I know it looks like it's no deal compared to places where COVID is raging like India and the US, but if you think abt it proportionally, that's like things worsening 4-fold within a week ... dammit.
But also, okay it's supposed to be Phase 2, Heightened Alert, but whatever. By now it's just Phase Palm (geddit .. my sister's friend came up with this I think. Thought it was pretty apt. & smart)
I know this escalates quickly from my previous post (hah) but ... I didn't expect to be hit by cabin fever this quickly, and this much. I don't know how to describe it but so Monday I had a Zoom meeting (team conversations, which was helpful even though part of it included my bosses dumping me a new assignment hurhur) then I got out of the hse for MH outpatient. That was a good couple of hrs. :-)
Today I sat in the study, with my cuppa (I even used my Keepcup ok, just to simulate office vibes) and ... barely wrote a paragraph of social ads copy (contrast: I can usually do this in like, half a day)
Tonight (its past midnight now, my timezone) I've also gone back to slathering myself (slight exaggeration but I really was quite generous with it 😂) with Badger Balm - it's a sleepy time balm, and great. But I haven't used it on a while now, maybe 3 to 4 months. 🙃
This stupid pandemic is a global war - and likewise this platform has a global community (🙌🏻) -- so this is a shoutout especially to those who've had to endure strict/long durations (here's looking to the people in Melbourne/France/Germany/Malaysia/UK ... among others, but these are the places that come to mind when I think of long/strict/repeated isolation measures) -- HELP A FELLOW HUMAN HERE: how did you cope with lockdown and how strictly did you stay indoors and how did you curb cabin fever ..
I mean, for now my personal baseline is the same as it was a year ago-- I will still maintain that I wanna go out to buy lunch and go out to supermarket to buy groceries, opposed to delivery. I usually order on my delivery apps, indicate the pick up option, then head to pick up my lunch. Pick up discount + no delivery fee + sun = win!
But ok I won't say it's Terrible, but the difference is real 🙃 It's a general sense of lethargy & malaise ... ._.
#CheckInWithMe #MentalHealth #cabinfever #COVID19 #Anxiety #CheerMeOn #DistractMe