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AI "Therapy" Can't Be Actual Therapy

...And it shouldn't be.

In a world where some people would be happy to see everything operated by a computer, it is a reality that not everything can, or even should be.

I've seen a number of stories in the past couple of years about the attempts to create AI therapists. There was even a story discussing an unethical situation that involved a company pairing people with AI therapists, without their knowledge, in order to test their model. The result of this was that, within a few months, everyone paired with an AI therapist ended up leaving their "therapy", purely sensing that something was off about the interactions they were having with, as it turns out, a computer program and not a person.

While there are a whole host of problems with the idea of AI providing therapy, one that will not be able to be overcome is the issue of empathy.

Why is empathy such a deal-breaker?

Empathy arguably plays one of the most important (if not, the most important) role in how people connect. And when I say empathy, I'm not simply referring to empathic comments, such as, "It sounds like you've had a stressful day." One can make empathic comments without them actually coming from a place of empathy. And one can also relay empathy without having to make empathic-sounding comments.

Actual empathy comes from a deeper, often unconscious place within ourselves that can only be experienced between two people, whether or not words are even spoken. This is an important piece -- words are not needed to relay empathy.

Empty Words

Words, without the underlying empathic sentiment, are generally experienced by the other as empty, or void of emotion, and usually will not be able to be taken in or land appropriately, if at all. Imagine a moment in your life where someone has made an empathic sounding comment, but that you felt within yourself was not actually connected to the real emotion, or felt misaligned. In these moments, it can feel uncomfortable, dissonant, or even like you're being manipulated. The feeling is off, it's not a good feeling, it makes people squirm and want to turn away.

While words are, of course, important to some degree, it is the underlying empathy that lays the foundation for the words to land. Empathic communication is often unconscious and unspoken, not only in therapy but also between people in life. Underlying (unspoken) empathy is instrumental in how we hear, how we take in, how we sit with, and how we form a genuine connection with another person.

Empathy is a human phenomenon

With this in mind, it is just not possible for a computer program to relay empathy. Empathy is a phenomenon that is created between two humans interacting in a shared space together. This happens whether in-person or virtually. As long as there are two people interacting in real time, empathy has room to exist. (However, it does not work the same with text or email, which is why people often misinterpret the tone of written communication. The other isn't there to detect the underlying emotion and they end up projecting their own experiences in these moments.).

If you are interacting with another person, some sort of underlying empathy or regard is at play, even if you don't always consciously acknowledge or tune into it. Even if there are no spoken words. If you are attempting to interact with AI and no words are spoken, there is nothing.

Even if AI were to speak to you and use empathic-sounding recordings of human voices, it still cannot create and relay empathy. Why? Because even an empathic human voice recording wouldn't be connecting with you in your subjective space. It cannot create a deeper, unspoken connection with where you are emotionally, mentally, or physiologically. The responses of a recording would be coming from a disconnected place (or it would be coming from a moment of connection with someone else when the recording was created), and that disconnect would be felt, even unconsciously. Even if it were possible to be "fooled" at first, this would erode as the inconsistencies in connectivity and lack of true emotion were to be experienced.

(I should also point out that it's utterly impossible for AI to provide therapy. A great deal of therapy is based on the experience of the shared space between the client and the therapist. AI can't truly have this experience).

Is AI "therapy" more harmful than good?

There is also a greater danger with AI "therapy" which one should consider. If you're attempting to create a connection to a computer program for an emotionally-based experience, there are potentially drastic consequences to your mental health being set up. Empathy is the cornerstone of how one develops emotionally, from infancy and childhood and even through adulthood. This involves not only how your parents (or others) talk to you, but how they feel towards you. When there is little underlying empathy or attunement from parents or caretakers growing up, this opens up a range of potential mental health issues, from anxiety or depression to even more severe issues such as antisocial personality disorder (sociopathy), and others.

If you're engaging in a pseudo-therapy with an AI computer program, the result is more likely to distort (or even mute) your own empathy and your ability to connect with others, as well as to potentially disconnect you internally from yourself. Even with a therapist who speaks less often, there is always an underlying feeling, empathy, regard for you. This silent, yet still highly empathic communication is crucial to not only the developing child in the world from their parents, but also to any human experience, which includes the therapy experience. So even a less talkative therapist can still relay a great deal of empathy.

Finding genuine support

In the end, an AI "therapy" program can make pre-determined comments. It can sound supportive on the surface. It may offer a coping skill. But these are merely algorithmic responses to words, or even possibly a tone or other "markers" that sets off a pre-programmed response. But it cannot truly know or feel you, or understand or "get" you, or be able to have the vast experience of a seasoned therapist who can discern between what someone else may need in a moment, versus what you personally may need that differs in a very similar situation. While empathy is not the only piece to consider in why AI "therapy" should never happen, without the ability to truly have empathy the entire rug is pulled out from under a therapy -- or any relationship for that matter.

