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I feel so defeated. I lost my job in the middle of May and have been busy applying for new positions as well as unemployment.
I’ve been using indeed with mixed results and decided to try zip recruiter. I’m 100% not impressed and upset. Although I set my location which the app asked for it’s been sending me jobs from outside my location preferences. I went on an interview before I left on vacation and upon returning was offered the opportunity. I had to turn it down due to not being able to reliably get myself to work due to not having a car. I rely on public transportation. I’ve been beating myself up for not tripping checking the cities these positions are in before applying. I’ve been feeling very low for a while now and feel like I will now never find a position…this is only making me anxious and a real trigger for my depression. I’ve also been stressed due to the loss of my cat which I lost 2 months ago, he was young and it was a fluke that he died but it still hurts. I honestly wish I was brave enough to just go through with my thoughts and take my life because clearly I don’t have a purpose or reason for continuing and I just wanna be reunited with my baby.

#CheckInWithMe #SuicidalIdeation #SuicidalThoughts #Suicide #MentalHealth #Anxiety #MajorDepressiveDisorder

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What’s your favorite way to turn a bad day around?

Bad days are inevitable — and sometimes we experience a ton of them in a row (heck, sometimes even month- or year-long stretches). A lot of the time though, we all develop shortcuts and pick-me-ups that help to soothe the burn that accompanies dark times. Gotta do what we can to preserve our mindset and overall ability to cope!

What are the small or big ways you try and make lemonade out of bitter citrus? Is there a particular person you visit or call? A sweet or salty treat that always perks you up? Maybe you’re a fan of trying a new park with your dog or rereading a book with an ending you know (and love)?

Who knows, maybe you can turn someone’s day around with your suggestions below. ⬇️

#MightyMinute #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Disability #CheckInWithMe #CheerMeOn #ADHD #Autism

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I used to post a lot on here and I’ve been pretty quiet lately. I have had a lot of things happen recently that made my life feel a lot more stable and I hope they continue.

I’m seeing a really good trauma-informed therapist who does IFS and EMDR. I have a new psychiatrist who listens, believes me, and is very supportive. We are trying new combinations of medications to help me manage my symptoms. I am starting art therapy. I also go to an art center where I attend groups, which helps me feel social and helps me occupy my time in a healthy way. I am being seen for ovarian cysts which randomly happen. I have a neurologist appointment in October. I also am being tested for POTS in a month and a half; which I never even thought to bring up, especially when I couldn’t get my basic needs met for years. I even have a dentist appointment!

Things are finally starting to get on a track but, of course, I’m still terrified I will end up without support again. Last night, I had a really vivid nightmare I was homeless again last night and that I was trying to get help but no one would help me get connected to resources or support.

I’m hoping things continue to trend upwards and I continue to feel safe and remain in a place where I am supported.

Thanks for reading ❤️

#ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #Migraine #PanicDisorder #Agoraphobia #MentalHealth #CheckInWithMe

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Welp that was fun

I was talking with my mom this morning about my therapy appointment tomorrow. She asked if I was going to do anything special this week. I explained how I sent my therapist some journal prompts and the answers.. she asked what kind and I explained that I'm doing shadow work and healing my inner child. That set her off about how I had a great childhood and nobody ever mistreated me. I knew that was the end of my conversation so I said I would talk to her later and I hung up. She texted me some very angry words.

But then I started thinking about my childhood. And my girlfriend asked why I was upset so I told her a little about what my dad did when I was younger. And that triggered my PTSD flashbacks. It didn't last long, just enough to piss me off.

My dad was a mean man with lots of friends. Nobody knew he was beating me. My sister's would run screaming to their room when he hit me. But they don't remember it.

But now I'm trying to process it and get on with my day. Cuz thinking about it isn't healthy.

#PTSD #Flashbacks #MentalHealth #CheckInWithMe

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The hits keep on coming

My bank is taking money out of my account cuz it's below the minimum balance. This morning I had 30 bucks. Then I had my laundry done which costs 25. Somehow now I'm 16 in the hole. I get paid on the 28th, sometimes the 26th. I just gotta hold on.

And I've still got a bad migraine. I took a sumatriptan and a Motrin 800. It didn't help. My ex girlfriend put some CBD cream on my neck but that didn't help either. The pain started in my jaw. I gotta talk to my doctor about my TMJ.

I thought today was Thursday so I got ready for therapy and at 1210 I was like gosh he's late and I looked at the date on my phone and was just like well damn.


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Pay yourself a compliment today.

You know what always cheers us up in the middle of week? Saying something kind to ourselves — which can be especially important if our inner voices have been critical lately.

Need some inspiration? Below are some compliments you can choose from. If none of them resonate, share your own pick-me-ups in the comments instead!

❤️ “You are brave. You are calm strong.”
🧡 “I’m so proud of how far you’ve come.”
💛 “You look lovely today.”
💚 “You made the right decision.”
💙 “You are such an encouragement to everyone around you.”
💖 “You always know how to find the light in the dark.”
💜 “You did it — even when it felt impossible!”

#MightyMinute #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Disability #CheckInWithMe #CheerMeOn #ADHD #Autism #Caregiving #Grief

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Nothing everything it doesn't matter

For some reason I'm in a very foul mood. Everything is setting me off. My ex girlfriend bugged me for 2 hours about bullshit I didn't want to deal with today. I changed my sheets on my bed which means the 100 things that were on my bed are now on my windowsill, on dressers and sticking out of drawers. And guess what... The new sheet doesn't fit. We're bagging up laundry and she wants to send my winter clothes but the laundry bag is full and I don't have enough money for another bag. She just piled stuff on top of the bag. Despite how I was feeling I was gonna make dinner but then a tote fell and spilled stuff on the floor and I lost it. She came in and asked what she could do to help me. I asked her to wash bowls for dinner so she did. Then I made 2 bowls of cheesy scrambled eggs. I made myself 2 slices of buttered toast with nooch. It was yummy. I still feel on edge and angry but nothing in particular set me off. I hope tomorrow is better.

#MentalHealth #CheckInWithMe

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Morning Accountability Post 7/23/24

You have a choice to post in the comments:

*Morning blood sugar numbers
*Your wins and/or challenges
*Ask questions

Managing diabetes will be different for each of us, so keep postings and responses respectful and nonjudgmental. We are not healthcare professionals; therefore, always seek medical clearance before making changes to your treatment.

#Diabetes #DiabetesType1 #DiabetesType2 #lada #mody #ChronicIllness #CheckInWithMe #MightyTogether

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