expectation that God WILL hear my cries for help. I’ve developed a stubbornness about seeking Him until I have an answer. And when He doesn’t answer, I still seek Him. And keep seeking Him. It may not happen in my timing, but I absolutely know it must.
When Job lost everything, his wife told him to curse God and die. He refused, saying that he would follow Him in spite of his dreadful circumstances. Job 13:15 says, “Though He slay me, yet will I hope in Him.” Eventually, his life was completely restored.
In Genesis 32:26, an unnamed man wrestled with Jacob all night long. When the man asked to be released at daybreak, Jacob replied, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” God changed Jacob’s name to Israel, because “You have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome.”
In Luke 18, there was a widow who repeatedly asked for help from an unjust judge who freely admitted that he didn’t fear God or care about people. But she wore him down with her persistence, and he finally gave her the justice she sought. Luke 18:7 concludes, “And will not God bring about justice for His chosen ones, who cry out to Him day and night?”
Finally, Matthew 7:7 says, “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.”
Years ago, I decided to build a porch in front of my house. I needed to cut pieces of wood to fit, and all I had was a hand saw. A table saw would have been much faster and cut more cleanly. But I sawed away, even though it seemed to take forever. At some point, I knew that the wood would give way. I just had to keep sawing.
Some people seem to have been given a table saw. They glide effortlessly through life, without the burden of wondering how to survive the day. But those of us laboring with a hand saw can get there, too. The porch was built. We used it every day. It was built because the laws of physics dictated that the wood was ultimately no match for a humble little hand saw that kept going.
If you don’t give up, spiritual laws promise that you will eventually get free of a mental prison that seems inescapable. Tell God that you’re not letting go until He blesses you. The good news is that He delights in healing His children. He heard my cry, and I know He’ll hear yours.
#Bipolar #Depression #GAD # OCD # PTSD