#Therapy #MentalHealth #Counseling #Depression #Anxiety

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(excuse the unflattering photo) an update?

[image description: a selfie of jazz posing with a poorly done finger gun pointed at her head as she looks off to the side while sticking out her tongue]

hi everyone!

i ended up opening the app by chance & saw the notifications to replies i never got 😭it was really heartwarming & encouraging to read them all because they were all replies to my piece on BPD. i had taken a break from writing because i felt like i was just annoyingly yapping loudly into the void & thought, “surely someone else who’s way better can write these thoughts”. i was also struggling a lot with surviving—literally. just trying actively not to die from both MIs and physical ones. it was not easy & i’ll write more on that later. but for expect some more pieces soon! i’ve recently had a really bad encounter with someone i thought was okay and safe but they ended up equating BPD to abuse and toxicity. i know that the demonization, misinfo & stigma has always been there. but i feel like as people are learning basic psych, they are picking up & wholeheartedly embracing Cluster B hate. i used to have my own bias that i’ve unlearned—it may not look like it to a lot but nearly a decade of trauma work is a LOT & you come out knowing a lot of stuff you wish you knew early. anyways, i will write more about
#clusterb which includes #BPD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ASPD #AntisocialPersonalityDisorder #npd #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder #HPD #HistrionicPersonalityDisorder because SO many people equate us with inherently being toxic and/or abusive when that is FALSE. so many people don’t know what “Mad Studies” (sub sect of “Crip Studies”/Disability Studies) are nor do they know what “sanism” is. they think fields like Psychology & Psychiatry can’t possibly be affected by bias or the same systemic issues that affect the rest of society. i mean look at the history of why CPTSD was created. again, i’ll cover this more in a piece i will submit soon…which i’m preparing to get hammered by hate 🤡 so here i go off to write my thoughts fueled by spite, trauma & all your support!
all the best
♡ x jazzy

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AI "Therapy" Can't Be Actual Therapy

...And it shouldn't be.

In a world where some people would be happy to see everything operated by a computer, it is a reality that not everything can, or even should be.

I've seen a number of stories in the past couple of years about the attempts to create AI therapists. There was even a story discussing an unethical situation that involved a company pairing people with AI therapists, without their knowledge, in order to test their model. The result of this was that, within a few months, everyone paired with an AI therapist ended up leaving their "therapy", purely sensing that something was off about the interactions they were having with, as it turns out, a computer program and not a person.

While there are a whole host of problems with the idea of AI providing therapy, one that will not be able to be overcome is the issue of empathy.

Why is empathy such a deal-breaker?

Empathy arguably plays one of the most important (if not, the most important) role in how people connect. And when I say empathy, I'm not simply referring to empathic comments, such as, "It sounds like you've had a stressful day." One can make empathic comments without them actually coming from a place of empathy. And one can also relay empathy without having to make empathic-sounding comments.

Actual empathy comes from a deeper, often unconscious place within ourselves that can only be experienced between two people, whether or not words are even spoken. This is an important piece -- words are not needed to relay empathy.

Words, without the underlying empathic sentiment, are generally experienced by the other as empty, or void of emotion, and usually will not be able to be taken in or land appropriately, if at all. Imagine a moment in your life where someone has made an empathic sounding comment, but that you felt within yourself was not actually connected to the real emotion, or felt misaligned. In these moments, it can feel uncomfortable, dissonant, or even like you're being manipulated. The feeling is off, it's not a good feeling, it makes people squirm and want to turn away.

While words are, of course, important to some degree, it is the underlying empathy that lays the foundation for the words to land. Empathic communication is often unconscious and unspoken, not only in therapy but also between people in life. Underlying (unspoken) empathy is instrumental in how we hear, how we take in, how we sit with, and how we form a genuine connection with another person.

With this in mind, it is just not possible for a computer program to relay empathy. Empathy is a phenomenon that is created between two humans interacting in a shared space together. This happens whether in-person or virtually. As long as there are two people interacting in real time, empathy has room to exist. (However, it does not work the same with text or email, which is why people often misinterpret the tone of written communication. The other isn't there to detect the underlying emotion and they end up projecting their own experiences in these moments.).

If you are interacting with another person, some sort of underlying empathy or regard is at play, even if you don't always consciously acknowledge or tune into it. Even if there are no spoken words. If you are attempting to interact with AI and no words are spoken, there is nothing.

Even if AI were to speak to you and use empathic-sounding recordings of human voices, it still cannot create and relay empathy. Why? Because even an empathic human voice recording wouldn't be connecting with you in your subjective space. It cannot create a deeper, unspoken connection with where you are emotionally, mentally, or physiologically. The responses of a recording would be coming from a disconnected place (or it would be coming from a moment of connection with someone else when the recording was created), and that disconnect would be felt, even unconsciously. Even if it were possible to be "fooled" at first, this would erode as the inconsistencies in connectivity and lack of true emotion were to be experienced.

(I should also point out that it's utterly impossible for AI to provide therapy. A great deal of therapy is based on the experience of the shared space between the client and the therapist. AI can't truly have this experience).

Is AI "therapy" more harmful than good?

There is also a greater danger with AI "therapy" which one should consider. If you're attempting to create a connection to a computer program for an emotionally-based experience, there are potentially drastic consequences to your mental health being set up. Empathy is the cornerstone of how one develops emotionally, from infancy and childhood and even through adulthood. This involves not only how your parents (or others) talk to you, but how they feel towards you. When there is little underlying empathy or attunement from parents or caretakers growing up, this opens up a range of potential mental health issues, from anxiety or depression to even more severe issues such as antisocial personality disorder (sociopathy), and others.

If you're engaging in a pseudo-therapy with an AI computer program, the result is more likely to distort (or even mute) your own empathy and your ability to connect with others, as well as to potentially disconnect you internally from yourself. Even with a therapist who speaks less often, there is always an underlying feeling, empathy, regard for you. This silent, yet still highly empathic communication is crucial to not only the developing child in the world from their parents, but also to any human experience, which includes the therapy experience. So even a less talkative therapist can still relay a great deal of empathy.

In the end, an AI "therapy" program can make pre-determined comments. It can sound supportive on the surface. It may offer a coping skill. But these are merely algorithmic responses to words, or even possibly a tone or other "markers" that sets off a pre-programmed response. But it cannot truly know or feel you, or understand or "get" you, or be able to have the vast experience of a seasoned therapist who can discern between what someone else may need in a moment, versus what you personally may need that differs in a very similar situation. While empathy is not the only piece to consider in why AI "therapy" should never happen, without the ability to truly have empathy the entire rug is pulled out from under a therapy -- or any relationship for that matter.

#Therapy #AItherapy #MentalHealth #Empathy

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Like I went to sleep n I’m now waking up

I lost my daughter baby in 98 it’s like my mind went to sleep I don’t rember the things I did or said n now I’m waking up 23 yrs later still felling 17 and I have a 13 yr old it’s like my mind pressed pause but the world didn’t I can relate to a lot of actions from dpd to did to bortndlie personally disorder to ect but not all of each one just a few from each one I’m just trying to understand

#BPD #disassociate #AntisocialPersonalityDisorder

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What type of sadist is a malignant narcissist?

Malignant narcissism isn’t an officially recognized term (I’ve been told it is in the DSM-V after all). The same goes for sadistic personality disorder is no longer recognized in the DSM. There is a general understanding though as to what malignant narcissism would be defined as among some professionals. It is not by any means universally recognized.

Malignant narcissists are pathologically grandiose and have egosyntonic aggression. They lack conscience and have a psychological need for power. They cannot take criticism as it triggers off their paranoia. In Kremberg’s hierarchy the only thing that trumped malignant narcissism was psychopathy as a more severe form of narcissism.

The thing that distinguishes malignant narcissism from regular narcissism is the comorbidity making the disorder a broader range of symptoms than the pathology. Where a regular narcissist will damage other people for self-interests, they may regret or show remorse for doing so.

Malignant narcissists have a more pervasive lack of empathy due to the ASPD characteristics. They will lack feelings of guilt and remorse for the damage they cause and because of the sadism they actually derive pleasure from hurting others.

Well, if we were going off of the idea of Malignant narcissism being combination of Narcissist with traits of sadistic personality disorder, paranoid personality disorder, as well as antisocial personality disorder then sadism can be broken down into a few different kinds.

Spinless sadism which is an avoidant style. Insecure, cowardly, cruelty, and weakness

Tyrannical sadism which has negativistic features. They relish in the menacing and brutalizing of others, forcing them to cower and submit verbally cutting and scathing, accusatory and destructive, abusive inhumane and unmerciful.

Enforcing sadism which includes compulsive features - hostility in the public interests, cops, bossy supervisors, deans, judges, they possess the fight to be pitiless, merciless, course, and barbarous with the task of control and punishment.

Explosive sadism which includes borderline features - unpredictable outbursts of fury, uncontrollable rage and fearsome attacks, feelings of humiliation are pent up and discharged.

There is nothing saying that a malignant narcissist wouldn’t have elements from any one of these categories or even all of them at various times.

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